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While I was watching Obama's speech at the student union here at my college, my mind kept flashing back to hermione in the end of the goblet of fire movie where she says "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?"



You;re a REAL Harry Potter addict aren't you?

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While I was watching Obama's speech at the student union here at my college, my mind kept flashing back to hermione in the end of the goblet of fire movie where she says "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?"



I feel a lot less nerdy now! The exact same thing went through my mind very briefly at the same time.


I adore the HP books as well as a billion of other books in general but that series is so amazing! It freaks me out when I look back to High School

and realize I almost didn't give the HP books a chance because I got so tired of hearing "Harry Potter this, Harry Potter that...."


It really stinks that the HBP movie got moved back to next year, though the movies just don't seem the same since OOTP.

It wasn't too bad but was a little disappointing in my opinion. They seem to keep ignoring Snape, I don't see how HBP

will turn out when they keep overlooking the importance of that character at this point in the movies!

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Just took a look at that board and have to agree, the HBP movie doesn't seem as bad as I was fearing. I need to reread the books, I don't recall an attack on the Burrow at this point at all....


It's too bad they had to remove some the DADA classes and messed with the battle at Hogwarts a bit. Still looking forward to it though!!!

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Ahh, I love Harry Potter! :D How come I've never been here before? :/


The day I finished DH, it was 3:00 am and I was having my senior picture taken that day. I cried SO much and I didn't sleep at all. Sadly, it's pretty obvious if you look at my senior picture...

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with 64% of the vote.




I feel a lot less nerdy now! The exact same thing went through my mind very briefly at the same time.


I adore the HP books as well as a billion of other books in general but that series is so amazing! It freaks me out when I look back to High School

and realize I almost didn't give the HP books a chance because I got so tired of hearing "Harry Potter this, Harry Potter that...."


It really stinks that the HBP movie got moved back to next year, though the movies just don't seem the same since OOTP.

It wasn't too bad but was a little disappointing in my opinion. They seem to keep ignoring Snape, I don't see how HBP

will turn out when they keep overlooking the importance of that character at this point in the movies!

Personally, I think the best movies were the first two. I mean, I didn't enjoy them most only becuase the story isn't as good, but Chris Columbus was a far better director. He had such a unique vision about everything, and he portrayed the characters better. I also think Richard Harris was the ideal Dumbledore, and Michael Gambon just doesn't do the part justice.


I really think Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson do a fantastic job, but they need better directing.


Ahh, I love Harry Potter! :D How come I've never been here before? :/


The day I finished DH, it was 3:00 am and I was having my senior picture taken that day. I cried SO much and I didn't sleep at all. Sadly, it's pretty obvious if you look at my senior picture...

I felt like crying for a long time after I finished the book. It was like a part of me ended, those books had been a part of my life since first grade.

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I also think Richard Harris was the ideal Dumbledore, and Michael Gambon just doesn't do the part justice.


I agree wholeheartedly. The movies just aren't the same with Michael Gambon, there's something about him that just doesn't seem to fit the role of Dumbledore... he makes Dumbledore seem a lot less friendly, too. Oh, and what's with that beard ring he always wears? :lol:



I felt like crying for a long time after I finished the book. It was like a part of me ended, those books had been a part of my life since first grade.


I DID cry. For hours. And my dad's wedding was the same day... it was awful, because I kept tearing up when I thought of finishing the book that morning. :(

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I agree wholeheartedly. The movies just aren't the same with Michael Gambon, there's something about him that just doesn't seem to fit the role of Dumbledore... he makes Dumbledore seem a lot less friendly, too. Oh, and what's with that beard ring he always wears? :lol:





I DID cry. For hours. And my dad's wedding was the same day... it was awful, because I kept tearing up when I thought of finishing the book that morning. :(

Yeah, he makes Dumbledore seem almost...mean at parts. Richard Harris captured perfectly the balance of wisdom, love, teaching, warmth...all that defines Dumbledore. Richard Harris was one of the greatest actors ever. R.I.P.


I felt really like crying, but I just couldn't. It was an awful feeling.

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I think Goblet of fire made it very clear that Gambon was either the wrong choice, or simply hadn't done his research for the dumbledore part ("*shakes harry* "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire!"). However there is hope on the horizon, word is out that Gambon actually read the book this time! :dance:


I did hear that some at the prescreening were dissatisfied by him at the cave scene, but overall he's supposed to be quite a bit better. The joke is that he acts a lot better when Dumbledore is dying.

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I think Goblet of fire made it very clear that Gambon was either the wrong choice, or simply hadn't done his research for the dumbledore part ("*shakes harry* "Did you put your name in the goblet of fire!"). However there is hope on the horizon, word is out that Gambon actually read the book this time! :dance:


I did hear that some at the prescreening were dissatisfied by him at the cave scene, but overall he's supposed to be quite a bit better. The joke is that he acts a lot better when Dumbledore is dying.

Still, I always pictured Dumbledore close to Harris, even before the movies came out. But Gambon was probably better for the fight scene vs. Voldemort (OOTP) because I don't think Richard Harris would have been fierce enough, he was too old.


But I can't picture Gambon doing the dying part well, I heard Harris's voice saying "Severus, please..." at the top of the tower when I read it. It'll just be weird having Gambon act like he's dying as he's got such a powerful voice. Harris had a perfect dying voice I guess becuase it was already so faint and strained.

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pERsonally guys i think harry potter is the best book ive ever read... I would love to have magic powers as harry has... i do also feel most of the time in the book im harry... its really a cool feeling..and yeah the best movie so far is the 3rd movie period

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Ahh, I love Harry Potter! :D How come I've never been here before? :/


The day I finished DH, it was 3:00 am and I was having my senior picture taken that day. I cried SO much and I didn't sleep at all. Sadly, it's pretty obvious if you look at my senior picture...



Lol, I was a mess when i finished DH! Around 1 or 2 in the morning. Luckily I had tons of tissue, but hysteria and sleep depravation is not pretty.

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Same here. There were 2 clues that made me think Hermione was gonna die. First, this video:


8 seconds into it




And then also someone in my school said something about how JKR "kills off all her main characters". I of course covered my ears before I heard more.



So when it got to the chapter where Bellatrix was torturing her, I was sure she would die, I was no nervous while reading it.



The same thing happened to me except I was a midnight party at B&N and some asshole drove by with huge speakers on his car announcing that Voldemort kills Hermione! I was so pissed and then reading the part with Bellatrix was terrifying!

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The same thing happened to me except I was a midnight party at B&N and some asshole drove by with huge speakers on his car announcing that Voldemort kills Hermione! I was so pissed and then reading the part with Bellatrix was terrifying!

I was actually shaking at that part


(I'm such a nerd:rolleyes:)



Well, it's arguable, but technically Voldemort did kill Harry, he just came back...


Burbage escapes me, but Colin is the little kid that kept following Harry around at hogwarts, and Scrim is short for Rufus Scrimgeour, the minister of magic who is assasinated.

You really should take that thing down, what if someone comes here that hasn't read DH yet?

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