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"42" Comparisons


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Sorry to anyone who doesn't see it, but 42 reminds me of Radiohead so much as well; not even the structure, just the similar raw guitar sound and style in the beginning which is apparent in many Radiohead songs, the dark piano intro reminiscent of 'We Suck Young Blood', there are quite a few similarities, the funky bass somewhat on the lines of 'Jigsaw Falling Out Of Place'... It's not a bad thing, its just a funny quirk, I think :>

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Hmmm, not a big Radiohead fan me, so I can't really comment on RH comparsions but one word popped into my head on hearing 42 - Beatles.


The piano and the backing 'oooohs' at the beginning are very beatle-y, tho that's not neccessarily a bad thing.


I love the way it suddenly changes tempo. I think 42 starts a bit retro and very un-coldplay but then turns into very much a coldplay track but still sounds fresh and new. Not the best on the album but pretty good.

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To me, the first part has elements of Radiohead, "Imagine," and "Brain Damage."


The third part sounds to me like a fun Coldplay take on George

Harrison's "I Got My Mind Set on You."

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good job!!!!!!!!! Time is so short, their has to be something more, before, this time before, past the glow, high up on that steple, their is a well, it shifts up to the shore once more.... Ah but their has to be something more... It rocks, and shakes, the lands in place, begging for more, from the dry well once more... Now we find dried out specs of sand, dancing sifting threw our hands... Falling to fill up a beach, upon a seashore, where only seaweed and the dying dreams arise ONCE MORE!!!!



YES!!! YES!!!





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my missus asked me if '42' was radiohead when she heard the second segment earlier. she knows NOTHING about music, but even she spotted that it DOES sound like radiohead. i likened the structure of the song to paranoid android the first time i heard it. AND theres the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy reference too...

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listen to 3:10 to 3:23 on 42


now watch and listen to this youtube video.




the singing is not identical, but the drums are about 95% the same

Jonny's guitar has two ascending phrases and two descending phrases

Julian's singing in the verse has two ascending phrases and two descending phrases.

crazy. haha.

i realized this in bed earlier today.

i was listening to those 13 seconds in 42 and thought, "hmm.. I've heard this before" haha.

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To me, it's the most schizophrenic of all the songs. Granted this whole album is schizophrenic, but 42 is like the album in a nutshell. The opening half or so sounds very X&Y-ish....very odd harmonic progressions that kinda go in a circular movement. Then the middle to latter half sounds like something from "A Whisper"...fast paced, heavy percussion and guitar. And the ending goes back go X&Y again.


So it's an X&Y - A Whisper - X&Y sandwich. Although I could be crazy.

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Hmm.. never occured to me it was Morning Bell


I thought that Part 2 of 42 sounded more like GO TO SLEEP at 2:05 and onwards (the guitar riffs).


As for Chris's singing "you didn't get to heaven but you made it close" Pt.3, he sounds a bit like Thom in CUTTOOTH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9_ngO76bso) in particular the part where he sings "a little bit of knowledge will destroy you"


not sure if i'm being absurd for saying that but yeah.


hmm i can't seem to find my HTTT but I see what you mean.


As for Morning Bell I'm talking about 1:35-2:00 on 42 sounds almost exactly

like Morning Bell from 3:30 - 3:55. just a bit more simplified/less efx than jon greenwood

kicks in with his tele.


am i really the only one that noticed? i mean it's pretty obvious fellow coldplayers...


not saying it's bad or anything btw, i'm just pointing it out.

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I was just reading a wikipedia article about Radiohead's "OK Computer", and something caught my attention. It compares the song "Paranoid Android" to Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" because "of its three-part musical structure".


Three part musical structure? That sounds eerily like how "42" has been described countless times by critics and Coldplay themselves.


So will "42" be similar to "Paranoid Android" or "Bohemian Rhapsody" in any ways? (Probably not lyrically or with "Rhapsody's" weird vocals)


Here's the article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ok_Computer#Lyrical_style




Based on the hype of this song being an epic multi-parter I knew months ago that it would be compared to happiness is a warm gun and paranoid android. I do taste some paranoid android in the second part, The first part, where the strings rise also strikes me as being very muse. I also sense some pink floyd in there too.

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As my sis said, it sounded like a Beatles song...


Actually the piano part sounds like John Lennon's Imagine...listen to the notes...chords...especially the rhythm (it's not it exactly...just very similar)


I think that is the song...if it isn't that, then it is definately another song by him or the band.


**On another note: There is another mumbling of some sort when they get to the fast part of this song. I have no idea what they are saying...I think it is just Chris and his usual antics...

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