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Women and children first.

Prince Myshkin

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With the current cruise disaster, and the suggestions of unruly departures to safety, what are your views on the notion of women and children being first to the lifeboats? Do you feel gender equality should reach as far as this, in that women should not be granted special treatment? Or do you feel that, even with no worries of population problems women and children should be saved first as they have the greater chance for pro-creation?



I'll be back in a few hours to share my thoughts.

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Is this rule still in effect?

I didn't realise xD

well if it is, I spose they have to find some sort of order within the chaos


I think there would be more of an outrage if it where thin people first, fat people last.

as mathematically that would make more sense as you could fit more thin people on a boat

but of course that's not ethical or morally correct or whatever it's called.


Personally I think mothers or fathers with young children should be given priority as obviously the young child/baby isn't going to survive very well on it's own and it would have a pretty miserable existence if both it's parents die.


But then after that.... form an orderly queue and don't panic I suppose?


or just leave everyone with a penis to die, fuck y'all

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We don't live in the Titanic days anymore, so women and children first completely outdated. Just because I have a penis that means I've less chance surviving a disaster like this? Come on. Lets focus on getting as much people in safety than sorting them in gender related groups. :smug:

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I think it probably is outdated in some sense. I think the children aspect should still be in effect in that children should always be saved first. But in the end I guess it doesn't fully make sense why based on gender people should have more or less chance of surviving.


On a similar note it's like if the draft was reinstated. I think that everyone should be made eligible, because it doesn't seem very fair that just based on gender that some people are exempt especially since a lot of people want more equality.

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There is the argument which has been mentioned that women (generally) take up less room than men and thus you can theoretically fit more in to a lifeboat. Then there is the argument that those left on the ship should be the stronger as they can perform tasks such as pumping water out of the ship or assisting others out of danger and this would generally be the men. It is also seen as vital to first assist those who are vulnerable, something which I agree with. This would include children, the elderly and the disabled, regardless of the amount of life they have left, since they stand less of a chance of survival on their own.


You do need some order and there isn't time to make a decision based on everybody's individual worth to society so as a basic theory I think that children and those who cannot look after themselves is a worthy model of which to work from in times of distress and fast action. Women and children has never been a rule as such, as far as I am aware, but it tends to be adhered to anyway.


As for not living in Titanic days, it is possible to be in a situation where help is not at hand and large loss of lives is imminent, so such a tragedy may one day be faced again on a large scale, unfortunately, though the chance of it happening are much less than in the past due to technological advancements. Negligence is not something to be discounted, however.

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There is the argument which has been mentioned that women (generally) take up less room than men and thus you can theoretically fit more in to a lifeboat. Then there is the argument that those left on the ship should be the stronger as they can perform tasks such as pumping water out of the ship or assisting others out of danger and this would generally be the men. It is also seen as vital to first assist those who are vulnerable, something which I agree with. This would include children, the elderly and the disabled, regardless of the amount of life they have left, since they stand less of a chance of survival on their own.


You do need some order and there isn't time to make a decision based on everybody's individual worth to society so as a basic theory I think that children and those who cannot look after themselves is a worthy model of which to work from in times of distress and fast action. Women and children has never been a rule as such, as far as I am aware, but it tends to be adhered to anyway.


As for not living in Titanic days, it is possible to be in a situation where help is not at hand and large loss of lives is imminent, so such a tragedy may one day be faced again on a large scale, unfortunately, though the chance of it happening are much less than in the past due to technological advancements. Negligence is not something to be discounted, however.


Those are good points as to why. I mean if you're trying to help either save the ship or buy more time to save people it makes sense the strongest should be around to help since they'd be more able


And congrats Nick. I was waiting for someone. Can't believe it wasn't Mike.


haha! I didn't even think about it. If I did I would've posted it :P

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