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Top 5 LEAST fav Coldplay songs (B-sides included)


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Thanks! That question has bugged me for a while.

But that still qualifies as guitar playing in the song then, right?



Yes, but not chords. An E-bow supplies continuous sustain to individual notes. Jonny stays on the D string and I slides from 7th to the 8th to 13th and then to the 12th fret. It's a lot more subtle than something like fix you anyway. It's not nearly as cliche, just simple, powerful and it leaves as fast as it comes, dropping you back into that the empty sensation you had at the beginning of the song.

I too am a fan of minimalism but I imagine the song would've been terribly dry if it didn't have some sort of resolution. The character is stuck in a hole, I can't imagine a quick simple way of ending it shortly after the second chorus without leaving you feeling dissatisfied or even depressed. I do however like for you, easy to please, gravity for what they are. They might be some of the most popular least favs. on this thread, but if you're patient you can really soak in the subtleties and mellow vibes.


I do want to apologize for my contribution in making you feel attacked...I merely disagreed, didn't mean anything by it.

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Easy To Please - the only song I truly cannot stand. Obviously, it wasn't exactly their masterpiece, even early on, but Chris' voice just doesn't work.


Low - I'm amazed I don't see this one more. This is the kind of song people think of when they think Coldplay.


1.36 - Not awful, but definitely not quite up to par with the rest of the stuff from that particular era.


A Whisper - Not as terrifically awful as people make it out to be, but when compared to the rest of it's album and superior B-sides, it's too repetitive and lyrically fluffy.


Speed of Sound - Good song? Yes. But considering it's a middle of the road track, it's vastly overplayed and overrated.


Wonderfully, it really took me time to find five - really, there are only the first four, I just don't find Speed of Sound all that great. Still, condsidering I have most of the actual studio tracks they have and I can only single out these, I'd say it's a pretty decent library :)

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CLocks (I used to love it, but the radio played it to death...I still love it live though)

Yellow - Same reason, but I odn't hate it or anything...it's still a sweet song.

42...lol J/k! I'm sure i'll love it:laugh3:, I just can't think of a fifth atm.

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ill just do A-Sides because itll just be a bit easy then


Swallowed In The Sea- Drives me up the wall. Worst Coldplay A-side Coldplay have done.

Twisted Logic- Always bores the hell out of me. I think its Chris voice. But cant stand it.


I dont know which is the worst out of them 3 so i just wrote them all,

High Speed. Not terrible. But not great/Low- Really rubbish and abit muddled up everywhere with lots of instruments.blah/Fix You-I actually despise this song.Hate It. So fucking overrated.


XY-What the hell where they thinking. Never listen to this song. EVER!

SOS-Average at best. I hate it live too.

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XY-What the hell where they thinking. Never listen to this song. EVER!



Wow. I didn't like the song much at first, but what is so bad about it? The most I can say is that the chorus is a little annoying, but the arrangement, arpeggios, solo, slide guitar and strings outro have to make it worth something.

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Wow. I didn't like the song much at first, but what is so bad about it? The most I can say is that the chorus is a little annoying, but the arrangement, arpeggios, solo, slide guitar and strings outro have to make it worth something.


Its just...whats the word..............SHIT! I used to like but I havent listened to it in ages because it dosent appeal to me. But I love every other Coldplay song (On XandY some I just like not love) just not the ones I chose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hardest Part

Violet Hill (flame away, but I still think the rest of the album will be just fine)

What If

Twisted Logic

Such a Rush





I like Coldplay for their soft stuff in general, but I know a lot of people are more interested in loud dramatic stuff.

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1.Easy To Please-I have always hated it, I don't see anything good in this song

2.Proof-Not. Good.

3.Where Is My Boy-I like the music but the lyrics spoils it all and chris voice doesn't fit either

4.Swallowed In The Sea-I simply don't like it

5.Harmless-Not this song either



Funny that almost no one chose Ode To Deodorant :laugh3:

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Most of the B sides I didn't like so ill ignore them, of album tracks then.


What if - bannel ballad anyone could do.

