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been very uninspired lately...


the yellow leaf


this is not a story

forget the changes

we made

to fit in with nature's


to change in season

to be samely

the season came unwanted

made us fit in

there is no story

all my remembrance lies here in yellow

a leaflet of memory, lying

on soiled pavement

the earth touching me

surrounding me like a moaning whore

we worked, and we fell

to a place that showed us

the simplicity of color

the unity we didn't ask for

the cruel painter's joke

a color on the leaf

he splattered on the ground

like matching piss with lemonade

this yellow leaf

matches my own mind

shameful samely depression

this story doesn't matter

but there was one, once

there was once hope on the yellow tree

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Wrote this earlier today. It's very short, but thought I'd share. :shy:


Everyday that goes by seems exactly the same.

I make more mistakes and find all new pain.

And when I feel at loss and no reason to stay.

I realize whatever happens in life,

The sun will always rise to bring a new day.

And they're somethings out there worth waking up to.

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I wrote a poem, my first one that didnt rhyme. And kinda my first. :cheesy:


The Feeling


I chase after memories,

glittering remnants of the past

a mist of nostalgia and meloncholic scenes.

It's like the dream you never finished,

the wonder devours you whole, eats you alive.

The feeling surrounded you like it was your own flesh.

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I wrote this the other night when I couldn't stop rapping in my head, LMAO:




We are a path-

We are a path to excellence,

to a sanitary residence.

To building blocks

and closed roofs over our heads.

Like the fire works shooting up

in the sky on fourth of july,

in celebration of a liberation

and beercans in our hands.


Because they told us we can be anything;

we can go to outer space or be president

of the united states.


But there we have a teacher writing on a board

because he couldn't control the world

so he settled for 32 boys and girls.

And he puts us in a line and tells us how to survive

the real world, how to be just "fine."

Not to sprain our wrist reaching for something

we will never get. But to settle on the dime

we are handed,

that will feed us, and clothe us,

and make us live that American Dream

that our parents never let us forget.


Except we are slamming our bedroom door,

and yelling through the cracks on the walls

that we are right and our parents are wrong.


Because they told us we can be anything;

we can go to outer space or be president

of the united states.


But when we wanna settle on a painting on a wall

or a song we hear on the radio

or words that build up high until they fall

right through our hands and fingers

and onto a pen scribbling on a piece of paper.

When we wanna let our feet tell a story

or step onto a stage-


Our mama says that the bills need to be paid.

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I wrote this the other night when I couldn't stop rapping in my head, LMAO:




We are a path-

We are a path to excellence,

to a sanitary residence.

To building blocks

and closed roofs over our heads.

Like the fire works shooting up

in the sky on fourth of july,

in celebration of a liberation

and beercans in our hands.


Because they told us we can be anything;

we can go to outer space or be president

of the united states.


But there we have a teacher writing on a board

because he couldn't control the world

so he settled for 32 boys and girls.

And he puts us in a line and tells us how to survive

the real world, how to be just "fine."

Not to sprain our wrist reaching for something

we will never get. But to settle on the dime

we are handed,

that will feed us, and clothe us,

and make us live that American Dream

that our parents never let us forget.


Except we are slamming our bedroom door,

and yelling through the cracks on the walls

that we are right and our parents are wrong.


Because they told us we can be anything;

we can go to outer space or be president

of the united states.


But when we wanna settle on a painting on a wall

or a song we hear on the radio

or words that build up high until they fall

right through our hands and fingers

and onto a pen scribbling on a piece of paper.

When we wanna let our feet tell a story

or step onto a stage-


Our mama says that the bills need to be paid.


This is very good, I especially liked the ending. Great job. :nice:


Here's an old one I wrote awhile ago.


I should have you know

If you need a friend

I'll be there by your side

Here you out with open ears

And comfort you with quiet words


I should have you know

That if you are lost

I'll come find you

Search until I'm lifeless

With no strength to pull through


I should have you know

That I'll always call you a friend

Even when you walk away

And become a stranger again

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When you're near


Hey you,

try to take the word and make some sense on what you're thinking.

The walls are bending mad

The earth is spinning hard

I'm trying, but i can't make it straight.


Come on,

go and spread the word and make some sense on what they're thinking.

The world is drifting away

Leading the evil way

I've tried, but i can't make it straight.


Apocalyptic thoughts surrounding my mind

when will i say it clear?

You're the one i love so bad

But telling you is just too hard

As long as you stay here.


Come on,

try to be in my place and make some sense on what i'm feeling.

My time is running out

My poor brain is melting down

I'm trying, but i can't make it straight.


Apocalyptic thoughts surrounding my mind

when will i say it clear?

You're the one i love so bad

But telling you is just too hard

As long as you stay here.


As long as you stay here

When will you leave?

You'll never leave

You'll never leave

You'll never leave

You'll never leave

You'll never leave

Apocalyptic thoughts surrounding me.








my best so far, no doubt.:smug:

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I can't believe that I:


a) wrote something again

b) wrote something again in GERMAN

c) wrote something again in german which is not a depressing one

d) wrote something again in german which is not a depressing one and not even bad




nobody will understand, but I will post it anyways...,:wacky:


Man spricht über Leben

streben nach Leben dann abheben.

Streben nach Liebe

spricht nicht über Triebe

ist auch nicht abgehoben

würde im Kopf zu sehr toben.

Ist Verwirrung gestiftet,

wenn du driftest, nein man driftet

in Gedanken

einmal ein Schwanken,

dann Blockade,


Viel Streben nach Leben,

leben nach Liebe?

Nach Liebe?

lieben nach Leben?

Nach Leben?

Streben nach Liebe.

Muss einiges erreichen,

Herzen erweichen.

Ist Liebe gestiftet,

du driftest, nein man driftet,

nicht in schwankenden Gedanken,

doch in gedachten Schwankungen.


Gedanken sollte man beenden.

Doch Inspiration?




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