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Best concert other than Coldplay?

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U2. Every single show I went to is a moment that I'll never forget. I think that the show that I went to on October 4th was the best though. Keane as an opener, and I was right against the rail....!! *sighs* memories...



The Stones put on a good show, too, but it wasn't very personal. It was just cool to see them... But nothing MIND blowing. Just great music and Mick Jagger running around with his shirt off? Meh... For what I paid I was hoping for better, but, alas. I have to keep reminding myself that they've sort of sold out.


I highly recommend seeing U2 in concert though, at least once in your life if you haven't already. Even if you don't like them. Their shows are just... blindingly amazing.

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U2. Every single show I went to is a moment that I'll never forget. I think that the show that I went to on October 4th was the best though. Keane as an opener, and I was right against the rail....!! *sighs* memories...



The Stones put on a good show, too, but it wasn't very personal. It was just cool to see them... But nothing MIND blowing. Just great music and Mick Jagger running around with his shirt off? Meh... For what I paid I was hoping for better, but, alas. I have to keep reminding myself that they've sort of sold out.


I highly recommend seeing U2 in concert though, at least once in your life if you haven't already. Even if you don't like them. Their shows are just... blindingly amazing.



Amen to that sister~~!!!! U2 HANDS DOWN...! BEST LIVE EVER..


seen them every tour since Joshua Tree and every concert is a religious experience.. you walk out completely changed...:D

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The Stones put on a good show, too, but it wasn't very personal. It was just cool to see them... But nothing MIND blowing. Just great music and Mick Jagger running around with his shirt off? Meh... For what I paid I was hoping for better, but, alas. I have to keep reminding myself that they've sort of sold out.


Yeah, I agree. They never seemed to interact with or acknowlege the audience in any way, but it was an experience.

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Probably Incubus, U2, and The Hives were the best concerts I've been to other than Coldplay. Incubus played for almost 3 hours. It was awesome. For U2, I had godawful seats behind the stage, third level. It was still good though, music wise. The hives were awesome. So much energy, and it was in a small venue, so I was very close.

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For me the best gig I ever been to was the one of DIONYSOS (a french band), their album is good but not so great but in live they are the best, better than coldplay or any other band!

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