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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/HeMma63">@HeMma63</a> IE is now on version 10 so you may simply need to upgrade.</p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/447125940767055872">March 21, 2014</a></blockquote>

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>This week's <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TeamOracle&src=hash">#TeamOracle</a> is open! To join, please reply by 27 March to help Sydney manage her temper. Details here: <a href="http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q">http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q</a></p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/447851139913236480">March 23, 2014</a></blockquote>

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24 March 2014 / submitted by Harrison, Australia

Q. Hey Oracle, I have a riddle for you!


What do you call a trio of roadie bikers?

(I'd really like to know as I didn't get what Phil meant to other day when he posted this)





A gaggle of geese, a murder of crows, a flock of sheep, a herd of cows, a pride of lions etc. There is no answer for a trio of roadie bikers - it was just a little joke.

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24 March 2014 / submitted by Derek, Canada

Q. Dear Oracle, it saddened me to watch Coldplay not play Yellow at the concert the other night. Why did they choose to exclude it? And was this the first time ever?

Thanks from Canada eh!



The band didn't play Yellow at the Paralympics Closing Ceremony either but as far as I know it's been played at all official Coldplay concerts and all summer festivals.

When they do a one-off performance or a show that's part of something else they sometimes have the chance to pick an exclusive, bespoke setlist and I think that was the case at the iTunes gig.

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24 March 2014 / submitted by Jake, United States of America

Q. It is darn near impossible to find out I have looked everywhere online! Your my last hope. Should have been my first go too since your all knowing. What guitar strings (brand/gauge) does Jonny like to use?



Over to Matt McGinn for this one.


"We've always used D'addario but only cos that was what on his guitar when I first met him!

That said, they do have the advantage of having colour coded ends for each individual string - handy in a hurry.


We do use Ernie Ball's too though, there doesn't seem to be much in it, tone or quality-wise. No colour coding but each string comes in an individual envelope with a big number on it so you know the gauge.

Jonny's main guitars are set up with regular tens but we'll mix it up for odd tunings, such as Violet Hill which has a big fat bottom string to allow for being tuned down to C#.



Thanks, Matt!

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24 March 2014 / submitted by Derek, Canada[/color]


The band didn't play Yellow at the Paralympics Closing Ceremony either but as far as I know it's been played at all official Coldplay concerts and all summer festivals.

But they played Yellow actually, lol :lol:



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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>Who wants to join <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TeamOracle&src=hash">#TeamOracle</a>? Please reply by midnight, 27 March to help Sydney control her temper: <a href="http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q">http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q</a></p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/448180768804990976">March 24, 2014</a></blockquote>

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25 March 2014 / submitted by Luis, Mexico

Q. Hi Oracle, I was wondering if you could help me out with something, see, I've been with this girl, she's also a coldplayer, for a year now, but we've been fighting a lot lately, and when I say a lot I mean A LOT, I don't know what to do, I'm sure she's the person I want to be married with but I'm getting tired of all this pain and fights lately, any advice?



How come you're so sure you want to marry the girl you argue with all the time who causes you pain? That's not what a relationship is all about, Luis. My advice is to be with somebody who makes you happy. It matters not that she is a Coldplayer.

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25 March 2014 / submitted by Ysabelle, France

Q. I read on a French site that Ghost Stories would be only an experimental album (or an EP) not the real LP 6. Is it true? Thank you so much for your answer.



No. Perhaps they were describing the musical tone as experimental and you've misunderstood. Or maybe they're talking nonsense. Ghost Stories is an album and besides, it has too many tracks and too long a running time to be defined as an E.P.

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25 March 2014 / submitted by Dandelion, United Kingdom

Q. Hi, dear Oracle!


I once read the band said they thought albums should be no longer than 42 minutes OR 9 tracks. Does this mean that Ghost Stories is longer than 42 minutes??


Thanks dear Oracle! Have a nice week!



You'll have to wait and see ;-)

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25 March 2014 / submitted by Victor, Sweden

Q. Dear Oracle, I once saw a documentary about Coldplay, not sure if it was official but anyway, in it they said that Coldplay choose from hundreds of songs when choosing songs for Parachutes. Did they really have that many songs to choose from that early in their career?


