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A Saturday Working ...


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Hmm lemme think..


I say you should call up some friends because it sounds like you had a long day and could use a night out. :)


So true. Up until an hour or two ago, I hadn't actually spoken a work all day. I think I could use some interaction ...


... well, REAL interaction.

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i couldnt handle working in the house


Sometimes it is too weird. When I'm working hard on projects I won't leave my apartment for days at a time. You feel like you're losing touch with the world. And since I've gotten to where I communicate with friends and family primarily though email and IM, I go days without talking to anybody.


It's very strange to think about. Sometimes I wonder about prehistoric times, when the world was kind of like this for everybody. Hunters would travel for days looking for food for their families. Whlie out they probably wouldn't see another human. They'd just see tons of different animals.


I need some pets, I guess.


So I can hunt them.

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So true. Up until an hour or two ago, I hadn't actually spoken a work all day. I think I could use some interaction ...


Just talk to yourself, works for me.


Reminds me of the Great Tortouise from The Neverending Story.


"It'd been so long since we talked to anybody that we just started toalking to ourselves."

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As opposed to the fake kind? :lol: :huh:


Not fake.




See how much nicer (e.g., PC) that is.


Yeah I know what you mean :cool: Well get on that phone and appelez vos amis!...as they say in France. ;)


I'm IM'ing some peeps right now. I'm going to ask if they'd like to come over and watch the aforementioned movie.

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i couldnt handle working in the house


Sometimes it is too weird. When I'm working hard on projects I won't leave my apartment for days at a time. You feel like you're losing touch with the world. And since I've gotten to where I communicate with friends and family primarily though email and IM, I go days without talking to anybody.




I could never take this. There comes a time when I have to get out. I'm am not an indoors type of person.


Maybe I could go days w/o talking with anyone, but I must see the outside world.

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i couldnt handle working in the house


Sometimes it is too weird. When I'm working hard on projects I won't leave my apartment for days at a time. You feel like you're losing touch with the world. And since I've gotten to where I communicate with friends and family primarily though email and IM, I go days without talking to anybody.




I could never take this. There comes a time when I have to get out. I'm am not an indoors type of person.


Maybe I could go days w/o talking with anyone, but I must see the outside world.


My apartment has tons of windows, all of which look out onto the busy streets of downtown San Diego. I see tons of people ...


... I just don't interact with them. And that's the problem: I get the minimal amount of interaction necessary. I just don't get any participation.

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Yeah, me too. I have really lax hours, though. In fact, in my official just description it says "Supervisors should not be concerned with the amount of time worked; rather, supervisors should assign an amount of work consistent with the position."

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That's awesome. The only good thing about my job is that I don't have defined hours. So if I feel like strolling in at ~ 10 am it's ok as long as I get my work done. And I can leave as late as I want. Except I usually don't because it's not a very nice area.

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One of my friends is thinking of doing her surgical residency at Northwestern.


There was a rather detailed debate as to the virtues of the greater Chicago area.


I could contribute nothing, but weather came up a lot, as did crime.

I dunno. Chicago seems good enough to me.

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It's good. I don't think crime is really that bad an issue. It's just around where I work that it's kind of bad. Northwestern Hospital is downtown, though. So I don't think she'd have to worry. And she can choose were she wants to live. I think Evanston is a nice place.

Weather, eh, but the summers make up for the winters.

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