The hardest part - It's not good, its another boring choice for a single.

We never change - Boring, like the track before it, from an other wise strong album, making it my least fav of the 3.

High speed - boring

Till Kingdom come - Just boring, nothing to keep me coming back to it. For me X&Y ends on the brilliance of twisted logic.

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Errr considering I don't dislike any Coldplay songs...


1. Speed of Sound. I don't know why. Maybe a little overplayed.

2. A Whisper. Just nothing special.

3. Pour Me. Just... not great...

4. Crest of Waves. I don't know whether it's cos I downloaded it from a dodgy site but it's kind of fuzzy :confused:

5. Bigger Stronger. I don't think the lyrics are great.


Ooo I feel like I've blasphemed now :(

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  • 2 years later...

Oh yeah...least favorites.


Here it goes...


1. We Never Change - Just...so...boring.

2. For You - Also boring. Musically speaking, the chorus is quite inventive, but...yeah.

3. Only Superstition - I can appreciate the complexity of this guitar part, but the tone of Jonny's guitar makes me want to SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -

4. High Speed - For all I know, it might be good...but I can never make it through the song without falling asleep.

5. Sleeping Sun - Repetitive.


As a side note...I can't BELIEVE how much hate there is for Easy to Please. It's one of their most creative tracks, in my opinion. Also one of their most Radiohead-esque...but to be compared to Radiohead is basically an honor. :3


To each his own, though.

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5. In My Place - Yet again, do not understand the appeal of this song. It was somewhat of a hit for them, I know, but it doesn't really do that much for me.


4. Life is for Living (Studio version) - The AROBTTH tour version is amazing, but the original is just crap. It's obviously been recorded in a different location to the rest of Parachutes, and most certainly one that isn't as quality a place to record. Chris sounds like he's drunk, too. As a track, it just doesn't work for me - Everything's Not Lost is a far better track to go out on.


3. Daylight - It's better live, but Jonny's slide guitar riff just doesn't do it for me; especially with the string section in the background.


2. A Whisper - Far too repetitive... maybe I just haven't given it the chance it deserves. Sometimes my friends and I refer to this song as 'A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper, A Whisper...'


1. 42 - It should be great... it's an awesome number, after all. But honestly, I just cannot get on with it. And I know I'm gonna get some hate for this - I do already from my friends who are Coldplay listeners. To be honest, the three versions of it I have (studio version + two live versions) are all one star in my iTunes, and are the only one star songs out of 2376 songs in my library. That is how much I dislike this song.


(Dis)honourable mentions - Loveless (which doesn't technically count as a Coldplay track, but still...), Only Superstition (it has grown on me somewhat, though), Clocks (overrated, IMO), Pour Me (eugghhh...), We Never Change, Death Will Never Conquer & You Only Live Twice.


I can't BELIEVE how much hate there is for Easy to Please.


I agree so much, it's ridiculous. Easy to Please is so much better than some of their other tracks.

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Least faves are the most commercial songs:

viva la vida


In my place

Fix you

Speed of sound


I assume you hate them because they're commercial? That's really not fair. Maybe there's a reason they are so popular...they're good songs. Musically, I can't find a bone to pick with any of them (other than the Clocks/Speed of Sound similarity).


Just because something is commercial...that doesn't make it bad.

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I assume you hate them because they're commercial? That's really not fair. Maybe there's a reason they are so popular...they're good songs. Musically, I can't find a bone to pick with any of them (other than the Clocks/Speed of Sound similarity).


Just because something is commercial...that doesn't make it bad.


I agree so much...

And I personnally think that the commercial success can make a song even better. It gaves a vibe to it, a real power, like it could please anyone on the whole world.


So now my list, which probably is:


5) A Whisper. It's... special... Or Twisted Logic, maybe.

4) Easy to please. Boring.

3) I Bloom Blaum

2) High Speed. Never really got that song... Same thing with We Never Change, actually

1) X&Y. It is so "Coldplayish"... So cheesy... So boring... :sick: It totally breaks the album rhythm according to me.


I didn't know that much people dislike 1.36... I really love that one.

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