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What made you happy today?

Carolyn Marie

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Saturday: I came to my new school about 1410 kilometers from home and went to the festival nearby in the evening which was funnnn! I met two of my friends and went to two concerts :)

Today: I'm gonna meet a friend of a friend later, I've met the CUTEST guy on campus and tonight I'm going to the festival!

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My boyfriend moved here from England about 7 years ago so his accent is pretty faded and only shows up in some words he says.


Then last week he went to Mexico and the accent is back! It doesn't make sense at all. But I guess I have noticed the accent comes out more when he talks to strangers (etc waiters or people he's just met). So it kind of somehow makes sense?



But oh my god. I feel like a fangirl when I talk to him on the phone. I was fucking giggling when he said something nice. Or any plain old sentence. I felt like such a ****.



But that definately made me happy. Accents make me ooooze.

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