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Crystal Palace 27th vs 28th


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I went to both nights......


Monday night was great! We had VIP tickets because I did some promo for Morning Runner and so got to sit down- right in front of Paul McCartney! :o and around Morning Runner and their friends and family so that was cool. Macca went off by himself to go and buy ice creams which i thought was cool- he didnt have some minder do it for him! He was playing air guitar (I think it was during GPASUYF) and then he looked at me and my mate and grinned at us and sorts played the air guitar at us which was prob the most rock and roll moment of my life! :lol: The gig was great, the crowd were well up for it, the weather was great too and the boys played a good set and were on top form, would've loved to have been down the front on that night coz it was just me and my mate going mental in the VIP section hehe!


Then Tuesday was good but in a different way we got there at midday to queue and in the course of the day was slapping on suncream and wearing an anorak anyway we were the first ppl at the gates and we legged it in... when they finally let us in and we were at the barrier so we had a wicked view we saw Gwyneth Paltrow last night in the backstage area walking out to watch the gig. We were right in Chris' eyeline when he was playing the piano and I swear he was looking at me in Politik but that was prob just me! I got some pics and some video which i need to look at once ive charged my camera coz the batt cut out. Anyway technically speaking the gig wasnt quite as good as Monday- Johnny was having some probs with his guitar, esp during Til Kingdom Come and Chris messed up a couple of songs. During Clocks loads of people got pulled out of the front i think there was a fight or something and the weather meant the fireworks on our side didnt go off during Fix You.... but it was cool to be at the front and I could sing and jump about as much as i wanted down there! The rain kinda sucked but it was better than being boiling hot and the thunder and lightening made it a completely different atmos to Mon....in a good way sort of darker and moodier which sounds bad but i just mean it sorta made everything more powerful.....


Some people have said that Crystal Palace was a bad venue and I would agree its not the best it was pretty disorganised at the end- we had to climb over the seats to get out and were were part of the fence breaking revolution by the station! The transport just wasnt good enough to get so many people out...but it was funny doing the mexican wave at the train platform last night!


I've seen Coldplay on each tour they've done now and they have all been totally different experiences...seeing them on the Parachutes tour was lovely because it was intimate and it was more like the hardcore fans rather than the bandwagon jumpers and the people that listen to Coldplay in the car on their way to work (u know what I mean!) Then I saw them at V2003 which was the best gig of my life we were down the front for that too and it completely blew me away...I think it was so good because it was pretty much the end of the tour and so they were relaxed and confident and had the set sorted....it was dark and the crowd was totally with them as they had been v hyped up by the Foo Fighters who played before them. Mon was ace prob coz they were hyped up for the first night and last night (Tues) just felt like there were a few teething problems and Chris did thank the crowd for helping them through a 'difficult' gig which knowing Chris prob means he was fretting big time and beating himself up about it which he didnt have to because it was a good gig! All in all Coldplay always put on a good show- personally I would've taken Warning Sign out of the set and replaced it with Trouble which I think def should've been in there- I was really happy when they played Talk last night as they didn't play it on Mon (I think they might've swapped it but I dunno what song they didn't play)


I hope they play some more English dates in about a year when the album is well established coz i think that would make for a better atmos as i felt lots of ppl in the crowd weren't familiar enough with the songs they played from the new album, even tho I was singing along to every word!


Right anyway I've been talking for ages!

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I cant remember the exact setlist but it was something like:


Square one




They also played (but not in this order coz i cant rem)............



The Scientist

White Shadows


Dont Panic

Til Kingdom Come

Everythings Not Lost

Warning Sign

Speed Of Sound

Talk (Tues only)


Swallowed In The Sea


In My Place

Fix You


I think they also played What If..........


If anyone wants to put this in order then feel free i just cant remember!

