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09-Aug-08: Osaka - Tickets, Preview, Meetups, Review/Photos

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OK, really confused now. Summersonic Osaka was 8-9 and Tokyo was 8-10, yes? I don't see a show for 8-8 (Friday).:confused:


Wait you're right it was Sat/Sun.


I'm getting confused because of the time difference, because they're ahead. :laugh3: :dunce:


Yeah it was Sat and Sun. Sorry :embarassed:

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Wait you're right it was Sat/Sun.


I'm getting confused because of the time difference, because they're ahead. :laugh3: :dunce:


Yeah it was Sat and Sun. Sorry :embarassed:



Hey no problem! (Love the dunce hat) Thanks.


So they are off for a bit now, right? Dang no new JJ pics.:laugh3::kiss:


I kid! Rest up love!

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Actually scrap that I think she's playing OVER a loop of the piano.


Urgh, wish they'd stop with all this looping shit.


But why? She can't perform it live? Because it looks now like special guest star performance in serials:)

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Can't really tell you how disappointed I am that they don't play their instruments live :-(

Look how the keyboard is still playing when Chris leaves. Shouldn't be a problem to put some musicians on the stage, like for example R.E.M. do.

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They DO play their instruments live, they're not miming :P


What's the difference between someone else playing the part and it being looped though? REM still aren't actually playing the parts that the other musicians are playing, are they?


They said they toyed with the idea of having people to play the parts they cannot, but they only ever want to play as a foursome.

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SUMMER SONIC: Coldplay’s Only Festival Date in 2008 - The Definitive Report


Well, had you asked me what I thought of them a month or two ago, just before Coldplay released ‘Livin La Vida Loca’ (or whatever it was called), I would have told you quite firmly, ‘Interesting to read about because Chris Martin seems constantly on the edge of a nervous breakdown, but too fucking boring to ever actually put on the record.’


Then they released their fourth, Brian Eno produced album. The big cheesy choruses were replaced by evokative ambiances and daring, meandering new approaches to making music (relative to their old stuff, at least). Suddnely, they relased something as musically interesting as their press presence had always suggested they could be.


And so it was with new-found confidence in their avante-garde leanings that the band headlined Summer Sonic in a way that no other band could pull off…


The show climaxed with the band being joined onstage by Alicia Keyes, who played piano on ‘Clocks’. She didn’t have a microphone so just waved a lot, looking a bit lost and awe-struck. It was still very good, mind you. He introduced her on stage as ‘the most beautiful woman in the world… except for my wife.’ I’m guessing he caught a glimpse of Gwenyth stood looking disapprovingly in the wings so added that final compensatory clause as an afterthought so as to avoid martial bickering all the way home.


Against a backdrop depicting the French Romantic painting by Eugène Delacroix, ‘Liberty Leading The People’, used as the bands album artwork for ‘Viva La Vida’, they performed in costumes aping the style of French Revolutionaries, just like they’ve been doing on the rest of the tour - giving them a way more interesting visual edge than back in the days when they used to dress like geography teachers.


Perhaps trying to compensate for Coldplay’s last festival headline slot at Fuji Rock a few years back, where Chris Martin walked out on stage and shouted ‘SAYONARA!‘ (Japanese for ‘Goodbye’) after one song, the curly haired choir-boy spent a remarkable amount of the performance communicating in admirable, if often confused, Japanese. Not that anyone minded. Even if his grammar was up shit creek, all was forgiven when he broke into a section of a song by Japanese pop-juggernauts SMAP. The response was frenetic.


Early on in the set, during ‘Politik’, Martin changed the lyrics of the song to sing, ‘Sixty thousands Japanese people watching us / Let Alicia Keyes always play with us’, giving a hint of the special performance that was still to come. He also seemed to spend a lot of the performance running off the stage and through the crowd. Here’s the moment his little legs got the better of him during ‘Fix You’:

The show climaxed with the band being joined onstage by Alicia Keyes, who played piano on ‘Clocks’. She didn’t have a microphone so just waved a lot, looking a bit lost and awe-struck. It was still very good, mind you. He introduced her on stage as ‘the most beautiful woman in the world… except for my wife.’ I’m guessing he caught a glimpse of Gwenyth stood looking disapprovingly in the wings so added that final compensatory clause as an afterthought so as to avoid martial bickering all the way home.


Against a backdrop depicting the French Romantic painting by Eugène Delacroix, ‘Liberty Leading The People’, used as the bands album artwork for ‘Viva La Vida’, they performed in costumes aping the style of French Revolutionaries, just like they’ve been doing on the rest of the tour - giving them a way more interesting visual edge than back in the days when they used to dress like geography teachers.


Perhaps trying to compensate for Coldplay’s last festival headline slot at Fuji Rock a few years back, where Chris Martin walked out on stage and shouted ‘SAYONARA!’ (Japanese for ‘Goodbye’) after one song, the curly haired choir-boy spent a remarkable amount of the performance communicating in admirable, if often confused, Japanese. Not that anyone minded. Even if his grammar was up shit creek, all was forgiven when he broke into a section of a song by Japanese pop-juggernauts SMAP. The response was frenetic.


Early on in the set, during ‘Politik’, Martin changed the lyrics of the song to sing, ‘Sixty thousands Japanese people watching us / Let Alicia Keyes always play with us’, giving a hint of the special performance that was still to come. He also seemed to spend a lot of the performance running off the stage and through the crowd. Here’s the moment his little legs got the better of him during ‘Fix You’:




Elsewhere the band performed all the songs you’d expect to hear, reflecting all stages of their career. For ‘The Scientist’, all four members of the band ran into a specially constructed podium in the middle of the crowd, performing a stripped-down acoustic version of the song, followed by a harmonica enfused ‘DWNC’. I got a video of that, but I can’t really post it here, sorry, but if you’re wiley you might find it elsewhere on the web (ssshhh!).


They even gave Tokyo a reson to dance, playing a thumping remix of talk, and a spruced-up, Wah-wah enhanced version of ‘God Put A Smile Upon Your Face’ that sounded like the Doctor Who theme tune.


Then, after they finished, there was a massive firework display.


Here’s the setlist:


Life In Technicolour

Violet Hill


In My Place

Viva La Vida


Fix You

Chinese Sleep Chant

God Put A Smile On Your Face

Speed Of Sound

世界にひとつだけの花 /The Only One of All Flowers in The World [sMAP Cover]



The Scientist (on podium)

DWNC (on podium)


Talk Remix

Clocks (with Alicia Keyes)

Lovers In Japan

Death and All His Friends

The Escapist


All in all: bloody bootiful!

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at 5:52


"This is our drummer Will Champion. He's 30 years old, He likes football and tennis, and going to the cinema, so he's a regular guy... but ya know what he does? He sings like a fucking angel."


omg so true, and also I <3 chris :kiss:


Did he plan that? He had to, because it was absolutely hysterical.

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Well, had you asked me what I thought of them a month or two ago, just before Coldplay released ‘Livin La Vida Loca’ (or whatever it was called), I would have told you quite firmly, ‘Interesting to read about because Chris Martin seems constantly on the edge of a nervous breakdown, but too fucking boring to ever actually put on the record.’

Hey, I've already posted that!


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