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I had no idea how much I use Wikipedia


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Whether or not schools allow it as an official source, it is nonetheless a pretty good reference tool and jumping off point, and offers a discussion over any differences of opinion between authors, so I don't see why not.

..And call tomorrow to communicate with your beloved Senator or Representative, if you favor saving the open internet and all the smaller sites within it. ;) Operators at the capitol switchboard are standing by!

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Of course a school wouldn't let you reference "Wikipedia" but Wiki has many reference points on their articles you can go to, online or otherwise, or going to the webpage its referencing from and find what books/articles it used for its information (Because again referencing a web page is pretty sloppy as it can be manipulated).


Plus wiki is also good for getting a broad overview, and getting your mind straight if you find yourself delving into one part of your essay too much and forget the grand scheme.

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