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Post pictures of the gorgeous Chris


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"I tapped his shoulder when he walked by us right after EB and gave him a thumbs up He smirked and proceeded to get closer to the band to watch the epic Bullet , he really was like a child in a candy store by the end of the night it looked like he had his own religious experience."




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"I tapped his shoulder when he walked by us right after EB and gave him a thumbs up He smirked and proceeded to get closer to the band to watch the epic Bullet , he really was like a child in a candy store by the end of the night it looked like he had his own religious experience."





Lol....he probably did....isn't Bono his main man? ....little happy feet [emoji4][emoji304][emoji517][emoji516]

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chris at disneyland with the kids today


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/DisneylandCeleb">@DisneylandCeleb</a> <a href="http://t.co/Vgtcm1d2mj">pic.twitter.com/Vgtcm1d2mj</a></p>— Iris(: (@bubblygirl45) <a href="https://twitter.com/bubblygirl45/status/604433621408059393">May 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/DisneylandCeleb">@DisneylandCeleb</a> I just met chris Martin I'm kinda dying <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/coldplay?src=hash">#coldplay</a> <a href="http://t.co/4PmAWoi72c">pic.twitter.com/4PmAWoi72c</a></p>— queen jules (@julesandroses42) <a href="https://twitter.com/julesandroses42/status/604464974975496192">May 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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"I tapped his shoulder when he walked by us right after EB and gave him a thumbs up He smirked and proceeded to get closer to the band to watch the epic Bullet , he really was like a child in a candy store by the end of the night it looked like he had his own religious experience."





Chris is my favourite fanboy :heart:

where did you find this? U2 fan forums?


More photos from Disneyland with fans:








<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">My freshman year self DID NOT think I'd be here today <a href="https://twitter.com/coldplay">@coldplay</a> <a href="http://t.co/XyfbnyyD6W">pic.twitter.com/XyfbnyyD6W</a></p>— Hot Mom (@CydneyJade) <a href="https://twitter.com/CydneyJade/status/604556672002985984">May 30, 2015</a></blockquote>

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WHY he is always in DISNEYLAND with kids????


Was asking myself the same question.


And then I thought "He's just taking the kids with him as an excuse, he himself probably just wants to go there all the time!"

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Out of randomness, my cousin told about Chris leaving the band today and joined Oasis. Then I asked, "Wait, Oasis is no longer a band, where did you get this info from?", He went like "You know the band is about to break up because Chris is being stressed out with the last relationship."


Then I just went like....
























*Yeah I was kind of shocked but a bit mad about it because I know the band are not going to break up anyway*

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Was asking myself the same question.


And then I thought "He's just taking the kids with him as an excuse, he himself probably just wants to go there all the time!"


you just might be right.. look at the big kid!






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Thanx Ati Mx, wanted to put this in here. LoVe this picture , the miracles man. He is lovely and those speeches had me in tears, loved how everyone wanted to hug and thank him. :) Rest in peace Beau Biden. What a hero, music heals and God Bless Chris Martin. :heart: :heart:


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Thanx Ati Mx, wanted to put this in here. LoVe this picture , the miracles man. He is lovely and those speeches had me in tears, loved how everyone wanted to hug and thank him. :) Rest in peace Beau Biden. What a hero, music heals and God Bless Chris Martin. :heart: :heart:


He is a Saint. Music heals. God Bless Chris Martin. Amen to that [emoji120] [emoji173]️

Rest in peace Beau [emoji304]

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Thanx Ati Mx, wanted to put this in here. LoVe this picture , the miracles man. He is lovely and those speeches had me in tears, loved how everyone wanted to hug and thank him. :) Rest in peace Beau Biden. What a hero, music heals and God Bless Chris Martin. :heart: :heart:


Is it just me- or does Chris look really immaculate in that photo?

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Thanx Ati Mx, wanted to put this in here. LoVe this picture , the miracles man. He is lovely and those speeches had me in tears, loved how everyone wanted to hug and thank him. :) Rest in peace Beau Biden. What a hero, music heals and God Bless Chris Martin. :heart: :heart:


where are these pictures from? I wasn't much only the last week so I missed a lot :dizzy:

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