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Fantastic Four (the movie)


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the increadibals is a toung in cheek stab at the FF,

mr. increadible: the thing

mrs. increadible: mr. fantastic

violot(daughter): invisible woman

dash(son): ok, not in FF, but the Flash, same suit aswell

+ the baby can go on fire like the human tourch

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The Incredibles are a copy of the Fantastic Four, as the FF has had those powers & Family-of-superheroes-based premise since their comic first began way back in 1961! Don't act as if the FF is some rip off, it's totally the opposite. :rolleyes:

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The Movie opens today in the U.S., has opened already in many countries around the world, and will open in the U.K. within a week or two, so go out and see it! I managed to get into a preview screening, and it was a very good movie, especially considering all of the wild negative reviews it's gotten recently from professional critics, which had me worried until I actually saw the film. Don't believe the negative hype, this is a lighthearted, fun summer movie, and great change of pace considering the dark, super serious, and brooding films released recently like Batman Begins and War Of The Worlds (not that those two were bad, it's just nice to see a more upbeat movie once in a while). In fact I think the negative reviews resulted from critics being jaded: any film that isn't dark and serious is bad (which of course is not true at all). The Fantastic Four is more comparable to Pirates Of The Caribbean or Spider-Man 1 in its tone. Go see it and have fun! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

it was alrite and sorta exciting, but the acting was just CRAP. seriously. too cheesy (not that im dissing cheese). the only fairly alrite actor was the Johnny Storm guy but that was really cuz he was playing the fun, laid-back practical joker guy. heres a sexy one of him... YUM!

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