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Heading to london...


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Hampstead Heath is great. Lovely view of the city, and you can relax and have a picnic or fly a kite or whatever.


I liked taking a boat tour on the Thames. Our tour guide happened to be hilariously snarky, which was a treat.


Ride the tube here there and everywhere and intentionally get "lost". Find your way back.


I know this sounds weird, but there's a really cool cemetery there (forgot what it's called :bomb:).


Of course there's the standard stuff like Big Ben, Parliament (?), London Eye, blah blah blah. I didn't go on the London Eye though, it seemed a bit pricy for going in a circle.


If you want to do some shopping, head to Oxford Street, etc. The stairway in the Esprit store is really cool, each step is a different color it's so cool walking up and down. (Or was it the Benetton store? I don't remember.)

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When are you going? After the Olympics I hope... :uhoh:


I love London but I wouldn't go there during Olympics, even if you paid me.



I only wish i wasnt going when I am, but family members REALLY wanted to go to the Olympics, so we are there around August 1st. :(

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I know this sounds weird, but there's a really cool cemetery there (forgot what it's called :bomb:).


Highgate Cemetery


If you want to do some shopping, head to Oxford Street, etc. The stairway in the Esprit store is really cool, each step is a different color it's so cool walking up and down. (Or was it the Benetton store? I don't remember.)




Go to Brick Lane and Portobello Market, walk around in Regent's Park, Hampstead Heath is lovely, there are some nice shops in the area of Covent Garden (go to Neal Street if you have a shoe addiction) and the area between Regent Street/Oxford Street/Charing Cross Road/Shaftesbury Avenue has nice smaller shops. If you like museums go to The British Museum, V&A Museum (they have one of Chris' VLV costumes on display) or the National History Museum.

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I was in London for a very short time (4days). But my absolute top was Saturday morning on Portobello Market, you can literally buy ANYTHING. And even though London Eye is 20pounds, I just loved it. I went on my own, put "Parachutes" on my iPod and enjoyed London from above with the sound of Coldplay. :) Tube is fun, but I do recommend buses. It takes longer but you see much more. Also I loved just walking around, getting lost and finding my way back.

And if you plan to shop, definitely Oxford Street, I didn't even get to see it all. Loooots of shops. :)


And of course if you like Coldplay, visit their HQ. You said you'll be there in August, maybe they won't be there but its nice to see where the magic happens. I was there when they were in US, but it was nice to see where it all happens. :)

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Primark :nod:

unless you have it in the US, maybe ? :thinking:


I don't really get why all the tourists go there. Yeah it's cheap but everything breaks after a couple of days. Plus it's always crowded and the queues for the changing rooms are ridiculous.



Portobello Market is amazing, I really like Notting Hill in general.


You should also go to Camden market.


And Brick Lane, especially if you wanna eat out.

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I was in London for a very short time (4days). But my absolute top was Saturday morning on Portobello Market, you can literally buy ANYTHING. And even though London Eye is 20pounds, I just loved it. I went on my own, put "Parachutes" on my iPod and enjoyed London from above with the sound of Coldplay. :) Tube is fun, but I do recommend buses. It takes longer but you see much more. Also I loved just walking around, getting lost and finding my way back.

And if you plan to shop, definitely Oxford Street, I didn't even get to see it all. Loooots of shops. :)


And of course if you like Coldplay, visit their HQ. You said you'll be there in August, maybe they won't be there but its nice to see where the magic happens. I was there when they were in US, but it was nice to see where it all happens. :)


We paid £40 for the London Eye. I think it's only worth it if the weather's nice so don't buy your tickets in advance.


You should also try to see a musical in the West End if you can.

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^Yes but they're so cheap :awesome:

I guess it depends on whether you find clothes with very low prices in the US: if you can easily, then don't go to Primark. In France it's much harder to find prices THAT low, that's why I got so excited by Primark :nod:


I would have love to see a musical in London when I was there.

And yeah, Portobello Market is great, I really recommend you to go there.


Oh, and if you go to Camden, there's a great place called Haché, where you can eat AMAZING burgers :awesome:

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Yes! Camden Town and their market, I recommend! (you will be very close anyway, if you are near the bakery :sneaky:)


The Science Museum is right next to the Natural History Museum, if you like those kind of things (I loved it!). It's for free anyway, but certainly not anything less than a museum you'd pay for.


and walking right up the street will bring you to Hyde Park, one of the biggest parks in the centre with a big lake and the Serpetine gallery (where Apparatjik - Guy had performed). Walking through the park will get you to Oxford street in the north-east or to Buckingham Palace in the South-east, which is by the way also surrounded by nice parks. If you don't mind walking, you can so all that by foot. From Buckingham Palace it is also just walking distance to the river with the Big Ben etc, a nice stroll because it is through yet another park :)

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