Kind regards



The simple answer is, no. There weren't hundreds but there were a lot. Some titles you'll have heard of: Vitamins, So Sad, If All Else, Ode To Deodorant...

They wrote a lot of new material prior to and during the recording sessions of Parachutes.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>Who wants to join this week's <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TeamOracle&src=hash">#TeamOracle</a>? Please reply by 27 March to help Sydney manage her temper. Details here:: <a href="http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q">http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q</a></p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/448503509965881344">March 25, 2014</a></blockquote>

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26 March 2014 / submitted by Linus, Sweden

Q. Dear Oracle,

I know this may seem like a stupid question, but I would really like to know... Was Chris high/drunk when he wrote Ode To Deodorant?



Linus :)



Given Chris doesn't take drugs and rarely drinks alcohol, he was neither. I once asked Chris - granted, I didn't know him very well at the time - if the song was about drugs but it really is about deodorant.

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26 March 2014 / submitted by Amber, United States of America

Q. How did the guys find time to rehearse and write music while at university? In the US, there is a lot of pressure to earn high marks (GPA), participate in many clubs, and volunteer for organizations. With all that, I find it hard to even play the guitar or piano by myself. I can't imagine trying to figure out how to make four separate school schedules work for band practice.



I'm not saying that UK universities have a different attitude but the number of clubs or volunteering students take on isn't so much of a pressure. Here students have to fit in studying, working, participating and socializing (of course). Being in a band is, as with everything else, something you just make time for however you can. If you want something badly enough, you make it work. Sacrifices have to be made but it's possible - as Coldplay and many others have proved.

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26 March 2014 / submitted by Abhishek, India

Q. Hey Oracle!! I just wanted to know the significance of




Saw it on Chris Martin's left arm in a poster.



For those who haven't seen it, here is a picture.

The arm motif was bespoke for one of Chris' Viva outfits. It's showing support for President Obama.

I see the bottom left B as an 8 though. Like a vertical infinity symbol.




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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p>Got a question? Today's topics include Barack armband, Ode to Deodorant & finding time to start a college band: <a href="http://t.co/FTvm7avQSc">http://t.co/FTvm7avQSc</a></p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/448754974445805568">March 26, 2014</a></blockquote>

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26 March 2014 / submitted by Linus, Sweden[/color]

Q. Dear Oracle,

I know this may seem like a stupid question, but I would really like to know... Was Chris high/drunk when he wrote Ode To Deodorant?



Linus :)



Given Chris doesn't take drugs and rarely drinks alcohol, he was neither. I once asked Chris - granted, I didn't know him very well at the time - if the song was about drugs but it really is about deodorant.


WHAAAATTT !!!! :stunned: :lol: :laugh4: :dance: :smash:


that was me^^ :)

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-partner="tweetdeck"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23TeamOracle&src=hash">#TeamOracle</a> closes midnight, tomorrow. Please reply to help Sydney control her temper: <a href="http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q">http://t.co/9rKar4hK6Q</a></p>— The Oracle (@ColdplayOracle) <a href="https://twitter.com/ColdplayOracle/statuses/448872153317113857">March 26, 2014</a></blockquote>

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27 March 2014 / submitted by Shaun K, Malaysia

Q. Hello Dear Oracle, greetings from sunny Malaysia. I was wondering, did Chris really added Fix You to the setlist last minute to dedicate the tragedy of flight MH370? If so, us Malaysian fans will be truly grateful for the support from the band and relevant parties. :) Many thanks in advance!



That does appear to be the case because - as previously mentioned - Fix You wasn't originally on the setlist and Chris made a dedication before they performed it.

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27 March 2014 / submitted by Mel , Venezuela

Q. Oracle!

Hello I don't know if you have answer a question like this but well

Do you know why the Coldplay fandom calls Coldplayers. I mean, it's a great name, but it was a decision of Coldplay or is just a name that born from the own fans?

I REALLY hope that you answer this because I have curiosity about it. Thanks Oracle.



The band didn't come up with the term; the fans (I mean the Coldplayers) did.

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