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What Is Your Favourite Coldplay Song & Why?


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not sure if this topic has been discussed before but i thought it would be an interesting one...


i'll get the ball rolling!


mine would have to be A Warning Sign, because the lyrics are very easy for me to relate to in regards to an ex of mine ..


Followed very closely by Amsterdam ... brings me to tears every time I hear it...


What's yours??

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"Politik" ... cause it's so monumental and epic... It starts with this hard drums and guitars, very direct, than slows down when Chris sings. And I really love the part after the middle when the whole character of the song changes into a more sensitive way. And the lyrics are also fantastic

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Wow, the Noteburg described Politik in the PERFECT way... monumental and epic... it truly is a great song with a sense of importance. I would have to say the scientist tho cuz it inspired me to play piano... AROBTTH will prob always be my favorite album no matter how good the new stuff is

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It just has to be trouble. no question.

dont even say im wrong, u no im rite. :)


Followed closely by yellow.


Generaly Parachutes is their best album.


Wots this AROBTTH album? is that the US version of Parachutes???

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The Scientist because with this song I really started loving Coldplay and I'm totally addicted to their music right now.... :D (I also like the video..)

And Amsterdam because is reassuring (as fifi said... :P )

But I have to say that also Politik is one of my fav :D

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right now...as of this moment..its probably TAlk


cause its so effin' sexy


Such a kick-ass tune :guitarist:

Miles and miles ahead of the rest... musically, emotionally, lyrically...

They have arrived :stunned:


It used to be AROBTTH, Sparks & We Never Change though... For entirely different reasons :D

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Ive heard A few of the new ones including talk.

I have to say I wasn't blown away by them :( .

I dont know if its the poor quality of the files or that (like most other songs) I have to listen to them a few times before I start to really like them.


I'm still planning on getting the album though. :cool:

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By album: Parachutes: "We Never Change", so simplistic but allows the band's talent to show through without any distractions. Rush of Blood...: Amsterdam, although i do also love the acoustic "In My Place" i found elsewhere. Off of what I've heard of X&Y "White Shadows" is leading for me, im not as impressed by "A Message" as everyone else is for some reason.... and a wildcard b-sides song, "High and Low." Even though it isnt really a Coldplay song i can seriously just listen to it over and over again if i ever need to calm down completely

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