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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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August 18, 2011 - submitted by Ashley, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

There's this ridiculous rumor that 'Mylo' is an Egyptian derivative of the name Miley and 'Xyloto' comes from the Greek term for Tombs of the Kings which is located on the island of Cyprus. When you combine both of them it'll say "Miley Cyprus." In other words, "Miley Cyrus." And according to this article, the album was dedicated to her. So, please Oracle, can you tell all the Coldplayers out there that this is not true?

Thanks in advance!



The Oracle replies:


I most certainly can tell you all that this is not true - once I have stopped laughing hysterically that is! I have no idea who dreams this stuff up but by golly, they really should find more interesting ways to spend their time. Ha, ha, ha!


I need to find more interesting ways to spend my time apparently.

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August 18, 2011 - submitted by Ashley, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

There's this ridiculous rumor that 'Mylo' is an Egyptian derivative of the name Miley and 'Xyloto' comes from the Greek term for Tombs of the Kings which is located on the island of Cyprus. When you combine both of them it'll say "Miley Cyprus." In other words, "Miley Cyrus." And according to this article, the album was dedicated to her. So, please Oracle, can you tell all the Coldplayers out there that this is not true?

Thanks in advance!



The Oracle replies:


I most certainly can tell you all that this is not true - once I have stopped laughing hysterically that is! I have no idea who dreams this stuff up but by golly, they really should find more interesting ways to spend their time. Ha, ha, ha!



Someone actually believed that? :lol:

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August 18, 2011 - submitted by Ashley, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Dear Oracle,

There's this ridiculous rumor that 'Mylo' is an Egyptian derivative of the name Miley and 'Xyloto' comes from the Greek term for Tombs of the Kings which is located on the island of Cyprus. When you combine both of them it'll say "Miley Cyprus." In other words, "Miley Cyrus." And according to this article, the album was dedicated to her. So, please Oracle, can you tell all the Coldplayers out there that this is not true?

Thanks in advance!



The Oracle replies:


I most certainly can tell you all that this is not true - once I have stopped laughing hysterically that is! I have no idea who dreams this stuff up but by golly, they really should find more interesting ways to spend their time. Ha, ha, ha!


How could anyone actually believe that? :laugh3::laugh3:

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Hellz yes, people believed it! I received TWO private messages on FB after re-posting Briggins' article, accusing me of slandering Coldplay and even not DESERVING their music in my life!! I don't think either was from a forum member, but I guess some will swallow anything!

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August 18, 2011 - submitted by Federica, Italy[/color][/b]


Q. Hello Oracle,


I know you won't publish my question but I'll write it down the same. Is there any connection between MYLO XYLOTO and the street artist XYLO (whose name is MYLO)? There are lots of coincidences and not just in the name...



The Oracle replies:


Nope, no connection at all. The band have never heard of him. I checked him out and it's purely a coincidence that his name is Mylo (there are plenty around) as is the fact he's into graffiti.


yeah right.

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Why don't you believe her? She said there's no connection, twice. Let's leave it at that.


oh come on, you think everything she says is true? there are some things that have to remain between the band and their crew, and it is really logical and normal.


no,I don't believe her on this one. it's TOO coincidental. especially the "they don't know who he is" part.

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August 19, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 200 words, to [email protected] before Thursday 25th August.


"Do you have any tips on how to get passed a divorce? I'm almost 13 and my parents are getting divorced and I'm so scared. I need tips on what to do. My dad won't tell me very much on his point of view on it but my mom is really sad and she tells me a lot of this, how can I get my dad to tell me why he has fallen out of love with my mom? Maddie."


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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oh come on, you think everything she says is true? there are some things that have to remain between the band and their crew, and it is really logical and normal.


no,I don't believe her on this one. it's TOO coincidental. especially the "they don't know who he is" part.


as has already been said, if it was something that should remain between the band and their crew, then it's probably something she wouldn't even bother posting at all. it's much easier to hit the delete button than to answer a question. :P


She has been wrong a few times... Didn't she tell us there would be no etiaw video? But in this mylo case, I feel like it's the band who's putting words in her mouth.


if i recall correctly, she said that there wasn't an ETIAW video at the time when that question was asked. she never said there wouldn't be one eventually. :thinking:

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if i recall correctly, she said that there wasn't an ETIAW video at the time when that question was asked. she never said there wouldn't be one eventually. :thinking:




June 6, 2011 - submitted by Bowen, United States of America[/color][/b]


Q. Hey Oracle!


I watched the live stream of Rock Am Ring on Saturday and loved all of it, the boys reminded me why they're my favorite band in the world. All the new songs are great.


