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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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September 9, 2011 - submitted by Ian, United Kingdom


Q. Other than the random noises, this video sounds like a true studio version of Charlie Brown, did it leak?



The Oracle replies:


As I explained the other day, Charlie Brown is being used (officially) for soundbeds. It's not a leaked version as that would be a huge breach of copyright to use it. Maybe I should have explained. A soundbed is the music that runs underneath something else such as the background music when a radio DJ is talking etc. They're not random noises, they are clips from TV shows.

It's NOT an advert by the way - a few question askers are still confusing trailers for commercials.

The version of Charlie Brown used is an edited version of the studio recording.

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September 9, 2011 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom


Q. Who'd like to join Team Oracle?



The Oracle replies:


Team Oracle is taking an Autumnal hiatus for the remainder of September.

Keep your questions coming in as normal Oracling won't be affected.

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September 9, 2011 - submitted by Genevieve, Australia



My brother's best friend died last week. He was only 26 years old and it was completely sudden and shocking. He was more like a brother than a friend to my siblings and I. I have been listening to sad songs lately (Into The West from LOTR is a good one). Do you know any good songs that you can recommend which deal with death or the loss of a loved one?



The Oracle replies:


Genevieve, I'm sorry to hear of your pain. To lose someone close is always painful and possibly more so when it's sudden and someone so young.

I am sure readers will have suggested some songs to comfort you or that you may relate to but I am going to try a different angle as I know none better than Fix You. I'm going to suggest something to make you hopefully celebrate your friend's life and what he meant to you.

Play songs by his favourite artist or songs that remind you of happy times spent together. When you hear those songs they may make you want to cry but think of him and smile. Over to you.


I feel for you in your time of loss and music is a good way to get in touch with deeper emotions. The songs I can recommend are Dante's Prayer by Loreena McKennit (for when you need to cry), Night Vision by Suzanne Vega (for deep introspection) and Firework by Katy Perry (for hope). Best wishes to you, chin up, move forward and take care, Laurie.


If I Die Young (The Band Perry) is a good song about a person trying to convince the ones they love that it's okay. Coldplay's The Scientist is also good, but very sad. Alyssa.


I'm sorry for your brother and you. I can recommend those beautiful songs by Jack Johnson, If I Could on the In Between Dreams album and Go On, on Sleep Through the Static. Both deal with loss of a loved one. I also recommend Monsoon on this last album. Hope this helps. Benoit.


I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your friend Genevieve. Some songs I listen to when I'm down are Gravity, Fix You, and the Scientist by Coldplay, You Raise Me Up by Westflife, Let it Be by the Beatles, and Boston by Augustana. But Genevieve, we cant just dwell in music whenever something tragic happens. Music does help us a lot in times of trouble, but just listening to music alone will make things more troubling. Talking and hanging out with friends and family will make things less unbearable and make life a little bit better. Things like this take time so just let things fall into place. I wish you the best Genevieve and may your friend rest in peace. Billy N.


I've recently lost a loved one too. The song 42 from Coldplay themselves might fall into the category that you're looking for. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it's really a great song with a lot of meaning. Besides that, try the song Exile by Enya; its lovely. Take care, Adrienne.


Catherine Wheel - Goodbye. Courtney.

To begin with, I offer your family, brother, & you my condolences. Losing a loved one can be a painful experience for anyone who considered that loved one a very fundamental part of their LIFE. It can lead to having difficulty coping with that loss. To lose a loved who you admired with all your heart. That special someone always brought a smile to you, & your loved ones. In times like these, your loved ones will understand if you prefer to be left alone. It will allow you to think and evaluate how you feel at this very moment. It's okay to feel sad, angry, depressed, or guilty. If you feel the need to cry, then by all means please cry. Unbottle all of your emotions. It's a normal path of behavior that everyone will go through in their lives. Sometimes, it's part of the healing process. Always remember that your family, & friends will always remain by your side to aid you in coping with this tragic loss of a loved one. Together you will always contain the memory of your friends in all of your hearts.

As for the song that will help you cope with your loss. It's Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own by U2. From my point of view, it's a consoling song. I prefer it to be about missing that special person with all of your heart. Sure things might have happened, but what keeps you going is the sweet memory of that loved one. It signifies that it's understandable if you try to hide your hurt feelings, but with the passage of time reveal your feelings, if it means finding closure. Danny.


Genvieve, I'm really, really sorry to hear about your friend. I too, have a friend who is more like a brother to me and I don't know what I would do without him. Listenning to sad songs is not the worst you can do so you're holding up well and being very strong. I respect you for that. As for songs... I would suggest, Every Teardrop is a Waterfall, Lovers in Japan, Party Rock anthem, etc. I know they have nothing to do with death but... As far as positivity goes. Bingo. No ones wants you sad, your family and friends want to see you happy and well! That's why I'm suggesting positive and upbeat songs. You would be surprised at how much music can affect your mood. So just crank up the volume and blast any song that makes you happy or reminds you of a happy memory. Things always get better. Grace.


