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The Next 10 Years Blueprint for Coldplay


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I have mapped out the next ten years for Coldplay, complete with press releases and album concepts:


Present -- 2010 -- Tour off Viva La Vida, improving their image slightly amongst critics and picking up more die hard fans, proving they are capable of surviving changing trends in the music business (along the likes of Elton, U2, the Stones, etc). Release their B-Side to Viva late 2009 as planned just to hold people over till the next album. This B- Side album will complete their contract with EMI.


2010 - 2012 -- The band records "concept" album that is truly experimental. This will be their "SGT Pepper" as VLVDAAHF was their "Rubber Soul". Album will impress critics but disappoint the fans they have picked up since X and Y. The album is released strictly from the internet ala Radiohead. Concept album's central character is an astronaut left on the moon, with no way back to earth. The songs echo his past and his solitude "away from earth, literally and figuratively".

Press Release " We were in such a rush to record VLVDAAHF due to the fact that we wanted to make up for X and Y. With this experimental album there was no pressure from a record company or the public and we felt we could finally make the album the four of us wanted, not a "producer" or "fifth" member wanted.



2012 - 2014 -- Tour off experimental album, performing concept album in its entirety followed by a run through of previous hits ala Pink Floyds "The Wall" tour.

Huge success followed by Grammy for Album of the Year. Press finally admits Coldplay are bigger than U2.


2015 -- 2016 -- Band records simple acoustic album with Parachutes feel.

Press Release "We have rediscovered our roots and feel like College School Boys again, this has truly been the most enjoyable album to record."


2017 -- No tour to back Parachutes like album. Chris and Will begin producing new acts in their off time. Jonny begins to get into classical music. Guy buys a small isalnd off the coast of Spain and gets really into TM.


2018 -- The band decides to go their seperate ways as YouMusic allows normal people in to record MP3 quality records in their own homes. The music scene is turned upside down as it is near impossible for any band to even go platinum since the public is flooded with these garage bands who can make quality records.


Just my idea, please feel free to pick it apart of add your own ideas.



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2015 -- 2016 -- Band records simple acoustic album with Parachutes feel.

Press Release "We have rediscovered our roots and feel like College School Boys again, this has truly been the most enjoyable album to record."

That sounds nice, I hope it happens.


2017 -- No tour to back Parachutes like album. Chris and Will begin producing new acts in their off time. Jonny begins to get into classical music. Guy buys a small isalnd off the coast of Spain and gets really into TM.
Haha, good one :P
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2020 - The band's consciousness is uploaded into a quantum computer, allowing Coldplay fans to press a button that generates a brand new Coldplay MP3 whenever they want. Eventually quantum computers are shrunk to the size of iPods, and nobody ever loads music on their handheld devices - only bands.

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2018 -- The band decides to go their seperate ways as YouMusic allows normal people in to record MP3 quality records in their own homes. The music scene is turned upside down as it is near impossible for any band to even go platinum since the public is flooded with these garage bands who can make quality records.




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2018 -- The band decides to go their seperate ways as YouMusic allows normal people in to record MP3 quality records in their own homes. The music scene is turned upside down as it is near impossible for any band to even go platinum since the public is flooded with these garage bands who can make quality records.



That's kind of sad... I hope this won't happen, but your post sounds really... true :stunned:


I'm impressed!!

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2012 - 2014 -- Tour off experimental album, performing concept album in its entirety followed by a run through of previous hits ala Pink Floyds "The Wall" tour.


Guy buys a small isalnd off the coast of Spain and gets really into TM.

