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did "the invisible band" have one as well? :thinking:


well, i hope so :) but the "something anything" single will have two new b-sides as well, so we can't really complain anyway :D


My copy of 'The Invisible Band' hasn't got a hidden track :cry: I don't think it had one. How are you Sarah? :D

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Ring Out the Bell & You Don't Know What I'm Like


Both UK b-sides I believe


Cool, I think I've heard them before. I love the hidden tracks on 'The Boy With No Name' Sailing Away is one of my favourite Travis songs :D And obviously 'Blue Flashing Light' is a Travis classic!

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oh really, there is one? cool!


/edit: yep, they're b-sides as well... doesn't neil sing both of them? :thinking:


hey barry, i'm good :) how are you?


I'm good thanks :D Have you heard 'No Cigar'? I'm pretty sure Neil "sings" on that aswell :laugh3:

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haha :D god, i hope i'll be able to meet them again in london :dance:

met them all except franny (:cry: ) in hamburg last year :)


I've only met Fran on the Travis messageboard if that counts. He welcomed me to the board when I joined a couple of weeks ago, I was well chuffed :dance: I'd love to meet them in person they all seem like really nice down to earth guys :D

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yes, i read that he welcomed you! :D


they're all so nice really and i just love their accents, aww!! (well, all german girls seem to get a bit crazy about scottish/british accents, hahaa :rolleyes: )


hehe I love the scotish accent aswell when KT Tunstall speaks I just melt :heart: You're so lucky to have met them. Did you keep it together or were you star struck? I think I'd be totally star struck :laugh3:

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nah, it was okay ^^ i'm always a bit worried about my english skills but it turned out okay in the end (at least i hope so, hehe). but by the time dougie came out it was past midnight and i was really tired, so i basically just stood there watching :rolleyes:

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thanks! :) well, i still got the feeling he might be at the coldplay gig in berlin next month :D i think the time fits and since he's living there now... :wink3: i dunnooo, i'll keep my eyes open, hehe.


I seen Andy at a gig in Liverpool a few years ago. I think if I remember right it was a Doves gig and he was on the balcony. A few of us spotted him and tried to get his attention but he didn't see us :laugh3: what would you say to Fran if you met him?

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good question, i have no idea *g* i'm not that sort of person that tells them their music changed my life and stuff like that... i mean, it did, in a certain way - but i think i'm way too "shy" to say these things... so, i guess it depends on the situation :rolleyes:

hopefully i'd be able to say something at all, cause it's more likely that i'd be like --> :stunned: haha...

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