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this is so wrong


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At first I couldn't believe it. I laughed. And then I thought, this is wrong on so many levels. Are companies so desparate to make a buck, that they would resort to this?



So my mother-in-law gave my husband an Easter basket (yes we're still little kids at heart). One of the items was a plastic egg with Starburst jelly beans inside; one egg for him, one egg for me. He ate his the other day. Yesterday I was going to have mine. I have this habbit of looking at expiration dates before I eat stuff; and I treat "best by" dates the same as expiration dates. I looked on the plastic wrap outside the egg, and the best by date was January 2013; good. I open the egg, which has a little bag with the jelly beans inside; but before I open it, I noticed that the best by date on the bag was seven years before the other one. 7 YEARS. So, the company kept old bags that they didn't sell years ago and stuffed them into eggs this year and was like "oh okay since we packaged the eggs this year we can change the expiration date to 2013." What the...??!!!??


It will be hard to find any more at the store since all the Easter candy has been discounted and likely sold out, but I might try to find another one to see if this isn't just an isolated case. If it's not just this one... what should I do? Contact the company? Contact those crazy news investigators to "expose" the company? Just keep laughing about it and shake my head? Whatever the case... this is just plain wrong.





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Contact the company?


Yes. You're likely to receive a goody bag when you contact the company and goody bags are awesome :nice:


Contact those crazy news investigators to "expose" the company?


Yes. Just for the fun of it :lol:

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LOL wow that is sneaky of them. It might have been a one off, but just in case you should probably complain about it.

I don't really know where you should start but probably do what this website says and call the company complaints (if you can find one) http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Consumerrights/Howtocomplainaboutgoodsandservices/DG_196096


Over in Britain we have Trading Standards or something along those lines which is the place to complain about a company. I'm not sure if the US has the same version or not.

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Well I would only contact the company and write them a neatly worded RAGE RANT, about how freaking disgusting is this, and why the hell are they selling shit to their costumers and stuff like that.


If you care to contact some TV News people, do it, I would be just too lazy to do so :P

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This is indeed plain wrong and shameful.



Contact the company? Contact those crazy news investigators to "expose" the company? Just keep laughing about it and shake my head?


I don't know a lot on this kind of thing, but is there something like getting the company to actually do something and at the same time not risk people's jobs (I think taking the second option may represent some threat to their employees)? Because it'd be nice to get a basket with their products and a letter of appology, but I don't know if this is a guarantee that they won't do something of that sort again.


I don't know what I do myself, I just feel it is so outrageous.

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I don't think it's a "sneaky" act where the company has deliberately done this to try and get rid of their old unused stock. I think that hypothesis is incredibly unlikely - especially from a (presumably?) well known and large distributor. Creating a policy that does that would be an instant death to business.


I'd wager on it being a mistake, one of those one in a thousand things. By all means call them up and complain - you have the right to and you'll probably get free easter eggs.

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I don't think it's a "sneaky" act where the company has deliberately done this to try and get rid of their old unused stock. I think that hypothesis is incredibly unlikely - especially from a (presumably?) well known and large distributor.


This, there's no way a large company sees things in that manner, saving a few cents by trying to get away with packing unused stock in easter eggs. For them to see any sort of return by doing something so underhanded, would mean to try and do it on a widespread scale, which of course would mean there's a great chance of being caught out doing so. The risk/reward ratio doesn't quite add up.

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On second thought, what Kiame and Reilly said sounds very reasonable.


Though prioritizing their own business over consumer's health is questionable (yes, that's how business work, but still), I hope that is an isolated case, as both said.

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What I want to know is why a company would keep stock which is so terribly out of date.

I.d presume their stock is kept in boxes so maybe it was just one stray box of them which was used.

Maybe their factories arent very well organised. Which is still quite worrying.

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If there's a Consumers' Line or any organisation that deals with consumers' rights and stuff, then by all means call them to give a heads up about the situation. I don't think the company's done it deliberately but the people who bought the product should know what's happened. There might be a case similar to yours.

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