I think music is one of the most cathartic and beautiful forms of coping with grief. I recently bought this wonderful album by Arcade Fire called Funeral. It was dedicated to several close relatives of the band who recently passed away. The entire album is filled with grief and nostalgia, but a certain kind of hope too. In the Backseat by Arcade Fire is one of those tragic songs. I hope it helps bring you a bit of peace. Gavin.


I'm terribly sorry for your loss. At one point or another, I'm sure that all of us have listened to music to reflect what we are feeling. Just remember that while certain songs can be comforting, it is best not to go overboard and perpetuate your grief or sorrow by continuing to listen to sad songs. This will keep you in a rut and will prevent you from healing. That being said, here are a few songs that often express how I feel...

Audioslave - Getaway Car, Sara Bareilles - Gravity, John Mayer - Dreaming with a Broken Heart, Edge of Desire, Coldplay - The Scientist, Fix You, Amsterdam. Here is an upbeat one that always gets me up and at 'em. J. Mascis & The Fog - Back Before You Go. Best Regards, Blake.


First of all Genevieve, I'm very sorry for your loss. If you are looking for a good song to help you during this difficult time, the first song that comes to mind is Videotape by Radiohead. Although it is more written in the first-person, if you can listen to the song and imagine your friend singing it, I imagine you might find it very comforting. Even though it deals with death, I find many of the lyrics to have a hopeful tone. "No matter what happens now you shouldn't be afraid. Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen." Best wishes, Carrie.


While I would recommend Arcade Fire's album, Funeral in its entirety, there's one song that has really spoken to me, especially in times of need, and that is the final track In the Backseat. While Funeral has songs that are perfect for recovering from sadness, In the Backseat deals with death, and going through the stages to recovery; such as depression, anger, and acceptance. I would also recommend Festival by Sigur Ros, the first half of the song is solemn, but the latter half is a bit of a "wake up call." That song is just a great way to recover from sadness, and coming to terms with it, and coming out in the end, happy. I'm terribly sorry about your loss, and I wish you the best that life has to offer. Bradley H.


Being that I've had lost loved ones in the past there are a few songs that I recommend that have been powerful and moving. They include:

Videotape - Radiohead

Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space - Spiritualized

Untitled #4 - Sigur Ros

End of the End - Paul McCartney

Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End - The Beatles

Good Night - The Beatles

Motion Picture Soundtrack - Radiohead

Grow Old With Me - John Lennon

I'm sure there are more. But these are the ones I can think of. To Genevieve I wish your brother the best. The loss of a loved whether it be a family member or friend is terrible. Best wishes! Mike.


Thank you once again for your kind and helpful replies guys. See you all back here in October for our next Team Oracle.

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September 12, 2011 - submitted by Cecilia, Mexico


Q. What happen with Moving to Mars, why it doesn't appear in the new disc ?



The Oracle replies:


There were many discussions about whether MTM would make it on to Mylo Xyloto and in the end it was decided to release it as part of the ETIAW ep.

As Major Minus was also on the ep and is going to be on the album, it made sense to leave MTM off.

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September 12, 2011 - submitted by Kelly, United Kingdom


Q. Hey Oracle!

Just heard Paradise. ITS AMAZING!! Love it! But after, I saw news that Rihanna was going to be featured in Princess of China?? I heard the original via YouTube, and I LOVE IT AS IS. Is Rihanna going to be featured?

Thanks! Lots of fangirl love!




The Oracle replies:


I've had a lot of mail about this since the news broke. The first time I heard POC it was just an instrumental. The second time I heard it Chris & Rihanna's vocals had been added. I have to say it sounds amazing.

I then heard the band perform it live. I liked it a lot, but not quite as much. For me it was wise to drop it from the set because it simply didn't sound the same without Rihanna. It was written with her in mind so it makes perfect sense. When you hear it, you will see and hopefully agree.

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September 13, 2011 - submitted by Samuel, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,


It has come to my attention today (about two days late) that I won the Bowers & Wilkins contest to see and meet Coldplay at Austin City Limits Festival in Austin Texas on September 15th-17th. The reason I was so late is that I don't have internet at my house until this coming Monday because I have recently moved into a new house and it has not been set up it (I am sitting at a friends house right now because I knew I hadn't been able to check my email in 2 days, go figure this would happen). Unfortunately because I was unable to respond I believe I have forfeited this amazing opportunity and out of curiosity I thought I might ask if there was anything you might be able to do. As I'm sure you could imagine, this is a dream of an opportunity to go and meet my favorite band and I am already so frustrated that I am even in this situation because I don't think there is any chance I can still redeem my prize (after numerous phone calls/emails). Even if there isn't anything you can do, thanks for reading this and I hope to hear from you either way.