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Cool! what side of the stage were u on i was on the left as ur looking at the stage


right in the centre!


earlier on with the support bands, did anyone hear this fat lout arguing with this spanish women. woah the racist comments did fly. he was such a cunt! it was slightly to the left of and about 10 people back

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Aawww that sounds great! I am now officially pissing myself with excitement for Monday!! Glad they're still playing Everything's Not Lost in there set. That is my official-song-to-cry-to-at-a-Coldplay-gig song...it reminds me of my Grandad, he always used to say that :cry: . When Chris lets the crowd sing the "oooh oooh ooohh yeeaaahh, everything's not lost" bit...I'm gone! My friend thought someone has punched me last time 'cos I was crying so much. I really should learn to curb my emotions. :confused:

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Unfortunately the screaming yelling abusive people seemed to be present all over the place. I had a guy next to me attack some poor girl and her boyfriend for talking. she told him to stop being a fool and spoiling the atmosphere...all he could say in response was f*** off f*** off f*** off. a great way to sort out a disagreement. he was vile and his wife wasn't much better


Is this normal for a gig like this? so many people being abusive and looking for trouble? I tend to see bands at festivals instead and it's never been that bad

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so i was in the 2nd row right behind the guy with a hat (he threw it at chris at the end of the show and chris put it on jonny`s head). and if i disturbed someone by jumping up and down and dancing like mad, i`m sorry i couldn`t help it. anyway chris looked straight into my eyes 2 times: after singing 'come on love stay with me' and when he was saying goodbye right before he hot hit with the hat.


the weather was great (unlike on the 28th heehee) and i got sunburnt.


what else can i say: chris seemed to be in a great mood cuz he was making jokes about things and was jumping and running on stage as if he was on speed.


kudos to morning runner`s guitar player for kicking those balls back to the crowd.


oh right! i almost forgot:


i saw jonny and will watching morning runner play (thy were hiding on the left hand side of the stage) and chris watching supergrass (in the same place wearing a black jumper and sunglasses).


omg, paul mccartney was there????? whoa. didn`t notice him.


chris knelt during one song but i can`t remember which one. and did you guys see his stunt? when he jumped over the piano right in the middle of in my place? he`s fit.




peace out



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So that was them at the side of the stage! I kept seeing them and went mad! I loved the hat.


Interpol's song Evil is so good! I recognised it from the OC. I loved the keyboard guy and the bassist. They looked so cool on stage.


You know the orange ball? Got me right in the face!

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they played talk?!? NO WAY...they better play it on their north american tour!! does anyone have a bootleg of this?!

i have a snippet of the chorus! but you can hear all the people around me singing out of tune as well :P Ren should be posting it soon cos i have nooo idea how to do it

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Best gig ever


Hi everyone, I`ve just joined and this is my first forum. Went to see Coldplay on Tuesday at Crystal Palace and for the last few days have just wanted to tell everyone how amazing the gig was!! Best place to do it is here so here it is.


Went with a couple of mates from University and arrived at CP at about 11.45 to joina very small queue at the entrance. After baking in the sun for 3 hours the doors finally opened and we were allowed in. As we were at the front of the queue we ended up being two rows from the front of the stage so i knew this was gonna be a special gig.


After the usual standing around watching the satge being put together Morning Runner came on and played some very good songs. I have never heard of them so it was a pleasant surprise to hear a good band i had never heard of. I wish i could say the same for Interpol. I had heard of them but i just found them to be a bit repetative and to be quite honest, not that good. I did like the drummer though. To be fair, i don`t really care about support bands. I had paid to see Coldplay so for all I care Mr Blobby could have supported them and i stilll would have gone.


Once the supports were over Coldplay came on to the sounds of Square One and a rush came over me that i have never felt at a gig before. After a few songs it was like i was listening to their music for the first time. Just gave me a sense of europhia like nothing else ever has. Even though Johnny had a few problems with his guitar and Chris messed up a song (although if he hadn't of stopped, i never would have noticed) everything was just superb from start to finish. I like it when the band gets you involved in the gig and Coldplay did exactly that. He even mentioned the rain in one of the songs which i thought was a nice touch. They also took a bow which again i thought was an excellent thing to do.


Fix You was easily the highlight and the perfect way to end the show. I`m 25 and will quite happily admit that Fix You moved me to tears and has done wth each listen from the CD, making it my fave from X&Y and my alltime fave song by anyone. To consistently stir up my emotions with each listen is a sign of exceptional song writing.


The gig will live with me for a long time and i urge all people to see Coldplay if you can.


An unforgettable experience.

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