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yellowy eyes

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Yeah, I should wander over to the download thread in multimedia with that spoiler.. :)


Done http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3065225#post3065225


Wait...they are on twitter..? :\ erm..I can't find them :(




Edit: duh, link on the myspace page..god I'm so blind and stupid sometimes...got it now and following :)


Mew twitter

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I doubt the Finnish radio people understand Danish. Finnish and Danish are very different languages. Swedish and Danish, have more simularities, but Mew only speak fluent English and Danish. It will be in English, I hope. :)

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I'm so excited now!:dance:

Just heard the new song on Myspace....i don't really like the beginning of the song....:confused:






They're on twitter?!:D:dance:

*goes to follow*


It'll grow on you. I actually loved it at first listen. I love messed up beats like that. Kinda reminds me of "Envoy". Which is a favorite Mew song of mine.


I'm making a Twitter account tonight. I finally give in to the Twitter fad, but only for Mew. :)


EDIT: My friend has his own radio show. He said if he got the chance to interview Mew, he'd give them my contact information. I don't wanna get ahead of myself. He says I shouldn't, but that would be pretty darn gr8. :D

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It'll grow on you. I actually loved it at first listen. I love messed up beats like that. Kinda reminds me of "Envoy". Which is a favorite Mew song of mine.


I'm making a Twitter account tonight. I finally give in to the Twitter fad, but only for Mew. :)


EDIT: My friend has his own radio show. He said if he got the chance to interview Mew, he'd give them my contact information. I don't wanna get ahead of myself. He says I shouldn't, but that would be pretty darn gr8. :D


Yeah,it reminds me of that song too..

I'm sure it'll grow on me,have to give it a few more listens.:)


Oh yeah,that Twitter thingy,I'm so glad they're on it.I mentioned it not too long ago.:D

Oh you gotta follow Coldplay & Apparatjik.Let's make Coldplay the no. 1 most

followed Twitter.;)


What?Give them your contact information?What sort of information?:inquisitive:

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@Panda86 - Like my number or email, IM. ect. :)

I also have worked in radio, and would love to have some contact with them. Professionally of course... or not so professionally. Just to have a conversation with them like they weren't rockstars but just regular people would be nice.

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Woot. You're welcome. Bo was great in that interview. He never fails to please. Go Bo! I myself have been up hours past my liking. I am headed off for dream land Frengers.


And Paula, thanks for the spoiler. :wink:

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Thanks!! I wonder what he said too... He's such a treat. :smiley:


Paula, the Frengers at mewsite, some missed it. Maybe you can share your link there too? :)


Edit: I'm too slow. If I had missed it I'd love you forever for ripping it. :p

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