All the best from an enormous fan of you and the band,




The Oracle replies:


I am sorry to hear that and honestly feel your pain. This is a Bowers & Wilkins competition so it's out of my hands. I did link to their terms and conditions last week and in them it clearly gave the closing date. It also stated the turnaround time that winners had to confirm attendance once winning notifications had been sent. They have to ensure that all the winners can attend or they could have no audience.

This is why it is so important not to just tick the "I have read the t&cs" box.

I doubt Bowers & Wilkins will make an exception but I'd keep trying just in case.

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September 13, 2011 - submitted by Mark, United States of America


Q. Hey dear Oracle, I have a question for you!


In the song Clocks by Coldplay I noticed that the lyrics don't even mention the word "clocks"... Why is that?



The Oracle replies:


There are plenty of songs that don't mention the title within the lyrics, though Clocks isn't one of them: Confusion never stops. Closing walls and ticking clocks.

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Oh I'm sorry i didn't realize that this ' job ' was specified for one person only. I saw that nobody had posted the Oracle's answers so i did it.


Actually it's not specified for just one person, she just happens to be the one that does it most often. :nice:




That was exactly what I was going to say.

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14 September 2011 - submitted by Carina, United Kingdom


Q. Dear Almighty Oracle!


Did you know that there is a Berryman Close and a Buckland Road right next to each other in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK?

I just wanted to know if they're Coldplay related or just a coincidence? If it is Coldplay related, then I need to live there! XD

Please answer my question!

From an obsessive Coldplayer. X


The Oracle replies:


Wow Carina, how do you find this stuff out? Amazing! It's a total coincidence but if you'd like a closer look, go to Google maps, type in Buckland Rd, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5TQ, UK and have a nosey around.

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September 14, 2011 - submitted by TImmy, United States of America


Q. What happened to PoC and Up in Flames? I thought Phil announced that they would be the b sides to the Paradise.




The Oracle replies:


I know what you're referring to but when Phil tweeted "Weird sense of relief announcing Mylo Xyloto and release date. Paradise, Up in flames, Princess of China - let's get em out there! PH", he wasn't putting those songs together as one release, he was just freely mentioning some song titles from the album for the first time.

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14 September 2011 - submitted by Carina, United Kingdom[/color]


Q. Dear Almighty Oracle!


Did you know that there is a Berryman Close and a Buckland Road right next to each other in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, UK?

I just wanted to know if they're Coldplay related or just a coincidence? If it is Coldplay related, then I need to live there! XD

Please answer my question!

From an obsessive Coldplayer. X


The Oracle replies:


Wow Carina, how do you find this stuff out? Amazing! It's a total coincidence but if you'd like a closer look, go to Google maps, type in Buckland Rd, Shepton Mallet, BA4 5TQ, UK and have a nosey around.



Hahaha...and if you go a couple of streets over, there is a Christopher Way. It's Coldplay-ville. :laugh3:

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September 14, 2011 - submitted by TImmy, United States of America


Q. What happened to PoC and Up in Flames? I thought Phil announced that they would be the b sides to the Paradise.




The Oracle replies:


I know what you're referring to but when Phil tweeted "Weird sense of relief announcing Mylo Xyloto and release date. Paradise, Up in flames, Princess of China - let's get em out there! PH", he wasn't putting those songs together as one release, he was just freely mentioning some song titles from the album for the first time.



or mentioning the other two songs that will be released as singles *ahem*.

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September 15, 2011 - submitted by Anonymous, United States of America


Q. Hey, Oracle.

I don't think I've ever been in so much stress. My choir teacher's nephew ( my best friend ) is under the influence of drugs. He's been planning to take alcohol/drugs to a hotel the choir will be staying at and having people come to the room late at night. I finally decided to tell my teacher ( his aunt ) what he's been doing and how worried I am. My dad called one of his cop friends to see if they can catch the guy supplying it and drug test my friend today. It didn't happen, due to the fact they needed my name. I want to remain anonymous. I think I'm going to tell him that he should quit and if he can't do that, then I don't want to hang out with him anymore. It's going to be tough, but that's what I'm going to have to resort to. The police is going to investigate the guy selling it, but as for my friend, I'm just scared for him and I love him like a brother.


What should I do? I'm on the verge of tears right now.

Words can not express my gratitude...



The Oracle replies:

You did a very brave thing but now, it's out of your hands. You can choose not to be friends with this boy but you cannot expect him to choose you. I know you hope he will but he may choose the drugs.

Whatever happens you did what you think is right and is best for you and your friend. It's called tough love but sadly it will be tough for you too.

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