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The Snow Patrol Thread


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Just woke up to discover the Lightbody has posted again and more than one pic :awesome: :bomb:


he's like a kid with a new toy! :lol:

+10000000 and I hope it will stay that way!!

they lost me at the questions about lenses and films! :P

Yeah, I red it , it's a great ITV for all geek photo like me...*cough* even if I'm more 'going with the flo' than being all Berryman XD


and those pics are definately taken not with an iphone, cause of quality. but its really hard to tell more than that from those pics.

i dare to think that a simple p&s camera with more megapixels was used, because pictures, which are taken with SLR (single lense relfex) cameras have more slightly blurrier backround :)

I still don't believe that the pics are all his. The glass of water ones are taken 'professionnally' & in a very artistic way (so not his I assume) (and did you get the Coldplay reference when he asked if our are full or empty?! :awesome: Maybe he was listening to it while writing his post, it's his favorite CP song afterall!)

And I prove my point with the pics he has taken of Garett in the studio and the view outside, which are clearly in another league than the sunflowers and glasses ones.


ok so i’m gonna start putting up some photos of us working too as we go along. me and garret are in the studio in california writing at the moment so here he is hard at work (i am not hard at work, i’m taking pictures). ( :laugh3: )the other one is what’s happening outside. having a tough time coming up with the words at the moment so that view helps i’ll tell you.


i see i have 500 people following me. god i hope you’re not expecting this page to make any sense. hello and love to you all.gL


Still having writer's blocks.... :\ Come on G, you can do it!!! You made an all TP album which was not about you in 8 days!!!! *sending good vibes* Hello and love to you too Gary :kiss: (and knowing you, no we're not expecting it to make sense :lol: )


anyway G:




or to conjure writer block..



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Found this on tumblr and it made me laugh caouse I'm in the EXACT same state...XD



How excited am I that Gary Lightbody has a tumblr?




:laugh3: +10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 And I even want to add....




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he made me like this:




500 followers in one day? not bad Gary, not bad at all :lol:





i wonder if he'll answer any of fan's messages :thinking: dunno what to ask him though

Don't think so.... :thinking: He don't reply to people's comment on the SP board...

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Just woke up to discover the Lightbody has posted again and more than one pic :awesome: :bomb:



+10000000 and I hope it will stay that way!!


Yeah, I red it , it's a great ITV for all geek photo like me...*cough* even if I'm more 'going with the flo' than being all Berryman XD



I still don't believe that the pics are all his. The glass of water ones are taken 'professionnally' & in a very artistic way (so not his I assume) (and did you get the Coldplay reference when he asked if our are full or empty?! :awesome: Maybe he was listening to it while writing his post, it's his favorite CP song afterall!)

And I prove my point with the pics he has taken of Garett in the studio and the view outside, which are clearly in another league than the sunflowers and glasses ones.




Still having writer's blocks.... :\ Come on G, you can do it!!! You made an all TP album which was not about you in 8 days!!!! *sending good vibes* Hello and love to you too Gary :kiss: (and knowing you, no we're not expecting it to make sense :lol: )

haha...i dunno. i think at least the beach one is. or at least he claims to have taken that photo anyway. the rest (aside from the latest 2) he hasn't really said he took them himself. but regardless, it's very likely a different camera from the ones in the latest post with Garrett in the studio & the beach view.


i think he needs Peter Buck around to push him! hahahahaha


then again, Coldplay seem to be having problems getting their album finished too (Chris sounded well exasperated when i joked about that...which i now feel guilty about. :shame: ). come on, guys!!! get cracking!!! the world awaits... :\



I don't see the point of signing in since you can see his post without having an account. Just put the link of his in my favorites :awesome:

yeah, i didn't bother with signing up for a Tumblr account too. just bookmarked it since i don't think i'm going to start Tumblr-ing anytime soon. & he never replies to any posts anyway...even on the forum. well, he did like once. but even then it was just a general follow up post, so i think he definitely never responds directly to anyone.

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haha...i dunno. i think at least the beach one is. or at least he claims to have taken that photo anyway. the rest (aside from the latest 2) he hasn't really said he took them himself. but regardless, it's very likely a different camera from the ones in the latest post with Garrett in the studio & the beach view.

I think that he took the Kirstie Alley beach one, and the Garett/ocean view ones. The rest: GoW and the flowers=not him


i think he needs Peter Buck around to push him! hahahahaha


To recall him to not play a fuckin G...but an A! :P


he never replies to any posts anyway...even on the forum. well, he did like once. but even then it was just a general follow up post, so i think he definitely never responds directly to anyone.

And I think he's right to do so cause it would be madness otherwise! Plus, I prefer him focusing on writing lyrics than respond to the 100th fangirl comment... :dozey:


I don't want to punch Gary in the face anymore! :P

+1000 now we want to give him a big cuddle...




:kiss: gary :kiss:

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hello, everyone! I've missed you guys! :kiss:

came to see what was up now that gL's on tumblr. :wacky:


are we to assume he's working on SP stuff or TP stuff?


edit: btw, I don't think anyone can reply or comment to him directly. It looks like he's disabled that on his posts, and he doesn't have a link for an "ask box" either.

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I don't see the point of signing in since you can see his post without having an account. Just put the link of his in my favorites :awesome:




That did not pop into my head! Ahhh well I have it know!




