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New sound is great but.. anyone miss the old (Parachutes, etc)


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I think the new album is great, they obviously put a lot of effort into each song but does anyone think some parts are a bit contrived/over done? And I wish they did not clump 2 songs into one, that is kind of annoying. They could have been two great songs, not one song going into another - they don't even really have an amazing transition. Is it just me who sort of misses the old simple Parchutes days? I mean I think that is what Coldplay are best at. Now they sound a bit like other bands, for example Chinese Sleep Chant sounds My Bloody Valentine like, other songs sound U2, then some Radiohead.. experimenting and all that is good but what good is it if it only sounds like other bands?


Minor criticism, but still excellent album..



Parachutes > Viva la vida > AROBTTH > X&Y

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I think the new album is great, they obviously put a lot of effort into each song but does anyone think some parts are a bit contrived/over done?


I'm with you on this. Most songs sound labored and they lack strong melodies.

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great album the only thing is yes i do miss the old days when the albums had slow songs like THE SCIENTIST.SWALLOWED IN THE SEA..ETC.............this album only has reign of love but that not the same........but ya still love it

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I think the new album is great, they obviously put a lot of effort into each song but does anyone think some parts are a bit contrived/over done? And I wish they did not clump 2 songs into one, that is kind of annoying. They could have been two great songs, not one song going into another - they don't even really have an amazing transition. Is it just me who sort of misses the old simple Parchutes days? I mean I think that is what Coldplay are best at. Now they sound a bit like other bands, for example Chinese Sleep Chant sounds My Bloody Valentine like, other songs sound U2, then some Radiohead.. experimenting and all that is good but what good is it if it only sounds like other bands?


Minor criticism, but still excellent album..



Parachutes > Viva la vida > AROBTTH > X&Y


I'm happy with each album..this way I get to hear 4 different albums instead of 4 albums that sound pretty much the same

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I love the new album and i am not complaining.I know they said they left some big songs off,but maybe they could have kept at least one? I kinda miss the big stadium anthems.Seems like sometimes the songs never make it to that "Big"sound.

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I don't miss stadium anthems but yeah there's no impressive chorus, it feels that the songs never really take off, it's pleasant but it doesn't take you higher


ya good point and there not even long

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agree, 100% with the topic


the album really never takes off, or gives you any time to take a breath since each song seems to just explode at one point or another. I like the beginning of 42, i really like "yes!", and some of the melodies in the songs but generally it was disappointing.


personally i thought the acoustic version of lost was a big highlight of the album, and that's because it resembles more of the coldplay that used to be. It's a shame they couldn't make another parachutes-like album, as I think that style suits them a lot better.

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it feels that the songs never really take off, it's pleasant but it doesn't take you higher

Well, that's what you get when you hire Eno.


This is the problem I've had with these new songs from the get-go. I still think it's a great album, but you just can't connect with (some, not all) of these new songs.

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I know what you are saying. I think it's going to take some time to get used to. I like it, but its something that has to grow on you. I do miss the old stuff though too. I think back to Swallowed In The Sea, Moses, The Scientist, Amsterdam, Everything's Not Lost, etc. those are how I think of Coldplay truly.


I LOVE: Lost, Viva la Vida, Strawberry Swing (reminds me of a 60's hippie song), 42


Really Like: Violet Hill


OK: Cemetaries of London, Lovers in Japan/Reign of Love, Life in Technicolor


Don't Like Much: Yes, Death & All His Friends

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Chris Martin: ’Not Everyone Will Like Our New Album’

Category: Music


Chris Martin says that Coldplay's impending new album, due out this May, is so different to their first three that he's fully aware "everyone might not like it."


The band are currently busy putting the finishing touches to the record in North London with the legendary Brian Eno, and, speaking from the studio, they made it explicit that this album should be treated as a separate entity to their other works.


Guitarists Jonny Buckland explains: "We felt like the first three albums were a trilogy, and we finished that. So we wanted to do something different."


The Rolling Stone, who carried out the interview, describe the album as 'darker' and it deals with 'themes of loneliness and death.'


Frontman Chris Martin admitted that there is more depth to this album than previous ventures: "Whether or not it's good, we certainly started to use more colours. It's impossible to please everybody, and it took us a while to learn that. It's just the freedom to say, 'Everyone might not like this. We're into it at the moment, so let's just get it done.'"


Reflecting upon Brian Eno's involvement, Buckland continued that he brought in some quite basic but highly influential changes, such as taking more breaks. "It wasn't so much that he brings like a sound or something to it. He brings lots of ideas about everything, even down to like how we structured our day," he said.


Tracks that appear on the as-yet-untitled new album include 'Cemeteries of London', 'Reign Of Love', 'Life In Technicolor' and 'Death and All His Friends.'


More on this http://www.coldplaying.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2256369post2256369

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the melodies are there, they are just more complex and harder to notice this time around. and i do not miss parachutes/arobtth. if i want to listen to that coldplay i will play those albums. its good for a band to find new sounds.

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mmm sort of, although my true love lies within AROBTTH 100%.


it depends on my mood. sometimes i'll be into simplicity whereas other times i'll be into complexities. but for the most part, i like what they're doing now. their new stuff is interesting, and to me the changes in Coldplay's music (so far) are subtle.


then again i do listen to different, random, eclectic experimental/progressive/artsy stuff a lot. CP hasn't really gotten out of the box yet. :dozey:

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It's all going to still be there. A rush of blood, X&Y, Parachute. it's not leaving. This is the time for a new new new new new new new new new new new ALBUM. Everything not Lost!


Time for change, move on!


sorry if that sounds ranting a little. I could be more compassionate. sorry, i'm not being mean, just saying... with a lot of caps locks.

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Agreed, they clearly haven't, ppl who call VLV an experimental album make me laugh.


i call it experimental pop. since there are sounds in this album that haven't been seen much in mainstream music before.

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Agreed, they clearly haven't, ppl who call VLV an experimental album make me laugh.

well with sole regards to their own history of works alone, VLV is experimental out of them. so i guess it's fair to say, although i'd prefer people realize that and make themselves clear about making statements like that.


because, yeah, when i think "experimental" (along with "avant-garde"), i think of Pink Floyd, Bjork, and all those other artists most people misunderstand.

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I do wish that they did some portion of the old stuff as I really loved anything pre-Parachutes... High Speed was the first Coldplay song I fell in love with...


AROBTTH and X&Y sorta took after Parachute's song template too much though... slow ballad, strong lead single, secondary-lead single etc. If they made another album with that template I would scream... I don't like the ballads, 'specially The Scientist and Fix You. I tend to like the secondary-lead single type of song on the album as well as one that meandered at the back of the song-gang.

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I get your point. I chose Madonna on purpose because she did change her style a couple of times, but she didn't create anything totally new, she didn't redefine the meaning of music or even push the boundaries of pop music.




Did she ? :confused: haha

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