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03-Aug-08: Washington - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos [originally 02-Jul]

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For Sale: 1 Ticket, 8/03, Verizon: Sec. 102, Row O. Face + TM charges


This is my first post (and I had to register to post it) but, trust me, this is a legitimate offer.


I bought three Coldplay tickets for my daughter and her friends, and now one friend has bailed (without paying), leaving me stuck with an extra ticket.


I have the hard TM ticket in hand, and you pay what I paid: $115, plus actual shipping if required. Would prefer cash transaction in NoVA (Pr. William County/Manassas-area). If you buy the ticket by 5 PM tomorrow (7/31), I'll do overnight mail IF you pay PayPal, and if you'll pay to ship at time of sale. Overnight/Express Only (which I think is $14.95 -- but I could be wrong).


I'd really prefer cash and a meet-up to transfer the ticket to the buy, because it's late in the game. I was thinking we could meet at a public place: Target parking lot, Starbucks, whatever works for you.


Please PM me if you're interested, or email: [email protected]


Thanks!! And enjoy your show.

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I now have (2) tickets available in section 120, row M. Please PM me if interested. Willing to negotiate on price.


Hey, I went to the show in Philly and I am dying to see it again and would love to take my sister, so I was curious if your tickets for the DC show are still available. Please let me know! Thanks.

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I went to a few shows at the 9:30 club but I went to a ton at the Black Cat. I never posted on either forum though.

lovely! did you go to a lot of shows at 9:30 or black cat? if so - im sure we've seen each other. and did you ever post to the 9:30 forum?
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Does anyone have a pair of tickets that they are willing to part with for the DC show on Sunday night? My girlfriend and I thought we would be out of town and not able to attend but our plans changed and we would really love to go. Any reasonable price will be accepted.


Help a guy out so I don't wind up in the doghouse please! :)

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Coldplay at the Verizon Center




Until U2 releases its new album later this year, Coldplay will remain the biggest rock band in the land. The British band’s fourth set and its title track have lodged themselves near the top of the charts. Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends is also the band’s best set yet, and its most U2-sounding thus far. Little wonder: They made it with acclaimed producer Brian Eno, the man responsible for making U2 stadium-rock staples and thus paving the way for Coldplay's eventual success. It’s working like a charm. Now Coldplay is on its own arena tour, hitting the Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW, this Sunday, Aug. 3. Show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $49.50 to $97.50. Call 202-397-SEAT, 800-551-SEAT or visit http://www.ticketmaster.com.



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1. Go to the bathroom before the concert

2. Bring at least 1 water bottle

3. Eat light beforehand

4. Don't kill your voice on the first song, youll need it for DAAHF;)

5. Don't expect an encore, just enjoy every single song

6. Get a t-shirt

7. Take some pics if you must, but dont worry so much about it, just take in every single minute

8. Don't mind people around you, if they are sitting or being jerks, that's their problem

9. If you're in a lower section to the right of the band, get ready cause they might come running at you

10. Have fun!

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Hmmm yeah it is. But if its almost 9 than it should be starting soon. If they start the same time everywhere.


hartford started at 9:10, I checked my cell phone. They played till about 11:15, so theyll probably play about 2 hours tonight.

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