+1000 now we want to give him a big cuddle...




:kiss: gary :kiss:

Ahhhhh!!!!!! I wanna be there between them!!!!!! :blush:

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Hi girls, it's been a while! :kiss:

Hope everyone's doing fine... at least we have something to smile about now with gL's tumblr account! :dance:

It's so nice to finally have some "news" to talk about! ^^



Your gifs are all great, but Aurelie, yours is just hilarious! :


:lol: (makes me think back on my younger days :P)



yeah, i didn't bother with signing up for a Tumblr account too. just bookmarked it since i don't think i'm going to start Tumblr-ing anytime soon. & he never replies to any posts anyway...even on the forum. well, he did like once. but even then it was just a general follow up post, so i think he definitely never responds directly to anyone.

I did the same, it's no use since it's visible to anyone and not only the users! :)


And I think he's right to do so cause it would be madness otherwise! Plus, I prefer him focusing on writing lyrics than respond to the 100th fangirl comment... :dozey:

I totally agree with you! Just stay focus, G! :smug:

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are we to assume he's working on SP stuff or TP stuff?

SP.... It's his priority for now and I can't see the TP stuff being record in february seing how things are slowing on the SP side... :confused:


Your gifs are all great, but Aurelie, yours is just hilarious!

I know...



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How good is it to wake up and see that gL has post 2 new post on his tumblr :awesome: :bomb:


-pics from a lake where apparently he try to tip a toe in :lol:

more from our trip to big bear lake. sure is pretty up there. that water is COLD though. take it from me.gL


-pic from tour from last summer in Lisbon!! I was there two weeks ago :bomb: (I have to say you have to be pretty courageous to go up to the castle - which I did - it's up on a hill and it's like hicking in a city XD but it's worth it!


lisbon - on tour - summer 2010


just got this camera back and there are lots of shots on it i’d forgotten i’d taken of places i’m having trouble remembering even with the picture in front of me. lisbon however i remember very well. these are from a trip up to the castle in the old town. the first picture is snow patrol in twenty years. did i mention this camera sees into the future. probably should of mentioned that.gL


I'm happy to see he's posting a pic a day, but I would prefer him to give us update of the recording than pics tour from last year.... :dozey: But anyway,not complaining, he's HERE!!!!! :awesome:



Ha Ha Ha!! You know me too well :lol:


(I had to quote it, it's too good! and it's one of my fav episode ^^)

me too!

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I think that he took the Kirstie Alley beach one, and the Garett/ocean view ones. The rest: GoW and the flowers=not him




To recall him to not play a fuckin G...but an A! :P



And I think he's right to do so cause it would be madness otherwise! Plus, I prefer him focusing on writing lyrics than respond to the 100th fangirl comment... :dozey:


i can imagine it would get incredibly distracting/annoying after the 100th fangirl comment/marriage proposal... *imagines Gary with THAT annoyed look on his face looking at his Macbook* :laugh3:


i'd still love to read a "best of 2010" roundup from him. but then it's starting to look like he really needs to focus on getting that SP album done. tho the good thing here is that it gives me more time to save up for when it does come out. :dozey:

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Kimi, changing pseudo again... :D I'm glad you've not changed your avi as well or I would have been lost XD


i can imagine it would get incredibly distracting/annoying after the 100th fangirl comment/marriage proposal... *imagines Gary with THAT annoyed look on his face looking at his Macbook* :laugh3:

You mean that look...





so glad you took that pic, his face vs the crazy french woman is PRICELESS XDDD



i'd still love to read a "best of 2010" roundup from him. but then it's starting to look like he really needs to focus on getting that SP album done. tho the good thing here is that it gives me more time to save up for when it does come out. :dozey:

I miss the usual Best of too... :\ (TP is cited on Q's one.... :rolleyes: )

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Kimi, changing pseudo again... :D I'm glad you've not changed your avi as well or I would have been lost XD

haha...yeah. decided to change yet again.

but my Twitter name's still the same. i'm just managing how "searchable" i am on Google. ;)


You mean that look...





so glad you took that pic, his face vs the crazy french woman is PRICELESS XDDD


& yeah, THAT look! great to know that you knew which look i was referring too! :laugh3: that's such a funny thought (to me)...him looking like that at all the crazy fangirly comments/questions on his Tumblr!


i'm fairly sure i was after a different look when i took that photo, but you're right.

it could even go down as legend...waitforit...gary!!! :lol: :dozey:






actually, i wonder how he came up with the name for his Tumblr...cos the 1st thing that came to my mind was that when i hovered my mouse over the Tumblr title, it changes colour (very subtle change tho). :P

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actually, i wonder how he came up with the name for his Tumblr...cos the 1st thing that came to my mind was that when i hovered my mouse over the Tumblr title, it changes colour (very subtle change tho). :P

+10000 My english is not as advanced to understand if there is any 'word game' behind it... :thinking: We should add that to the 100 things we already want to ask him... :lol:

As for the titles..grey->black... awesome G :dozey: :laugh3:


lol Gary is not saying anything about the album. HE IS BUILDING A TENSION xD

Like he hasn't drove us nuts already!! :facepalm: :lol:


i kinda hate that he is in states right now, cause he mostly posts when im asleep.

time differences arent so big when he's in UK.... :|

Yeah but on the other hand, you have a new post when you wake up :awesome:

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