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First Coldplay Song/Album?


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aw I wish I was born earlier (at least enough to appreciate AROBTTH) and I could've traveled to somewhere like Japan to hear Politik and In My Place live.


Btw do you think this should be moved to another forum (gen discussion/lounge games/etc?)

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I personally agree with @I ran away. This thread should be moved, it really isn't a Coldplay "game" per se... it should be moved now that I think of it, I wasn't sure what this thread was under originally since I rarely actually go into sub-forums to look at threads with unread posts, I just click on Settings which has all the threads I've subscribed to with unread posts in one place... now that I know which forum it's under and why exactly @I ran away thinks this should be moved I now agree with her.


Also, @I ran away is right, we can't move threads, we need to contact Sparky to do it.

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Ohhhhhh that thread... I thought you were talking about the Elimination thread :lol:


Yes that was actually quite funny... :D He literally posted a video of Viva la Vida and then titles it "When I Ruled The World"... how could he miss that if he already uploaded the song and had it somewhere? He's probably trolling us...:P

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Ohhhhhh that thread... I thought you were talking about the Elimination thread :lol:


Yes that was actually quite funny... :D He literally posted a video of Viva la Vida and then titles it "When I Ruled The World"... how could he miss that if he already uploaded the song and had it somewhere? He's probably trolling us...:P


You've forgotten already, I Ran Away was referring to the 'he' is actually a 'she', remember? :laugh3:

I Ran Away is a her...

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You've forgotten already' date=' [b']I Ran Away[/b] was referring to the 'he' is actually a 'she', remember? :laugh3:

I Ran Away is a her...


By "he" I wasn't referring to @I ran away. I was referring to the guy who posted the video, who, to be fair, cound in fact be a she:P But I wasn't referring to @I ran away... unless you did pick out something about me referring to @I ran away specifically as a he... hope you understand:)



Thanks gentleparachute :) That's indeed what I meant but I didn't wanna correct it after I realized cp had misunderstood me on the second try :P


By the way,...are you a he or a she (or prefer not to disclose) ? :)


I'm a he :)

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OHHHHHHH....... sorry! Whoops! That completely went over my head!


Sorry @gentleparachute for misunderstanding you! I thought you were talking about my exact post you quoted in your comment... I looked up and saw what post you were talking about :) I am so sorry for completely missing that! But I think you could have quoted my original post accidentally referring to @I ran away as a he again. I am so sorry @I ran away!


Okay sorry. I completely kept misunderstanding what @I ran away meant at the top of this page. First I thought she (finally got it right this time:P) meant the Viva thread, but then I thought she meant the thread about the person who uploaded "When I Ruled The World" and titled it incorrectly. I am so completely sorry about reffering to you incorrectly @I ran away and not even it crossing my mind even though you mentioned it to me I thought you were talking about someone else! I am so completely sorry... :(

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OK, I'll take a guess. Warning, gender cliches ahead ! :D Your name and avatar suggest to me you are a rather gentle-minded person. Cliche thus makes me think you're female (but then you could also be a gentle-minded male, but those are rare :P)


That would be rare, for a male to take up that name :D

But your guess is right, I'm a she... Not too surprising there :)

In saying that I'm surprised at who's turned out to be which gender... I've had a few surprises so far :laugh3:

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