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AOL-Time Warner threatens children running Harry Potter sites


double post...



Another thought. Did anybody else here spend a lot of time on fanmade harry potter fansites, messageboards and rpgs? Those were the greatest sites ever, All on homestead or angelfire...I still remember someone's homemade recipe for butterbeer.


But when the first movie came out, everything changed. grassroots, kid made harry potter sites were replaced by corporate sites like warner bros., it sucked because after spending so much free time interacting with fans, taking sorting hat quizzes or following virtual quidditch leagues...those sites dissappeared to page 324 of the search engine. No matter how hard I searched I couldn't find those sites anymore.




This is exactly what I was talking about, those kid made harry potter sites were the best things ever!

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Do you think JK got pissed off with Cho and that's why she decided not to mention her pretty much whatsoever in the last 2 books? It's a bit meh making such a big deal of Harry and Cho and then just kicking Cho aside like that.

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Sounds like a rowling version of "the hobbit", and while I expect to be a little dissapointed, I'll definitely read it. While the HP series is my favorite of all time I tend to like very little fantasy, so I'm naturally afraid that this might somehow ruin my impression of it. But knowing how Jo's writing has improved so much, I may be pleasantly surprised.

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I've been rereading deathly hallows over the past few days, and one of the wonderful things about the later stages of the series is how there so many parallels to be found between the books and real life events. Nazi Germany comparisons are the easiest although I don't believe the books are supposed to be blatantly allegorical, metaphorical or about any specific person or event in history or the real world.

But no matter what your political position you see certain themes in the book such as with Umbridge in the order of the pheonix where the government cracks down on a school and enforces it's own doctrine...


I for one sympathize with page 210 in deathly hallows where the penetrated ministry makes hogwarts attendence mandatory whereas witches and wizards could previously study at home or abroad....I was home-schooled, this theme resonates in the real world when it comes to those who are critical of home-schooling or school vouchers and would prefer every child attend a government school.


Now you may arrive at the exact opposite opposite conclusion through the books, I've heard people compare the voldemort and the death eaters to republicans, democrats and islamofascists (one reason I object editorials like "Harry Potter is a liberal") but I think it's wonderful how the series it does seem to touch home, and in more ways than politics...as it was the believability of the characters that drew me to these books and away from most other fantasy.

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*ahem* to keep the thread moving...


Like a song, you really need to read these books twice to really withhold the information, there's so much I've forgotten about deathly hallows and for the second time I'm struck by how fantasictically brilliant the last several chapters are. It reaches a peak beyond that of any other book in the series, rowling could give shyamalan a lesson on twists :lol:

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