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Following Cops

Matter-Eater Lad

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1. Sounds like you're extremely bored.

2. It doesn't pay to antagonise cops for no reason, as you might encourage them to find a reason to give you a citation or keep a beady eye on you in the future.

Far better to remain anonymous IMO.;)

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Some cops can plant evidence on you, just to be able to take you in. And guess who the judge believes? Hint: not you.


Avoid messing with cops if you know what's good for you.


Or in my case the judge will throw out the case due to lack of evidence from the police :)

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I was bored Thursday morning at 2 am, so me and a friend got in a car and drove around. We saw a ton of cops out so we decided we were going to get pulled over without breaking the law.


So i followed a cop downtown for 20-25 minutes before he started to follow me, led him back to my neighborhood and drove around my block about 8 times then randomly drove around. Then I wanted to see if i could lose him, so i sped up and took a turn then another one and lost him without breaking the speed limit.


Left my neighborhood looking for another cop and followed him and ended up a giant U-turn on the highway with him then taking off and losing him. After that i went down another highway in town and a cop was going the other direction and saw me and did a U-turn so, i made a u-turn and he passed me, then I made another one and we kept going pass each other for a few minutes then, 2 cop cars came flying down the highway behind me and pulled me over.


I didn't break any laws while doing this, so the cops were pissed but couldn't do anything to me. It was fun.

its like you thought u were in a law abiding grand theft auto...or that driver game :D

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