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Little stupid things about other countries that piss you off


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I've traveled somewhat and it always irks me to notice that some countries deal with the most inane shit ever, simple things that have so obvious room for improvement. Let's take the UK, for instance:




British sinks have two taps. One for hot water and one for cold. That is all fine and dandy, but what really confuses me is that the British, for some reason, prefer individual faucets for both water taps. This does not make any sense. You have no control over the water temperature, but you get two choices: fiery hot from the pits of hell, or freezing cold from the icy plains of Himalaya. No possibility for pleasant, lukewarm water to wash your hands in.


They even put these in new houses, since every sink in Britain I've seen (except in some nightclubs) employs this left-red-hot right-blue-cold - configuration, which makes no fucking sense and turns the mundane task of rinsing one's hands in to a jugglers SAT.




The other thing that surprised me was when we went shopping. Naturally, we bought a lot of food, beverages, soda pops, beer, pizzas and other usual stuff you buy when you shop for three adults. After the counter and paying for our stuff, I was in for a surprise. The shopping bags were small, flimsy, weak and had no handles! What the hell is up with that? You could only pack one half full, and you had to pack at least five or six bags half full of stuff to get everything packed, and then carry the bags on your lap like a bunch of puppies to a bridge.


Here, our plastic bags are sturdy, not see-through flimsy, they are sizy enough to fit two days worth of food in them and they have good HANDLES from which you can carry them. I can't believe the british have put up with this for so long without anyone saying "Sod it! These bloody bags piss me off! Give me a thick one with proper handles!" Paper is slightly better, but still, the lack of handles angers and confuses me.




To be fair, I'll add one thing that pisses me off about Finland: Traffic lights. Everywhere. In the UK, they have a lot of traffic circles (or roundabouts, or whatever they are called), which work great. In here, always when you drive, it's drive-stop-drive-stop-drive-stop. It's especially annoying in the mid-city where you spend 2/3 of your time waiting for traffic lights to change. In the UK, the traffic flows a lot smoother because you don't need to stop all the time. You just slow down, find a slot, drive in, drive out, and that's it. Ingenious.


There must be a lot of things you've noticed when travelling which make no fucking sense. Post some of them, I'm interested!

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ok.. here's one.. but I can't say I haveever experienced it first hand, but here it goes.


Whats with people in Europe driving on the left side of the road and having the steering wheel on your vehicles on the right???? Why does this have to be different than here in the western world??? :huh:

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ok.. here's one.. but I can't say I haveever experienced it first hand, but here it goes.


Whats with people in Europe driving on the left side of the road and having the steering wheel on your vehicles on the right???? Why does this have to be different than here in the western world??? :huh:


Unrelated to the title... But Europe is the western world (as well as USA and Australia & NZ)??? :P

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should i bother responding to this... i dunno.


here goes:

the brown paper bags are PAPER. They're more environmentally friendly. Do you know how long it takes for a plastic bag to decompose?

Try putting a traffic circle in downtown London. Go ahead, try to find the space for one. Traffic lights are a much more compact and efficient system.

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