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Coldplaying matchmaking thread


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Actually, there's a guy at my college who looks enough like him. He's a tenor, and when I saw him in a choir concert a little over a week ago, his mannerisms while singing reminded me very much of the 11th Doctor. :blush:


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You know out of experience? :surprised:


Well I have a friend who does....24/7 she constantly complains about being single....she's also extremely tall and one of her requirements is that her boyfriend must be taller :facepalm:


And it's just common sense to me because you're limiting the amount of people who you want to see and one guy who would be the perfect match for you might not have one quality your looking for, but might have a different one you might've not even thought of looking for....but then again this is the internet so people and lie and hide behind a mask :blank:

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I mean if you're not physically attracted to someone it's not going to work. And you're not going to be drawn to them, anyway. That's why it's important: Like the bait.


Like if you're in a crowded place you'd be like "omg she's pretty" and go up to her. Not like "omg she's ugly her mannerisms must be awesome"


The "personality" stuff comes later. Sounds harsh but it's totally true. And it's true for girls AND guys.

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I mean if you're not physically attracted to someone it's not going to work. And you're not going to be drawn to them, anyway. That's why it's important: Like the bait.


Like if you're in a crowded place you'd be like "omg she's pretty" and go up to her. Not like "omg she's ugly her mannerisms must be awesome"


The "personality" stuff comes later. Sounds harsh but it's totally true. And it's true for girls AND guys.



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Well I have a friend who does....24/7 she constantly complains about being single....she's also extremely tall and one of her requirements is that her boyfriend must be taller :facepalm:


Being a taller woman myself (I'm 5'8". The average height for a woman in my age range is 5'4".), I can relate to that. I'm not going to be bothered if he's a little bit shorter than I am, but having to look down on your boyfriend is awkward. It is for me, anyway. We each have preferences, and there's nothing wrong with that.


I mean if you're not physically attracted to someone it's not going to work. And you're not going to be drawn to them, anyway. That's why it's important: Like the bait.


Like if you're in a crowded place you'd be like "omg she's pretty" and go up to her. Not like "omg she's ugly her mannerisms must be awesome"


The "personality" stuff comes later. Sounds harsh but it's totally true. And it's true for girls AND guys.



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I mean if you're not physically attracted to someone it's not going to work. And you're not going to be drawn to them, anyway. That's why it's important: Like the bait.


Like if you're in a crowded place you'd be like "omg she's pretty" and go up to her. Not like "omg she's ugly her mannerisms must be awesome"


The "personality" stuff comes later. Sounds harsh but it's totally true. And it's true for girls AND guys.


I agree

but nobody was talking about that Brent :uhoh:

why are you mentioning it

because I made a joke thread about dating people online?

Even if it was serious

I would obviously still need to know how the person on the other side looks like :uhoh2:

Even if I would never meet them

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