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Valentines Day The Verdict


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It’s strange how one day can completely divide people, are you approaching February 14th with eager anticipation at the surprises your loved one will bestow upon you? Or are you adopting a position of stony indifference? Maybe neither. I know people who are quite happy to spend Valentine’s Day unconcernedly in the company of their friends and I know couples who are dreading this ritual ‘tastes of others’ celebration where they will be forced to be thoughtful and generous all at once, and so soon after Christmas!


Enough sitting on the fence I say! We should all equally embrace the day (significant other or not) or else shun it and never mention it again.


SO which side of the fence are you on when it comes to Valentines Day?????



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I like Valentine's Day. But then again, I'm married, so it makes sense that I would like it. Even though I deep down feel it's a holiday that greeting card companies created just to get some serious profits, it's still fun. There is so much uproar with this holiday, it cracks me up. I say enjoy it, it's the one day of the year where eating massive amounts of chocolate is completely normal! It doesn't get much better than that. :laugh3::heart:

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Valentine's Day for my part this is only for people in couples, people married or extramarital and those with girlfriends/boyfriends this is not a celebration of friendship but is to solidify the love between couples.


I have no boyfriend like every year I feel more empty than others days,

I wanted to go to the bar pub of singles there music and dance floor. (but strange place) old people but too people who love to drink, but it's the Swiss. and men spend their time for not found partners but more Flirting in this place. :shrug:




and I'll settle for a box of chocolats.

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I'm a bit indifferent about Valentine's Day now. If my dude wishes me a "Happy Valentine's Day", that's more than enough for me.


Working in a jewelry store for a few years and having to work long hours because of all the last-minute shoppers kind of wore out the ambiance for me.


And I don't really like getting flowers. Because if I get a whole bunch of flowers, that means in a short amount of time I'm going to have to look at a whole bunch of stinky death. That's depressing. If you want to get me flowers that much, just give me one; that way I will only have to look at a little bit of death when it withers up.

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I got dumped on Valentine's Day two years ago


Those are my thoughts

auch remind me of Weezer.

i knew a couple that break up a week before that day on purpose to avoid buying each other a gift and they both seemed happy with that though.


I'll be all day in school so why bother?

thankfully i could choose to take my exams 2 weeks ago, but since next semester starts next week and i got the books today, i'll have fun reading about literature and politics and the such.

how are your studies going?


I wrote a fake letter from Benedict to my best friend, curious to her reaction actually :lol:

omg, so bad!!!! feed us back on your friend reaction. :P


well in all honesty be a commercial day or not, who doesn't like to get an unexpected surprise and have a good time at random? (though i much prefer Catalunya's tradition the book day, of gift exchange a book and a rose. :nice: sadly i never had the chance to experience that)

for instance i almost jump around every time i find a postcrossing postcard on my mail box. :P

but surely as i said i'll spend the day studying in advance for the next semester while probably listening to HIM's Screamworks since the album was released on St Valentine's day 2 years ago or Ryan Adams.

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I like Valentine's Day. But then again, I'm married, so it makes sense that I would like it.


Not my logic. I don't like Valentine's Day and I still wouldn't like it if I was married.


And I don't really like getting flowers. Because if I get a whole bunch of flowers, that means in a short amount of time I'm going to have to look at a whole bunch of stinky death. That's depressing. If you want to get me flowers that much, just give me one; that way I will only have to look at a little bit of death when it withers up.




I hate getting flowers, they look like shit within a week. Plants rule! When I moved to Rotterdam in 1998 everybody (friends+family) gave me plants and I still have some of them.

14 years > 1 week

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This is the first time I'm not single on Valentines day. I went on an early valentines date with my boyfriend last night (because we had tickets to a gig)

I loved the night, but it possibly would have been the exact same even if it wasn't Valentines day.

It did however, give me an excuse to buy him a gift :wacko: He always pays for everything, so being able to buy him something was awesome.


It wasn't even a typical Valentines gift, :laugh3: I bought him the Sherlock boxset.



As for actually valentines day tomorrow, he's sick at the moment and I only have an hour off for lunch. If we just meet up for a few moments and I get a hug off him, then I'll be happy ....but then again, would be the exact same any other Tuesday :shrug:

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thankfully i could choose to take my exams 2 weeks ago, but since next semester starts next week and i got the books today, i'll have fun reading about literature and politics and the such.

how are your studies going?


I'm not complaining. How's your poetry?


OOOHHHH y'all should send zombie e-cards






That one is creepy x_x

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