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women's day


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Today for me was war against the feminists women but much more for women's rights and freedom of expression for the women. and rights to tomboys no feminine


I received money (economy heating and electricity).

and I have been eating here alone in this luxury. I am not ease in this place sur not for go in these places but so good food.


where nababs tourists and place for people very rich.

but hey they are thought that I was fortunate then the small care comfortable with me. lol


the problem until Swiss businessmen, came to next to my table. bored me and talking about politics and war. and criticize the poors, and the greek.


possible peace and love in a world of peace between men and women . equality law.

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I don't like the way they have these days for races and sexes. It greatens the devide between sexes/races. So today is womens day. That infers that every day is men's day. C'mon....Can't every day be for every race, whether they be male or female? If you want things to be equal, don't treat one group special. Women don't need their own day because they deserve better. Every day belongs to everyone.

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oh man we had an assembly for this today and i didn't know about and i came for my class cause i have a first period spare and the door to the class was like closed and the bells never rang and i had no idea what was going on and i panicked so much :|

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I failed the women day :disappointed:


I didn't know it was women day. My man asked me to cook him some nice food and get him some beers. Then female colleagues came by to ask if I wanted to join them going for a drink to celebrate (I had no idea what, they didn't say). I declined because I said I would cook for my man and hand him some beers. Later on he said the girls went for drink to celebrate International Women's Day and that he didn't know how to make up with me for that and that he didn't buy flowers because he knows I don't like that anyway so he came with nothing. I made him dinner and gave him some beers.... I think that was not what the day was supposed to be like :blank:


Whatever, if women can do what they want, they can also cook for their man every day if that's what they want :angry:

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