I know that someone has said that there will be "no video" for ETIAW. So I guess my question is two-fold. First, why not? And second, does this mean that it isn't the lead single from LP5 (or even will be on it)? Thanks Oracle, you rock!





The Oracle replies:


As you rightly notice there is no video - at the moment. That doesn't mean that whoever told you there'll be "no video" is correct. There MAY be a video. There may not. Oooh I'm annoying aren't I? It must appear that everything is shrouded in secrecy right now but it's not meant to be.


I just want to clear up that no album track listing has been announced so whether ETIAW appears on the album remains to be seen and is not for me to speculate upon. Until the album is mastered and totally ready it would be pointless.

ETIAW is a single. It's irrelevant whether it's a lead single or not as the album is still a while off. A single does not have relate to an album or appear on one, it can stand alone (as Christmas Lights did) but that doesn't mean that it will or won't.

Ah sorry for being slightly cryptic guys, you know I couldn't say even if I knew (which I don't).

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August 19, 2011 - submitted by Kenny, United States of America


Q. Team Oracle Question # 37

I have been in a slump as of late. It's been a little while, but I broke up with a girl I was dating because I found out she was cheating. I have been trying to move on and focus on myself, but even so I still feel empty, I'll accomplish something but it doesn't make me feel happy. Listening to Coldplay all day is what helps me through the day. I blame myself for a lot of things even if I wasn't wrong and don't have much confidence in myself either. Is there a way to change this about myself?



The Oracle replies:


It's totally understandable to feel a huge knock of confidence when someone cheats on you. Apart from the hurt from the break-up there's the self doubt and questioning "what's wrong with me?" "what have they got that I haven't?" This can be followed by the conclusion that it MUST be your fault and therefore your self esteem is at an all time low. Pride and ego can be crushed when someone appears to prefer someone else over us but be under no illusion that he's not better than you. You're worth more. She's not worth feeling empty for.

You can flip this around though. Unfortunately some people cheat and there's no point me going into any of the many reasons why. All you need to realise is that for whatever reason it happened. You don't want to be with someone who treats you that way do you?

If you'd have recognised things that you did wrong in the relationship that may have contributed, it wouldn't excuse what your ex did but it would give you the opportunity to work on it in the future. We can all learn from our mistakes. However, you say you blame yourself even though you didn't do anything wrong. Let go of the blame. It is not your fault she cheated. No matter what, she was the one who did it, no-one forced her, she chose to. There will be someone out there who will appreciate who you are. She did once (was that a boost when you met?) and so will others but I'd argue it's her that has changed, not you.

You can improve your confidence by concentrating on what you already know you're good at. Remind yourself of past achievements. Assuming you have family and friends around you ask them to tell you one thing they like about you and believe them. It may take time but take small steps and get yourself out of the current routine. Force yourself to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Take pleasure in the small stuff like listening to Coldplay but don't wallow or stay stuck; that's too easy right now. As you push yourself you may find your confidence boosted as you achieve things you didn't think you could do. Like moving on.

Over to you.


I was in the exact same situation as you at 22. For the next year and a half I wandered through my life. I could never bring myself to admit that guilt and loss were writhing together within, forming a prison of self-pity in which I unwittingly confined myself. I was never acutely sad but neither remotely happy. Whenever the guilt came to the fore of my mind all I could do was occupy my hands or eyes with something and hope the guilt would abate. Often that thing was Coldplay. Having gone through what you are going through, and having come out the other side, I can tell you that it will pass. Our hearts & minds generally trend towards catharsis, so will yours. The problem is that the healing process is often obscured by all the little things we do in our lives. Its hard to commit ourselves to thinking about something painful when we have so many small but stimulating distractions around us.

You must feel lost. But there are answers both within and without. Read. Write. Draw. Express yourself and you may arrive somewhere you didn't know you wanted to go, at a feeling you didn't know you had. Otherwise, the best thing you can do is sit down with yourself and truly ask why you feel the way you do. After that talking about it is best. With her, with friends, with family, anyone who cares about you. Even a psychiatrist. Letting the people you know in on how you are feeling is a good way to stop feeling detached from them, and them from you. Brian.


It can be hard to emerge from a slump and re-invent yourself music is a good place to start, it will put you in touch with how you feel. I am more concerned however about you blaming yourself and I know from experience it's easy to do over and over again . What helped me with this, was a statement I heard that defined "forgiving yourself" and that is "giving up the hope that anything you could have done may have made a difference". Can you do that?? If you can, you have a good starting point to carry on with your life, and that my friend is just what you should do, take care and best of luck, Laurie.


