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Why do I ALWAYS lose my wallet, keys and/or phone before I need them really badly?


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Kidding :disappointed:

Well I wasn't kidding but



Sorry Brent, I always misplace stuff too. It's so annoying because often they were right in front of me but I didn't really have my full attention on it.

Try looking in places where you know it should be and place your attention more on that, rather than overlooking it

Aside from that, I can't say much because I don't live in your house :uhoh:

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I hate to rub salt in but yeah, you sound stupid.


I used to have a housemate who would consistently lose his wallet, keys or phone, which was so fucking annoying as he'd need a lend of money, or couldn't get in the house and would be calling you to come home, or using your phone to ring other people.


Once I got a call from a random number, it was him calling to say that he lost his keys and needs to get in the house, as he left his wallet inside the night before by accident, and he's calling from another number because he lost his phone. What a fucking retard. I couldn't stop laughing with rage.


In the space of only one year he went through 4 phones (He buys really cheap ones because he knows he's fucking stupid), a few wallets and 3 house keys (Which was great knowing the keys to my house were just laying all over the fucking town), do you sound that bad?


Surely you can't be THAT bad?

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Well when I'm in my own apartment I don't have a problem with it. But when I come to my parent's house is when I lose it because I don't have a specific spot for it.


I'm looking and it's DRIVING ME NUTS


And no, Reilly, I'm not THAT bad. He sounds like a full-on moron: I just have a twinge of cognitive retardation :disappointed:

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I've never put my wallet on the back pocket. I put mine in my side pocket, it looks bulky and weird as if I have a huge lump on my thigh but at least it is much safer.




Rudy, you're a pillar of common sense.


If Reilly ever walks past me I'm going to steal his wallet.

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Brent have you tried looking in your jeans back right pocket? I find mine there like ALL THE TIME


Ugh yeah I checked there like 5 times.


ooh, you just made Brent touch his buttocks *giggle*


Make him do other stuff!


I hate when Reilly makes me touch myself : (


Brent I sometimes keep my wallet in my crotch area, thoroughly check there.




tee hee :blush:


Keep talkin'




Rudy made me wetttt

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That's a stupid place to put it. How have you not had it stolen yet?




99% of the time I'm not in a crowded area or unsafe place so it's not necessary to worry about that, but if I am in that circumstance, get this- I simply move the wallet, stay with me here, FROM the exposed back pocket, TO the inside jacket pocket, and zip up.


I life so well. :smug2:

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99% of the time I'm not in a crowded area or unsafe place so it's not necessary to worry about that, but if I am in that circumstance, get this- I simply move the wallet, stay with me here, FROM the exposed back pocket, TO the inside jacket pocket, and zip up.


I life so well. :smug2:


That's a nice little routine, I'd love to see you do it sometime......



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