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Top 5 LEAST fav Coldplay songs (B-sides included)


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^^ I think they are the ones she likes the MOST.. not the least.


I dont know a lot of Bsides so my list only contains songs from the albums..


we never change


see you soon

warning sign

swallowed in the sea


I like these songs but I dont listen to them quite often and I tend to skip them when they're on.

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oh my god..

I'm Sorry, your right...

I didn't read the title right ...

I read it " Top 5 Favorite Coldplay Songs"

and this thread talked about Coldplay Least Songs....

and about the songs I post it before these are my favorite...


Thank you " Chavi " for correcting my mistake...

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  • 1 month later...
...I hate to interrupt, but is there anybody here who can answer my question about "Amsterdam"? (See earlier posts)



If you mean what is being played on guitar, like they said it's an Ebow. I've never seen one before until I saw Jonny using it. It vibrates to make the string sound continuously rather that you having to pluck it with your fingers. So you can make the note last and last as long as you want. That is my take on it. But if someone else knows better, by all means, help me out.

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If you mean what is being played on guitar, like they said it's an Ebow. I've never seen one before until I saw Jonny using it. It vibrates to make the string sound continuously rather that you having to pluck it with your fingers. So you can make the note last and last as long as you want. That is my take on it. But if someone else knows better, by all means, help me out.
Thanks! That question has bugged me for a while.

But that still qualifies as guitar playing in the song then, right?


I hope I don't catch hell for this.
Trust me, you won't get it as badly as I did.
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  • 2 weeks later...

^ oh... do you mean top 5 MOST fav coldplay songs???


quite surprised to see don't panic, speed of sound and arobtth are in your list. all three are my top faves. white shadows and brothers sisters also are good enough.

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Shame on anyone for mentioning ANY old b-sides ;)


With 1 being my least favourite:


1. Proof

2. The Hardest Part

3. Low

4. How you see the world (either one)

5. What If


What If would've been alright if he wasn't singing falsetto throughout the entire chorus. As you can see, 2005 was a disappointing year for me :(

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Trust me, you won't get it as badly as I did.


I actually agreed with the stuff on yours.



"What If" is just...ugh. They lyrics are simple and not that great. He rhymes 'wrong' with 'wrong' and that really annoys me.


A lot of the writing on X & Y annoys me, really.



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I actually agreed with the stuff on yours.



"What If" is just...ugh. They lyrics are simple and not that great. He rhymes 'wrong' with 'wrong' and that really annoys me.


A lot of the writing on X & Y annoys me, really.




I absolutely agree with you.


"The hardest part was letting go, not taking part. That was the hardest part."

Argh! He sang 'part' 3 times in that line...3 times!

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^ oh... do you mean top 5 MOST fav coldplay songs???


quite surprised to see don't panic, speed of sound and arobtth are in your list. all three are my top faves. white shadows and brothers sisters also are good enough.


Oops.... :surprised: I read the opposite... those 5 were my MOST fave songs... :P

Thanks for making me notice that...


well, my 5 least fave now (among the ones I know):

5 Twisted logic

4 Sleeping sun

3 The world turned upside down

2 A whisper

1 Daylight

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5. Spies - I've tried to like it, but I just can't.:\


4. Harmless - It's short, but unlike Parachutes, not in a good way.


3. A Whisper - Worst song off of AROBTTH. Why in the world was it was chosen over I Ran Away!?


2. White Shadows - I just don't like it.


1. In My Place - Waaayyyy too radio friendly.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oops.... :surprised: I read the opposite... those 5 were my MOST fave songs... :P

Thanks for making me notice that...


well, my 5 least fave now (among the ones I know):

5 Twisted logic

4 Sleeping sun

3 The world turned upside down

2 A whisper

1 Daylight


Shocking that you have 3 of my all time favorites in there (5, 2, 1). Just goes to show how diverse CP fans are, and some hear pure brilliance in the songs while others are just deaf.

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  • 2 weeks later...
To be quite honest with you I can tell just by what you just said that your not a good musician at all, and you also miss the entire point of Coldplay. Also as you being a musician and such I should hope you would know that Jonny Buckland never plays a single chord in Amsterdam. But then again what do I know...


yeah I was thinking the exact same thing.


I studied music myself for the last 4 years, but I don't take that into account with my worst 5 because coldplay are all amazing musicians, I'm just taking into account my own music taste, and it disagree's with:


In no order:


1 - For you (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

2 - Daylight (Good middle 8 but the rest annoys me)

3 - High Speed (great bass line, great guitar parts, BORRRRRRING song overall)

4 - Speed of Sound (I didn't like this at all, I thought it was too much like clocks)

5 - Pour Me - ( NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO-NO! Just, NO!)


And for everybody else, I LOVE A whisper. :\

I seem to be the only one though lol

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You people who say What If is bad amaze me.


Gotta say


1) A Whisper

2) Sparks

3) We Never Change

4) High Speed

5) Pour Me


Not really in order though.


This is such a hard list to make, because even though those songs are my least favorite, I still like listening to them and would take them over 80% of the songs being played on the radio today.

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