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Best "Bridge" In A Coldplay Song?


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My personal favorite would either be Politik's or Clock's.


But if I had to pick an Overall winner, it would be Clocks.


it's just a great transition from the chorus/verse, and brings a lot of emotion from the lyrics and new melody.


what about you guys? Whats your favorite Bridge?


For those of you that dont know, A Bridge is basically a drastic change in a song. It could deal with different chords, or sometimes different melodies and tempos.

a= Verse

b= chorus

c= bridge


A,B,A,B,C,A <<< usually the case with Coldplay's songs(like clocks).

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Speed of Sound has a good bridge [All those sign, I knew what they meant]. Politik's bridge is amazing [Give me love over, love over, love over this....:D]. Love Clock's bridge too [it's true - 'and nothing else compares'...;)]

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I'm quoting Steph and Allie :nice: so Politik :heart:


Don't know if it happens only to me, but when especially when it comes to the bridge I so want to scream it every time I listen to it, better if live :stunned:

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