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The Snow Patrol Thread


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guess it pays to check out the SP.com forums's Live section once in a while even when the guys aren't touring...some kind soul has posted a bootleg of one of the RAH gigs on the Reworked Tour!!! :D


details of the bootleg as follows :


Here we go: a Reworked-Tour-Gig :-)

(from dime)



2009.11.24 - Royal Albert Hall, London, UK


01 The Finish Line

02 Crack The Shutters

03 Batten Down The Hatch

04 Give Me Strength

05 You Could Be Happy

06 An Olive Grove Facing The Sea

07 The Golden Floor

08 Grazed Knees

09 Cartwheels

10 Take Back The City

11 Dark Roman Wine

12 Spitting Games

13 Making Enemies

14 Run

15 Set The Fire To The Third Bar

16 You Are My Joy

17 How To Be Dead

18 One Day Like This

19 Lifeboats

20 The Planets Bend Between Us

21 You're All I Have

22 Chasing Cars

23 If There's A Rocket Tie Me To It

24 Just Say Yes

25 Chocolate

26 Shut Your Eyes


Very Good Audience


Recorded from the stalls, stage right, 2nd row

Equipent: Sony MZ-R55 with Core Sound Cardioid mics

Lineage: Master discs > SoundForge >WAV > FLAC Frontend

No adjustments to sound equalization (except for fade-in start and fade-out end)




having a listen to it now & it's a pretty decent recording so far, though the volume of Gary's singing (only) seems to drop a bit in the Olive Grove track.


finally, i can enjoy the Reworked songs, especially the new versions of Chasing Cars & The Planets Bend Between Us whenever i want on my iPod! :dance:

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^Kimmi, that's a great find! Thanks for posting it! :dance:

I haven't been on the SP board in a while.


btw, I'm LOVING Up To Now. Still haven't properly watched the dvd- just a few live performances here and there- but love all the new songs and the new-to-me songs, too! :heart:


edit: so the RAH concert, is it FLAC? I'm not sure I can open that...

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VW. :stunned:


these people, they're so talented. i wonder if i pick up the violin i would be able to play it. :P


what type of file is it? and *technology noob talk again* how do i convert files? :facepalm:


oh yes, thanks for explaining about the xbox and play station thing. :D i feel a little less noob now.:dances: <--- Non sarcastic.


irrelevance to topic =


now its a good thing if i do go for ICT, at least i will be less noob


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Kimmi, thanks a lot for posting the download link! :hug: To be honest, I've already discovered that bootleg some weeks ago, but the thought of posting it on here somehow didn't cross my mind, probably because I knew that most of you guys are registered over there anyway which is why I thought you'd discovered it by yourself already... So sorry if I was mistaken. I'm awfully sorry now and feel pretty stupid. :embarassed:

Speaking of that bootleg: I absolutely LOVE it! :heart: I couldn't stop listening to it for days after I'd found it and it makes me shiver and astonished everytime I listen to it. Simply because it brings all the memories of the gig from the 23rd back. I'm so so glad that someone recorded it, so we're able to listen to all the beautiful reworked versions. My favourites are "Crack the shutters" (now that was obvious :cheesy:), "Cartwheels", "Set the fire to the third bar" and "One day like this". It's a pity they didn't play "Starfighter Pilot" that night as that was one of my favourites of the other night. :) Guess the show on the 23rd should have been recorded instead (yeah, I wish...). :lol:

I'm also very happy about the fact that they didn't cut Gary's banter out of it. It's just TOO hilarious! :lol: How he's been mocking those two people who were delayed... :laugh3: And when he shouts out to his mum... :heart: And when he says that he's so nervous and therefore afraid of accidently setting the Royal Albert Hall on fire... "Remember that band Snow Patrol? They burned down the Royal Albert Hall... They're all dead now." Sooo absolutely random but I just love it! :cheesy: Haha, the bit with the whistling... I guess he shouldn't have encouraged the people to do that. :laugh3: Oooh, and the (by now) infamous proposal is on it as well... Priceless. :lol:

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^Kimmi, that's a great find! Thanks for posting it! :dance:

I haven't been on the SP board in a while.


btw, I'm LOVING Up To Now. Still haven't properly watched the dvd- just a few live performances here and there- but love all the new songs and the new-to-me songs, too! :heart:


edit: so the RAH concert, is it FLAC? I'm not sure I can open that...

no worries...tho you all can thank SueDeNimes (Anna) for reminding me on Twitter to post here. ;)


btw, Jen, there's a short New Year post by Gary in the SP board & i think he mentioned in it he'll write a longer post about 2009 later.


oh, the files are all in MP3 format (which saves me & you the hassle of converting from FLAC like for most bootlegs) :D



VW. :stunned:


these people, they're so talented. i wonder if i pick up the violin i would be able to play it. :P


what type of file is it? and *technology noob talk again* how do i convert files? :facepalm:


oh yes, thanks for explaining about the xbox and play station thing. :D i feel a little less noob now.:dances: <--- Non sarcastic.


irrelevance to topic =


now its a good thing if i do go for ICT, at least i will be less noob

file type is MP3...as mentioned above.


why stunned about the VW lah?


