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Guess coldplay song


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Guys when you realize what I'm talking about you're gonna slap your heads and say "Why didn't I think of that?" :D

Please come back and release us.


Being kept in the dark is not good for my sanity and is driving me nuts. :D

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Hi :D me disappearing was not part of the riddle but I am currently having a problem with my notebook charger - it does not charge my notebook any more and I need to think carefully about what I use my charge for.


No correct song guess so far, but @ iamsue was right in suggesting that this is about organ transplants !! Finally.

Now is there any line in any Coldplay song that might be (literally or metaphorically) connected to that idea ?


(And sorry that this riddle keeps some of you up at night. Like "Birds" states, the dreaming of riddles...keeps you up at night ;) )

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Hi, welcome back. Your notebook not charging anymore is an annoying thing. I hope you can get it solved.


Now is there any line in any Coldplay song that might be (literally or metaphorically) connected to that idea ?

I've been searching for body parts but... :D

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Ok, attempt nr 99:


A sky full of stars


"I want to die in your arms

Cause you get lighter the more it gets dark

I'm gonna give you my heart"



Just logged in from work, I hope my boss won't catch me.....


You got it right, Nie !!! I was indeed referring to the line "I'm gonna give you my heart" ! A Sky Full Of Stars is correct.

I got the idea when someone (I think it was AMDB9) said that I ever only do Oldplay songs. So I thought I'd throw everyone off by choosing one of the most Newplayish Newplay songs :P


Small side note on organ donations, if I may.... they are sorely needed and by far not enough people are willing to donate. But think about it, what good are anybody's organs wasting away in a grave after you leave this world, when the same organs could save the lifes of other human beings....I have my donator's card with me in my wallet at all times. If you are not registered as a donor, please take a moment to think about it :)


End of the rant....your turn, Nie !

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Whoohoo! Finally!:bliss:


That line " I'm gonna give you my heart" just popped into my mind and I had to think a few second about which song it belongs to, but I didn't have to cheat, no google, no lyrics. *proudofmyself* :D


Btw, this is me, kicking my head. :smash:

And if you know the answer, it all becomes clear.

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Small side note on organ donations, if I may.... they are sorely needed and by far not enough people are willing to donate. But think about it, what good are anybody's organs wasting away in a grave after you leave this world, when the same organs could save the lifes of other human beings....I have my donator's card with me in my wallet at all times. If you are not registered as a donor, please take a moment to think about it :)

In Belgium, we have the principle of "everyone is a possible donor, unless you specifically and formally deny to do it". It is arranged by law.

*Proud of our little country*

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In Belgium, we have the principle of "everyone is a possible donor, unless you specifically and formally deny to do it". It is arranged by law.

*Proud of our little country*


It certainly sounds like a no-brainer to be an organ donor, though I did read quite a few arguments against...Im no doctor so its hard for me to say a definite yes or no to which side has more valid points, but there are certainly points on both sides. The main problem/issue/question, from what I understand, being that organs can only be harvested from a brain-dead patient (not a dead dead patient) and there are mixed opinions about where that line is and what it actually implies. On top of that there is the profit question (a multi-billion dollar industry from what I read) , the "incentive" in harvesting organs. As so many other things, it tends to be a more complicated issue than it appears at first...Im still undecided on this.


What You Lose When You Sign That Donor Card

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I must admit I just signed the donor line on my drivers license last year. My irrational fear: I wouldn't really be dead when they started carving...LOL!


I think everyone should do what they think is best about this. The important thing is to respect one´s wishes and of course make sure they are known :) It may be an irrational fear, but what brain dead is is also still being disputed...I read some not so nice stories about it haha Very hard to know what is what when you´re not a doctor, and even doctors are not always in agreement. The article I linked made some good points imo about making more detailed arrangements than simply signing the donor card, regardless of whether you´re pro or con.

I tend to sway towards a no when Im considerably undecided about anything, thats my general stance.

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