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Changing positions...

Guest REManic

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Guest REManic

If you would like to see the band Coldplay playing in different positions, what would it be like??I mean, the members playing other instruments?

Would you put Guy behind the mike? Or would you put Chris holding the drumsticks??

Would it be interesting?

Let's talk.:)

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chris wouldnt be able to bare not being front man....he's too hyper!


but guy as lead singer would be great....he's got the look!


jonny played drums in the nappies and was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


especially when he threw the sticks up in the air and caught them :D :D

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I'd love to see them just shift around in general... from song to song. I know at one point in the Atlanta show fro Sigur rós Georg, the bassist, was behind the drums while the drummer, Orri, was on the piano. They all shift around throughout the show and it's pretty cool to wtach. It'd be awesome if Coldpaly did something like that, but they're all wehere they need to be. Although, I would love to see more Will on the piano. :D

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