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Father Ted

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:lol: :lol:


this is my favourite quote:


TED: Ah! Sister Assumpta! How good it is to see you! Dougal, you remember Sister Assumpta?

DOUGAL: Err, no.

TED: Ah, you do! Remember you went to the shops and got accused of shoplifting?

(Dougal shakes his head)

ASSUMPTA: I remember it so well - you know how we had to go to the police station to get you? And the police station caught fire?

(Dougal shakes his head)

ASSUMPTA: And they had to lift you out by helicopter?

(Dougal shakes his head)

TED: You don't remember the helicopter?! What about the zoo!? When they dropped you in the zoo?!

(Dougal shakes his head)

TED: You don't remember the zoo?! The lions?! You don't remember!?

(Dougal shakes his head)

TED: You were wearing your blue jumper.

DOUGAL: Ahhh! Sister Assumpta!!

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^ yeah! And he just gave her the house! :stunned: :lol:


Last night I watched "The Mainland" episode - I've seen it soooo many times but it definitely is the funniest show I've seen in YEARS!!

It has soo many funny parts I don't know where to start!

Mrs Doyle wrestling in the tea-shop is GREAT though! :lol:

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^ yeah! And he just gave her the house! :stunned: :lol:


Last night I watched "The Mainland" episode - I've seen it soooo many times but it definitely is the funniest show I've seen in YEARS!!

It has soo many funny parts I don't know where to start!

Mrs Doyle wrestling in the tea-shop is GREAT though! :lol:


:lol: :lol: is that the one where Dougal is in the police station asking for fish and chips?! :lol:

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I remember one very drunken night I had at my friends house we decided to watch fr.ted at 2 in the morning and it was the song for europe one so we drew a horse and I stuck it to my head and ran around :lol: :rolleyes: ah fun days! :rolleyes:

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my favourite Father Dougal moments (some lines may be wrong as ive not seen it for a while)


Some Bishop: So Father Dougal, do you ever have moments where your faith is tested?

Dougal: *Looks blank*

Some Bishop: You know, when you wonder why you became a priest.

Dougal: Ah, well you know that Jesus is the son of God, and he came down from heaven to save us, and his mother was Mary who was a virgin, and he died on a cross to take away our sins?

Some Bishop: Ah yes.

Dougal: That's the bit I have trouble with.

Dougal: And before you couldn't eat meat on Fridays, now it's ok, what's that about?


Dougal: Ted, Ted can we go to the fair, they've got a Spider-Baby.

Ted: A spider-baby?

Dougal: Yeah it's got the body of a spider and the head of a baby, or is it the body of a baby and the head of a baby?

Ted: Dougal are you sure you didn't just dream that.

Dougal: No Ted, it's real.

Ted: Dougal!

Dougal: Hmmm

Ted: Remember the diagram? *Holds up a picture of a head with dreams and reality separate*


Ted: DOUGAL! Did you press the redbutton???

Dougal: Oh come on now Ted, you told me not to press it, what kind of eejit do you think I am?


Dougal: Ah yes Ted, I pressed it.

Ted: DOUGAL!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Ted: DOUGAL! Did you press the redbutton???

Dougal: Oh come on now Ted, you told me not to press it, what kind of eejit do you think I am?


Dougal: Ah yes Ted, I pressed it.

Ted: DOUGAL!!!



I love that episode :D

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Hate to get patriotic, but Father Ted wasnt a British comedy, it was an Irish one. It had Irish writers, Irish actors, based in Ireland, and lived and breathed Ireland obviously. Just because some English guys bought it doesnt make it British.


But back to the topic (Or whats funny about it anyways)


I loooove the episode when Father Ted and Dougal are doing the fake raffle to pay for the heating. Then the first DJ guy shows up:


Ted: Would ya like to buy a ticket Paddy?

DJ: Oh, I better not Ted.

Ted: Ah go on, its just a pound.

DJ: I really dont think I should-

Ted: Its for the church.

DJ: I dont know Ted, my father was an awful gambling man...

Ted: Ah, I see... So you dont want one then-

DJ: Well, if its for the church-

Ted: Good man.

DJ: (Taking out cheque book) I'll take two thousand.

Ted: Sorry?

DJ: Two thousand, now.


And he only remembered to bring one song! Bhahaha! You'd have to remember the song to know why it was so funny, it was a popular Indian desert song.


Ted: Please stand by for your national anthem...

*Duuuuuuuuuuuuh- dudududa duuuuuuuuuuuh*


And what was equally funny was the priest band who followed them, 4 priests behind turntables in darkness playing techno music Kraftwerk style, absolutely brilliant.


Another favourite of mine is the one where Ted is mistaken for being a racist, with the smidgen of dirt on the window which makes him look like Hitler! And the screen show, with the end flashing Ted's picture and "NOT A RACIST", its all superb.


AND AND AND the end when all the Nazi memoribilia is delivered to Ted's house as he brings all the Chinese people to it! HAHAHAHA THE MOUSE ON THE LITTLE BYCICLE HAHAHAHA

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