I think the key to all this is what you stated in your last sentence, you don't have a lot of self-confidence. An experience like that can really flesh out your insecurities so it may take some time and effort to get over all of that. You need to accept where you are in life now and realize it's much better than being in an unhealthy relationship with someone you can't trust. Reflect on what happened, what to avoid in the future and what to look for in the next girl you date. Chances are, you turned a blind eye to a lot of warning signs with your ex despite knowing better. Coldplay's music is very comforting but understand that wallowing away at this point will only hurt you. You have time now to build yourself up and make yourself the person you've always wanted to be. Continue accomplishing things. Learn to be honest with yourself. Focus on growing as a person and appreciating the people in your life that do care, your true friends and family, as well as helping others. Learn to stand up for yourself while still retaining your compassionate nature, that balance is crucial for a good relationship in the future (when you are ready and well over your ex). I hope this helps and that you meet "the one" for you in good time. But more importantly, I hope you give yourself more credit! Deepika.


I also recently broke-up with someone I truly cared for. I know the emptiness your feeling. It's like you feel you can never truly be happy again, but in time that feeling will change. At the end of the day, you did the right thing by ending your relationship with the girl you were with. Would you rather of continued your relationship, knowing that the girl was not faithful? You would not of been true to yourself or fair by continuing. You were not the one in the wrong, so you should not be the one feeling guilty or the cause of the break-up.

The only way to change your feelings about yourself is to accept that not everything is your fault, and move on. I know it will take some time but when you finally realise this, a big load will be lifted of your shoulders and you will be a much happier person. You will then finally feel able to move on, and your confidence will come in time. I hope this has helped you, Lexi.


Greetings Kenny. You know, you shouldn't feel bad for breaking up with her, you where faithful when she wasn't and you're the better person because of that. I found that's it's easier to surround yourself with friends and family and let your troubles be gone. Even though the memories may still haunt us, we have to remember that things happen for a reason. Also, try being engaged in other activities and branch out to people. I hope all goes well Kenny and good luck! Billy N.


Your ex-girlfriend did a horrible thing to you, which reveals more about her personality and values than yours. Don't blame yourself for one second. You deserve better, and in reality your ex is getting the short end of the stick even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment. It's normal to feel like this and your emptiness might stem from feeling like you were the cause of the break-up (which you weren't). Once you realize you are better off without her, your confidence will grow and you'll soon be able to find a girl who deserves you. Until then, keep listening to Coldplay =) Best regards, Blake.


It's understandable that you feel this way, you were betrayed, and you're going to have to let time heal all wounds. However you shouldn't blame yourself, there wasn't anything you could do. I know you're completely vulnerable right now, you're going to lack in confidence as you recover, but it's okay for you to feel sad. I suggest you take some time, get your bearings. It will take a while, but soon you will be back on your feet, and she will be nothing but a memory to you. And trust me, there is a girl out there, and she won't take advantage of you, and she will love and respect you.

Best wishes, Bradley H.


Thank you all for your replies.

Click to read this week's Team Oracle question, and send us your answer.

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if i recall correctly, she said that there wasn't an ETIAW video at the time when that question was asked. she never said there wouldn't be one eventually. :thinking:


I just checked and that's indeed what she said in the oracle section.

But - if I remember correctly too, I could be totally wrong - I think she said in a post here in CPing that there wouldn't ever be a video for ETIAW, and was pretty clear about it.

But anyway I don't question The Oracle's reliability, of course, I was just saying that mistakes can happen, even if I don't think it's the case here.


I agree that it would have been easier not to respond. But maybe they had to, to clarify things in an official way. Maybe there are some copyright things going on, I don't know. I'll trust her and you guys, but it wouldn't surprise me if there was something wrong here...

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August 22, 2011 - submitted by Eurydice, United Kingdom


Q. Dearest Oracle,

what does the term 'new-ground' mean in music? What genre does it define precisely? I am asking because I heard Alex Turner define the new Arctic Monkeys' album by this term. And in fact, I could not use any word to describe it, 'indie' does not even suit for it!


Thank you.

(P.S.: Of course I LOVE Coldplay, I would not be here otherwise)




The Oracle replies:


It's not a term necessarily relating to music but if someone said that music was breaking new ground, it would imply that it is very original and not derivative of what else is out there. The term can be reversed to mean the same thing; innovative ideas are said to be groundbreaking. I might have described Arctic Monkey's first album that way but I confess it's not a word I'd use on the current one. Not a big criticism given they broke new ground with the first one anyway, so I only mean it's just more of the same - no bad thing.

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