& yeah...darn these talented people. even Tom. only learnt the piano after joining Snow Patrol.

i never even got past the basics of the piano...or the guitar. :shame: & i'm definitely not going to try the violin...i might get slapped with a public disturbance complaint for all the screeching. :P

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Kimmi, thanks a lot for posting the download link! :hug: To be honest, I've already discovered that bootleg some weeks ago, but the thought of posting it on here somehow didn't cross my mind, probably because I knew that most of you guys are registered over there anyway which is why I thought you'd discovered it by yourself already... So sorry if I was mistaken. I'm awfully sorry now and feel pretty stupid. :embarassed:

Speaking of that bootleg: I absolutely LOVE it! :heart: I couldn't stop listening to it for days after I'd found it and it makes me shiver and astonished everytime I listen to it. Simply because it brings all the memories of the gig from the 23rd back. I'm so so glad that someone recorded it, so we're able to listen to all the beautiful reworked versions. My favourites are "Crack the shutters" (now that was obvious :cheesy:), "Cartwheels", "Set the fire to the third bar" and "One day like this". It's a pity they didn't play "Starfighter Pilot" that night as that was one of my favourites of the other night. :) Guess the show on the 23rd should have been recorded instead (yeah, I wish...). :lol:

I'm also very happy about the fact that they didn't cut Gary's banter out of it. It's just TOO hilarious! :lol: How he's been mocking those two people who were delayed... :laugh3: And when he shouts out to his mum... :heart: And when he says that he's so nervous and therefore afraid of accidently setting the Royal Albert Hall on fire... "Remember that band Snow Patrol? They burned down the Royal Albert Hall... They're all dead now." Sooo absolutely random but I just love it! :cheesy: Haha, the bit with the whistling... I guess he shouldn't have encouraged the people to do that. :laugh3: Oooh, and the (by now) infamous proposal is on it as well... Priceless. :lol:

awww, Elena....don't feel bad about it... :hug: to be honest i didn't really think to post here initially til Anna mentioned i should. same thought process as you, i guess. :embarassed:


i realise the link's been up a while now on the SP.com a while, but i guess i never really noticed it since i don't go into the Live section much. i'm mostly lurking in the SP General or Other Bands sections....occasionally the Guitar Tabs section.


& i agree with you that it's great that whoever recorded this hasn't edited out Gary's banter in between songs. haven't listened to it in full, but so far i already love the 1st track with Gary's complaining about the 2 ppl who are late....hilarious start! :lol:

"where are those...these 2 people by the way? where...? 8 o'clock it said on the tickets...8 o'clock. these 2 people as well... what are they doing? what...out drinking cider outside? not gonna buy a beer at the bar?" ...no idea what in the world he's saying here about a woodpecker... "anyway, they're getting it when they get here... don't clap for them..."


oh & i didn't realise it til i heard it, but that's the RAH gig with that proposal that never happened!!! *rotfl* if i were that guy, i'd be hiding my face in complete shame.......& not be in any hurry to do another public proposal ever again, even if that girl IS real.

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I saw Snow Patrol open for U2 in Foxboro.


The "Snow Patrol HEART Boston" was so cute.:dozey:



I was there too! Dare I say that they were better than U2 that night! :):laugh3: how awesome was "shut your eyes" that night?!?!? :)



Kimmi Thanks for posting the link for that concert - I'm going to go figure that out now...wish me luck! :dozey::thinking:


Also - a friend texted me while I was in lab the other day to say that Snow Patrol was on Palladium and that I needed to turn it on immediately...obviously I couldn't but I haven't been able to figure out what concert/what else it could be. She thinks it was "soundstage" but I swear I would know if SP had a soundstage... did anyone catch it (I'm sure it's a repeat?!?!?)


Happy New Years! :) yayay 2010

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I'M SO EXCITED the whole download worked (I had my doubts because I am computer illiterate). :rolleyes::dozey:


I now am even more jealous of everyone who got to the new tour! I wish it had made its way to MA or NY, ok i am done complaining - THANKS for posting KIMMI! :):kiss::cool:

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no worries...tho you all can thank SueDeNimes (Anna) for reminding me on Twitter to post here. ;)


btw, Jen, there's a short New Year post by Gary in the SP board & i think he mentioned in it he'll write a longer post about 2009 later.


oh, the files are all in MP3 format (which saves me & you the hassle of converting from FLAC like for most bootlegs) :D



Thanks, Kimmi... I had missed Gary's message. It's so cool that he posts on the board. :wacky:


And thanks again for the link! :)


@Meredith... hmmm.. now I'll have to go check the listings for Palladia. If I come across anything, I'll let you guys know.

