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09-Aug-08: Osaka - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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Thanks Deborah br


Did you hear at the end in the audience someone says "you know, yeah, you know"


like they could not sing along but if they could they would let them know

how much they love them :nice:

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Thanks Deborah :)


I've found this setlist on this blog http://ameblo.jp/skatsuki/entry-10125936131.html


Coldplay live in Japan at Summer Sonic 08


01. Life In Technicolor

02. Violet Hill

03. Politik

04. In My Place

05. Viva La Vida

06. God Put Up Smile Upon Your Face (2008 Version)

07. Fix You

08. Yes (2nd Half)

09. Only One of the World's Flowers --> Japanese song

10. Yellow

11. Lost!

12. 42

13. Speed Of Sound

14. Scientist (Acoustic)

15. Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic by Will Champion)

16. Talk (Remix)

17. Clocks (with Alicia Keys)

18. Lovers In Japan

19. Death And His All Friends


"42" is maybe an order・・・


The lines in red were in Japanese and I used Google to translate them, so they may be wrong ;)

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Thanks Deborah br


Did you hear at the end in the audience someone says "you know, yeah, you know"


like they could not sing along but if they could they would let them know

how much they love them :nice:


Yeah, I've heard. It's kinda cute, actually. :nice:



Thanks Deborah :)


I've found this setlist on this blog http://ameblo.jp/skatsuki/entry-10125936131.html


Coldplay live in Japan at Summer Sonic 08


01. Life In Technicolor

02. Violet Hill

03. Politik

04. In My Place

05. Viva La Vida

06. God Put Up Smile Upon Your Face (2008 Version)

07. Fix You

08. Yes (2nd Half)

09. One of the world flower --> Japanese song

10. Yellow

11. Lost!

12. 42

13. Speed Of Sound

14. Scientist (Acoustic)

15. Death Will Never Conquer (Acoustic by Will Champion)

16. Talk (Remix)

17. Clocks (with Alicia Keys)

18. Lovers In Japan

19. Death And His All Friends


"42" is maybe an order・・・


The lines in red were in Japanese and I used Google to translate them, so they may be wrong ;)


Thank you, Cris!!!! :D


EDIT: Cris, the name of the song in Japanese is Only One of the World's Flowers. I asked at Youtube comments.

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Great work Chris! :)


There must have been encores then - that set's surely too long to be just an hour?


The Japanese song is, I think, 'Only One Flower in the World' but I'll have to double check. Sadly it's not original, but a J-Pop cover of a song by SMAP. Here they are performing it:




Thank you! It's definitely the song that Chris was singing. I think this song is very famous in Japan, 'cause I've heard the crowd singing with him.

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Thank you! It's definitely the song that Chris was singing. I think this song is very famous in Japan, 'cause I've heard the crowd singing with him.


Yes it's a huge song over there. SMAP have been probably the biggest pop and TV stars for the last ten years, so the crowd must have loved it!


Here's a version (not by SMAP) with the lyrics translated into English. Chris' version is of course shorter and the lyrics are in a slightly different order, but it's not too hard to work out:



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Yes it's a huge song over there. SMAP have been probably the biggest pop and TV stars for the last ten years, so the crowd must have loved it!


Here's a version (not by SMAP) with the lyrics translated into English. Chris' version is of course shorter and the lyrics are in a slightly different order, but it's not too hard to work out:




Thank you! The lyric is beautiful!

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Thank you! The lyric is beautiful!


Most welcome, and yes, it is nice :)


Chris changed the lyrics to say something about Osaka, but he made a mistake in that bit and I can only guess that he's saying that Osaka's the flower the song's about.

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Thanks for the help! My post is updated now :D


As there's no official English title for the song, there's no perfect translation into English. Both Deb's version and mine are possible literal translations, but the one I like best is actually on Wikipedia, the poetic translation 'A Flower Unlike Any Other in the World'.


What a lovely song - thank you Chris! :)

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I'd just love to know what he's singing at the end of Clocks, I've googled a bit and I'm sure those are lyrics from either Alicia's song or someone else's, surely,


"No more, waiting for you, no more, could be I'm waiting for a few, for you?"

or something like that, I'm shit at hearing Chris' lyrics right!:D

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