I like The Wall thing :smoking:


lol Guy thing makes me laugh :laugh3:


an island in Spain... it can only be Taberna or so, and that one is 'close' to were i live :wink3:


btw what does TM is? :huh: :embarassed:


good thread :D

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In 2025, the band will reunite for Zomb-Aid. "To think that we actually joked about this back in 2005 in the movie 'Shaun of the Dead'," says Martin, who now has 3 more children (Pear, Monkey Wrench, and Piglet), "now we actually have to raise money for those zombies... it's hard to believe" Martin's very social adopted son, Death, will be there, as well as all of his friends. Bands like U2, the now legendary Ting Tings, and Muse will be scheduled to play. Even Rolling Stones are on the bill, as Mick Jagger apparently drank from the fountain of youth during the Exile on Mainstreet sessions. Though Keith Richards looks like a zombie, he in fact is not one... do not be alarmed. Oasis was scheduled to be there, but Noel has recently checked into a mental hospital for his overly large ego.

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I have mapped out the next ten years for Coldplay, complete with press releases and album concepts:


Present -- 2010 -- Tour off Viva La Vida, improving their image slightly amongst critics and picking up more die hard fans, proving they are capable of surviving changing trends in the music business (along the likes of Elton, U2, the Stones, etc). Release their B-Side to Viva late 2009 as planned just to hold people over till the next album. This B- Side album will complete their contract with EMI.


2010 - 2012 -- The band records "concept" album that is truly experimental. This will be their "SGT Pepper" as VLVDAAHF was their "Rubber Soul". Album will impress critics but disappoint the fans they have picked up since X and Y. The album is released strictly from the internet ala Radiohead. Concept album's central character is an astronaut left on the moon, with no way back to earth. The songs echo his past and his solitude "away from earth, literally and figuratively".

Press Release " We were in such a rush to record VLVDAAHF due to the fact that we wanted to make up for X and Y. With this experimental album there was no pressure from a record company or the public and we felt we could finally make the album the four of us wanted, not a "producer" or "fifth" member wanted.



2012 - 2014 -- Tour off experimental album, performing concept album in its entirety followed by a run through of previous hits ala Pink Floyds "The Wall" tour.

Huge success followed by Grammy for Album of the Year. Press finally admits Coldplay are bigger than U2.


2015 -- 2016 -- Band records simple acoustic album with Parachutes feel.

Press Release "We have rediscovered our roots and feel like College School Boys again, this has truly been the most enjoyable album to record."


2017 -- No tour to back Parachutes like album. Chris and Will begin producing new acts in their off time. Jonny begins to get into classical music. Guy buys a small isalnd off the coast of Spain and gets really into TM.


2018 -- The band decides to go their seperate ways as YouMusic allows normal people in to record MP3 quality records in their own homes. The music scene is turned upside down as it is near impossible for any band to even go platinum since the public is flooded with these garage bands who can make quality records.


Just my idea, please feel free to pick it apart of add your own ideas.

So, who do we leave on the moon to TM Guy?:P



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Haha this is awesome. I almost wish Ian would post this as news and mention that justcold is a professional wizard/crystal ball gazer and he read us the future of our beloved band :D


Also: "2021 Jonny does a Jazz collaboration with John Mayer and they take home some Grammys" :cool:

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2015 - Chris and Jonny have their first child together through the technique of cloning and a surrogate mother, and they name the baby boy Jesus.


2016 - They both have another child, a girl, named Strawberry.



So, Jonny = Violet, Chris = Moses, Apple.


Jonny + Chris = Jesus and Strawberry.

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2016 - They both have another child, a girl, named Strawberry.



So, Jonny = Violet, Chris = Moses, Apple.


Jonny + Chris = Jesus and Strawberry.


HAHA this is getting absurd! Can you imagine what family dinners are like at the Martin/Paltrow household?


"Strawberry pass the apple to you brother Jesus"


"God damn it Jesus don't throw that apple at your big sister Apple this time..."

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2018 -- The band decides to go their seperate ways as YouMusic allows normal people in to record MP3 quality records in their own homes. The music scene is turned upside down as it is near impossible for any band to even go platinum since the public is flooded with these garage bands who can make quality records.


That's only going to happen if there are a lot of people with musical talent who can't play instruments for some reason. I kinda doubt it.


Still, the rest sounds pretty believeabl--wait.


"Guy buys a small island off the coast of Spain and gets really into TM?"



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