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First Coldplay Song/Album?


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  • 6 years later...

Clocks was the first song i heard of Coldplay in radios in 2003. I wasn't interest so much of the group until Music of the spheres who after i listen the discography, i listen all thier albums last month and i prefer thier albums after Ghost Stories (i was more at the base RnB, pop, jazz, gospel, instrumental, dance and House) then the albums released before (except A Rush of Blood to the Head and Viva La Vida).

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5 hours ago, wcd199317 said:

Clocks was the first song i heard of Coldplay in radios in 2003. I wasn't interest so much of the group until Music of the spheres who after i listen the discography, i listen all thier albums last month and i prefer thier albums after Ghost Stories (i was more at the base RnB, pop, jazz, gospel, instrumental, dance and House) then the albums released before (except A Rush of Blood to the Head and Viva La Vida).

Nice to hear that Music of the Spheres brought you to the entire discography. (Reminds me a bit of how I also listened about 4 years ago on some days off every album 😁) Welcome to the forum anyway! You say you're into pop and dance. Didn't Mylo Xyloto appeal to you? Many people here considered MOTS in the beginning as a 'MX 2.0'. 

I can't remember my first listened Coldplay song. But from what I can remember, songs as Clocks, Trouble, Yellow and Fix You were intensively streamed on the radio. Oh and especially Talk, which was the only #1 hit Coldplay ever achieved in my country. 

Edited by WhiteShadow7
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3 hours ago, WhiteShadow7 said:

Nice to hear that Music of the Spheres brought you to the entire discography. (Reminds me a bit of how I also listened about 4 years ago on some days off every album 😁) Welcome to the forum anyway! You say you're into pop and dance. Didn't Mylo Xyloto appeal to you? Many people here considered MOTS in the beginning as a 'MX 2.0'. 

No, i easy two or three times and Mylo Xyloto didn't appear on me at all. At the other hand, i wasn't a fan of rock, but A Rush of Blood to the Head was a masterpiece, A Rush of Blood to the Head wasn't just for rock music, but for all fans music in general because the major thing that became a masterpiece was the quality of the songwriting and the musical. It's also a better album to the first album, whe depist it's was a good album, it's wasn't have this huge songwriting quality and Chris voice was irriting at some time. It's not irriting in Rush of Blood like i have in Parachutes and some songs have very good vocal performance and sound beautiful. Fortunatly, Chris voice sound better with the years in the albums and live, i noticed that after Viva la Vida

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2 hours ago, wcd199317 said:

No, i easy two or three times and Mylo Xyloto didn't appear on me at all. At the other hand, i wasn't a fan of rock, but A Rush of Blood to the Head was a masterpiece, A Rush of Blood to the Head wasn't just for rock music, but for all fans music in general because the major thing that became a masterpiece was the quality of the songwriting and the musical. It's also a better album to the first album, whe depist it's was a good album, it's wasn't have this huge songwriting quality and Chris voice was irriting at some time. It's not irriting in Rush of Blood like i have in Parachutes and some songs have very good vocal performance and sound beautiful. Fortunatly, Chris voice sound better with the years in the albums and live, i noticed that after Viva la Vida

For me I think Chris's vocals/voice peaked with AROBTTH and X&Y and got worse since, especially live...

I guess we share our non-liking of MX though 😛

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21 hours ago, I ran away said:

For me I think Chris's vocals/voice peaked with AROBTTH and X&Y and got worse since, especially live...

I guess we share our non-liking of MX though 😛

X&Y and Mylo Xyloto was my least favorites Coldplay albums, i didn't stand at all at theses two albums.

I remember the interview of 2008 at the time of Viva la VIda, who Chris said  that his natural singing voice (consider that he was a baryton) was more lower and wanted to used more the colours of his lower register in Viva la Vida album. It's was a before and after Viva La Vida. It's sound better in Viva la Vida then in the three first albums. To debut of end, his voice sound very profound, like if singing with the heart and very harmonius. It's was a after and before, for me i noticed that amelioration in his voice the first time with Viva La VIda album, and Chris himself noticed that at the time of released.

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For me, the first Coldplay song I heard was probably "Paradise" and I loved it since then.

But I didn't become a Coldplay fan immediately; back then I was more into electronic music (today I'm quite the opposite, as I love acoustic and experimental staff). Then a friend of mine who plays piano showed me a photo of Coldplay's MX tour piano with graffiti all over it and sparked my interest in the band. At that time "Magic" had just dropped out as a single, and when I discovered "Midnight" I understood what Coldplay were capable of. A few months later I received Ghost Stories as a gift and I subsequently bought Viva la Vida and Mylo Xyloto, this last one being my favourite album at that time. Then slowly, over the years, I drifted more and more towards Coldplay early music. Now my favourite Coldplay era is the Eno-Era, but I love their first three albums too.

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I've also decided to tell my story, because I enjoy reading all your answers!

The first songs I can remember are Coldplay songs of AROBTTH (Clocks in particular). My dad plays the guitar and at that time he had some interest for Coldplay music; however, I was only 5 yo, so a bit too young to really get consciously into Coldplay.

In 2008/2009 my interest for the band became a conscious curiosity, and I started to follow them more and more. I remember as if it happened yesterday that a friend of mine during a school trip in 2009 made me listen to VLV and Fix you and that for me it was mind blowing. 

I actually lost a bit of interest during the Ghost stories era, not because of the band itself, but because of personal issues which were going on in my life. During those years I remember listening to X&Y a lot; the music of that album really got me through a very hard period, the lyrics could speak to my soul as nothing else could...  and that's also why X&Y is my favourite album. 

At university (so, during the last 5 or 6 years basically), I've found again my passion for the band, and here I am 😉

I recently discovered that a collegue which works with me is a fan, so we have some common interest 😌

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