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Coldplay room decor ideas to make?


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i really want something Coldplay related in my bedroom, but as i'm a broke teenager without a credit card, i'd have to make it myself :P


i've seen that Coldplayers seem to have all kinds of cool stuff and ideas, so I was wondering if anyone had any to share with me.


i was thinking to make a big Left Right Left Right Left/Paradise butterfly out of tissue paper or something. yay or nay?


opinions, ideas, etc welcome. thanks :D

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Find a picture of Chris Martin's penis on the internet and frame it


I don't know if this counts, but a girl on the forum sent me some naked pictures of Gwyneth Paltrow, I can send them to you along with some good print shops if you want.

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I don't know if this counts, but a girl on the forum sent me some naked pictures of Gwyneth Paltrow, I can send them to you along with some good print shops if you want.


Dee you liar. I did not send you anything. I told you that Gwenyth and Brad Pitt have naked photos together and you googled it and found them yourself.


I wash my hands with this.

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Dee you liar. I did not send you anything. I told you that Gwenyth and Brad Pitt have naked photos together and you googled it and found them yourself.


I wash my hands with this.


oh god i just saw brad pitt's penis



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It is true that Gwenyth did some nude photos and was topless in a movie, but is not for your Coldplay art work.

You can get some watercolor paper and some watercolors, cheap ones will work for this.

Make the watercolor paper wet, and paint watercolors across the paper. The colors will run different directions and blend. Make sure it is completely dry. Do several of these as an experiment, and see which ones you like. You can also scan these paintings with increased saturation (like in photoshop) to make the colors super bright.


Next you can draw or paste whatever you want on them such as Coldplay photos, logos, etc or draw something or write something.


If you have photoshop you can draw or type words on it and put Coldplay photos which are in photoshop in Layers.

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