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The Official Exam Thread


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I would like to hear The Birth and the Death of Day anytime! I don't even know if the band has even ventured to Australia but if they did... :stunned:


Good luck with your exams by the way.


That song was the awesome intro they played today ^^

The rest of the concert was great as well, allthough I generally like their quieter parts the best, and the concert mostly contained their more noisy tracks. But all in all it was great.


7 hours to exam time, better get some sleep.

Oh, and thank you ^^

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exams are so close, those weeks i'll have to do my presentations here.. (5), and when i'll be back to my place in Spain (begining of June), i have another 5 exams waiting for me, and an oral exam (really are two, one is to resume a book and the other is to speak about 'any topic' for 20 minutes :stunned:) :worried:


i don't know how i'll can deal with all that yet, and how successful i'll be, at least the ones from here, surelly i'll pass them as them aren't 'exams' at all.


i prefer not to think too much about it, because just to think about it is so stressing (10 subjects, is too much).


I wish my Erasmus were like for the rest, they got the marks they get here in their place, i mean they didn't had to do the exams twice, like me, that is so annoying and tiring. :\


good luck to the ones who will have exams soon, try to not get very stressed.


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Ah yes! You are right! I remember we had a convo about that. Shesh, that was a long time ago. I remmeber missing heaps of opportunities to see bands because I was working :\ Oh well, there's always next time, hopefully lol :P


Good luck all!

Yep, that was quite some time ago. It's when I started to dream of going to one of their concerts, but it's obvious that I can't go. :cry:


That song was the awesome intro they played today ^^

The rest of the concert was great as well, allthough I generally like their quieter parts the best, and the concert mostly contained their more noisy tracks. But all in all it was great.


7 hours to exam time, better get some sleep.

Oh, and thank you ^^

Good night and good luck! :)


Uhhh ... my first exam to do is French Literature - the oral part. Ooops. I'm a bit terrified - speaking in French in front of a native speaker - the professor is a bit terrifying!

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*rolls around in mud*


And for all of yous who are in the middle of or are going to face their exams, hang in there! It's only temporary! :D




my first paper is on thursday


probably additional mathematics pt. 1 and physics pt. 3



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God rest my weary soul. I've got two exams this week and I have a 4 hour long simulation the night before each of them - so there goes my plan to cram. Then I've got a metric crapton of homework to catch up on, a paper to write, and this isn't even finals week yet.

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it's that long because we have a GREAT university system here in France that allows us to have a full-four-month break :lol:


oh man 23 papers ? Good luck Rudy !!! hope you'll do great !!

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My first exam is on the 19th of May, and I've yet to get thoroughly revising for it.

Same for me. It seems far away, but it's less than two weeks:(

I've studied a little and it's only stuff I already know (or should know actually).

It's all about the nerves and the stress that makes it hard.

But when I'm finished after 7 exams there's a very long vacation (wich I really need :nice:) And ofcourse VLV! (and MGS4 :P)

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