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file type is MP3...as mentioned above.


why stunned about the VW lah?


& yeah...darn these talented people. even Tom. only learnt the piano after joining Snow Patrol.

i never even got past the basics of the piano...or the guitar. :shame: & i'm definitely not going to try the violin...i might get slapped with a public disturbance complaint for all the screeching. :P


my father used to own a VW, the old one, and we sold it off because the government had some policy about old cars and its place in getting road tax or insurance, i forgot. so very ma fan lor.


after we sold it off, the government screwed the policy and said it was okay and made it much easier to appeal for road tax/insurance. most prob road tax.


i love VW.


every band is talented. i love how Snow Patrol songs uses simple chords and yet can sound amazing. :)

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I'M SO EXCITED the whole download worked (I had my doubts because I am computer illiterate). :rolleyes::dozey:


I now am even more jealous of everyone who got to the new tour! I wish it had made its way to MA or NY, ok i am done complaining - THANKS for posting KIMMI! :):kiss::cool:


yay!!! great that it worked for you, Meredith!!! :dance:



Thanks, Kimmi... I had missed Gary's message. It's so cool that he posts on the board. :wacky:


And thanks again for the link! :)


@Meredith... hmmm.. now I'll have to go check the listings for Palladia. If I come across anything, I'll let you guys know.

yeah, i agree that's it's cool he posts there. tho i actually wish the others would too. oh, well...1 out of 5 of the guys ain't bad. :wacky:


my father used to own a VW, the old one, and we sold it off because the government had some policy about old cars and its place in getting road tax or insurance, i forgot. so very ma fan lor.


after we sold it off, the government screwed the policy and said it was okay and made it much easier to appeal for road tax/insurance. most prob road tax.


i love VW.


every band is talented. i love how Snow Patrol songs uses simple chords and yet can sound amazing. :)

oh...i see...don't really remember about that ruling for Malaysia, but then, it sounds like something they might've gone & done & then changed their minds about anyway. :dozey:


& i love the VW too! specifically the VW Golf...hehe :D


do you play the guitar too? :)

yeah, the chords are simple for their songs. well, some more than others. Chasing Cars being the easiest. but i find that my fingers need to do A LOT of stretching around cos the chord positions are very sparse for me & my small hands (especially for Grazed Knees). Gary and his frigging massive hands... :P

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yay!!! great that it worked for you, Meredith!!! :dance:




yeah, i agree that's it's cool he posts there. tho i actually wish the others would too. oh, well...1 out of 5 of the guys ain't bad. :wacky:



oh...i see...don't really remember about that ruling for Malaysia, but then, it sounds like something they might've gone & done & then changed their minds about anyway. :dozey:


& i love the VW too! specifically the VW Golf...hehe :D


do you play the guitar too? :)

yeah, the chords are simple for their songs. well, some more than others. Chasing Cars being the easiest. but i find that my fingers need to do A LOT of stretching around cos the chord positions are very sparse for me & my small hands (especially for Grazed Knees). Gary and his frigging massive hands... :P


i play the piano with chords. "Run" is actually easy in chords, but when i saw the score, i realised that there are more chords to the simple chords. :\


my hand is so small! i can barely stretch around my guitar. to make it worse, it's a classical guitar. :veryangry2:


all musicians seem to have big hands. :sneaky:


Here we go again!





chesthairrrrrrrrr!! :lol:

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For anyone who hasn't seen it yet...


a very entertaining little interview about Chasing Cars being named the no. 1 song of the noughties :wacky:


Oh dear, that video is just E.P.I.C.! It SO cracked me up the first time I saw it! I absolutely love Gary's reaction, it's priceless. :lol:

Plus, I love Gary's Dr. Seuss T-Shirt (for some unknown reasons... :rolleyes::cheesy:).

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Just found these two seemingly brandnew videos:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ifWknBABc]YouTube- Snow Patrol - Interview (Vic Galloway Show 2010)[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ni8epiTnXrY]YouTube- Snow Patrol - Give Me Strength (acoustic)[/ame]


What I found most interesting were the facts about Gary's two projects! I'm already starting to get SO excited! :dance: Both ideas/projects sound great and I'm especially looking forward to the Tired Pony album as I really found a liking for the country-touch of the reworked songs. :) So, I take it that Gary's in Portland right now...? Can't wait for the records to be released, really. :)


And an acoustic version of "Give me strength"! :cheesy: :bomb: :dead: I'd better be careful with watching that one because, let's just say that it always makes me feel a wee bit overemotional... :rolleyes::lol:

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