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What made you happy today?

Carolyn Marie

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I'm happy because yesterday I had the weird occasion to meet Brian Eno during his visual and sonic exhibition called "Presentism" inside the events of FutuRoma and today

I feel very inspired by his signature!

(I gave him in exchange my handmade map to get to India theatre, where he was trying to go!!)

But yesterday was not just this, while watching "Postcards from far away" video I had the surprise

to see mine, with 4 black birds from Switzerland;), in the hands of Chris Martin!

well, today is just a Saturday!

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the fact that the guy i have had a secret crush on for more than a year held a door open for me today.


random, silly and stupid, but it made me smile.


(oh, and we don't know each other.)

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My biology teacher that hates me (it's mutual, I'm afraid) was about to chew me out for reading a book under the table (again). But I was ready for her. :sneaky:


She was all like "You need to pay attention in class and keep things from other classes out of the way" etc. at the whole class, and I sat there for a while, then held up my book, which was actually my textbook. :smug: And she apologized and now I feel less hateful toward her, because at least she apologized.


But she's a total bitch. Biology is my favorite thing in, like, the world, so at least she hasn't crushed my interest in it. Another thing is she makes her class annoyingly easy (literally a quarter of the work we do is extra credit.) The class average is something like 94%, which is an A. Theoretically the average is supposed to be a C. I know at least ten people who have over 100% in the class, actually.


So yes, that made me very happy. :D

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-Today's Friday.

-My 8:00 class got cancelled. (Although the reason for that isn't exactly great, it's still awesome.)

-No class=no melodic dictation test

-I was only in my other class for today a little over 30 minutes.

-Dad took back my library books for me.

-I found a song that I wanted.

-I found this Coldplay forum! :]

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