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yet again it seems another one has gone away !



It also really anoys me, and I am sure people will agree.

I try at times to speak my best spanish, I really do. But sometimes I will be around other people not from spain who have no problem speaking spanish, and also English.


They will go on and speak with someone else in spanish, and I will try and speak to them in spanish.


I get the response speak in english please. ( Now there was nothing wrong with what I said. I said it perfectly.)


I feel exculded... this morning was a fine example... I was inivted this morning by a friend whom I like for a drink they was with someone else as well. This someone else insited in speaking me in English and spoke to the other person in Spainish not thinking I understood what they was talking about. They was only doing it to exclude me from his conservation.. !


I could not take anymore before I said something bad, so I went home. It really f´.cks me off when people are like that with me. Also when I make attempts to speak what spanish I know and the expressions I can pronuce correctly, and these same people speak to me in English

it does not make me feel very confident when I am trying to talk... !

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I'm here!!


Daryl, I remember you telling us the very same thing a while ago. I suppose that the trick is that you meet with people who aren't really able to speak English so in this way you'll have to speak Spanish and this kind of problem won't arise. Besides this, I don't know what else you could do to change this situation... but if I have some ideas, I'll let you know.

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Hi Iris...

In this situation I am certain someone was wanting to exclude me from the conservation. Nothing else.. ! Anwyas this guy is not a friend.. just thought they were better than that. A friend invivtied me for a drink, ther other guy had the car. They were discussion which bar we would go. He would not listen to my suggestions, but when the friend whom invited me suggested the same direction, he soon thought it was a good idea. Hmmm I know your game I thought. !


It gets me really mad though, and I make the mistake of thinking about it as it really gets to me. As i should not worry about such people. !


How are you ? :kiss: :) :kiss:

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haha, this is your idea!


And he was definitely up to the task, otherwise I wouldn't feel so :nice:!


just "nice"? you should be ecstatic :lol:


& barcelona is a planet? wow - whats madrid? a galaxy? omg the spanish are taking over! lol

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just "nice"? you should be ecstatic :lol:


& barcelona is a planet? wow - whats madrid? a galaxy? omg the spanish are taking over! lol



Some people say... Barcelona is not in Spain..!

You should remember that !

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^ In fact nice wasn't what I really meant. I looked for a smiley which could convey the way I felt but I wasn't able to find it. Anyway, my new attempt: :drunk: + :whip: + :wideeyed:.





Daryl!! :kiss:


Yeah, I really hate it when someone acts this way. There's no need to exclude anyone! Of course when you're with a big group of people, there'll be a few of them with who you don't get on too well but still, you won't ignore them.


Try not to think about it anymore, it doesnt lead anywhere. Just do something to keep your mind entertained if you know what I mean ;)


I'm doing well! My weekend has been fine.... No, fine isn't the word I was looking for. It's been lustful!! haha :lol:

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^ In fact nice wasn't what I really meant. I looked for a smiley which could convey the way I felt but I wasn't able to find it. Anyway, my new attempt: :drunk: + :whip: + :wideeyed:.





Daryl!! :kiss:


Yeah, I really hate it when someone acts this way. There's no need to exclude anyone! Of course when you're with a big group of people, there'll be a few of them with who you don't get on too well but still, you won't ignore them.


Try not to think about it anymore, it doesnt lead anywhere. Just do something to keep your mind entertained if you know what I mean ;)


I'm doing well! My weekend has been fine.... No, fine isn't the word I was looking for. It's been lustful!! haha :lol:



Tell me more ! :wink3: I am pleased you had a gud un !


last night of work.. !

Tomorrow.. I don´t know what to do ! I have nothing on. !


I am going to listen to the new Coldplay album again... looking forward to Tuesday 10:00:01s . I guess I will have to wait until I have finished my class to listen to it.

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oh yeah, I know that Indy.

Btw, I saw you at the cinema a week ago. You did a great job there! :lol:





haha, I usually get good ones. What do you exactly want to know...? :wink:


oh, so have you already listened to their album? And I thought you'd wait until Tuesday - How wrong I was!! I can imagine you in front of the main Fnac gate! I'm sure you won't be disappointed by their new album.


Tomorrow I guess I'll go to see a friend of mine at work - a few weeks ago she told me to come to the place where she works and surprise her, so that's what I'll do.

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oh yeah, I know that Indy.

Btw, I saw you at the cinema a week ago. You did a great job there! :lol:





haha, I usually get good ones. What do you exactly want to know...? :wink:




Casa nada... !

I know almost nothing... !

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It was for Daryl, Indy.

You must be pretty busy with all your expeditions at the moment! haha


Casa nada... !

I know almost nothing... !


yeah, I haven't told you my last adventure... anyway, you know that certain things happen when you're home alone, don't you? So you can already bet what I (or should I say we?) have been doing!!


I've been playing that game and I realised I'm quite bad at it. I thought it was easier to pass the levels!


and that's true, I'm a bit obsessed with the idea that I'm a fake fan lately.

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