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Ask the Oracle on Coldplay.com (Now in session!)


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July 11, 2012 - submitted by Stephen, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle!!! I was recently watching Coldplay's performance of A Message 2010 for Hope For Haiti Now and really liked Chris's beanie. Do you know if there is anyway I can get one or at least one similar to the one he is wearing? Thanks!!!



The Oracle replies:


How very spooky. I was just reading something about Hope For Haiti when your question popped up.

I just happen to know that there was a lot of hat action at the Hospital Club studio that day.

The stripey beanie that Chris was wearing for the Hope for Haiti recording may have been bought that very day from either American Apparel or Urban Outfitters. There is also a chance however that it may have been borrowed from Guy.

We can't be 100% certain as it was so busy.

Steve Alan definitely did a similar hat at one time or another but I can't imagine it's going to be that hard to find a striped beanie to be honest.

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July 12, 2012 - submitted by Justin, Canada


Q. I just recently watched the film, The Amazing Spiderman and during the movie the song Til' Kingdom Come had appeared (really great song). Later that night my sister had sent me through E-Mail the schedule of the concert we are going to attend a couple of weeks and I noticed that it wasn't featured on it. Wouldn't it make sense for Coldplay to perform Til' Kingdom Come at concerts considering it was featured on a pretty popular and anticipating film. Thanks and I am really excited to attend the Coldplay concert in Toronto in a couple of weeks!


P.S: I know that you probably won't want to spoil this for me or anything, but will Coldplay perform the song Moving to Mars anywhere throughout the concert such as an encore or something? It's honestly an amazing song and is tied for my favorite Coldplay songs (along with A Rush of Blood to the Head and Shiver). Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


Not really Justin, the film might be current but the song isn't so unless the band wanted to include it in the set, there's no other reason to.

They do sometimes swap a couple of songs around but as 'Til Kingdom Come was played loads on the Viva & Twisted Logic tours it's not necessarily going to make another appearance. I say "another" because it has been played during the MX Tour.


Regarding the p.s, that's less likely to make an appearance...

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July 12, 2012 - submitted by F Robinson, Peru


Q. Dear O. My doubt is about Til' Kingdom Come, I've heard many times that it was written by Chris looking forward to play it with Johnny Cash, but he passed away and the band could never play it with him. Recently, I've heard people talking about it and some say it was originally written by Mr. Johnny Cash himself, even though I've never heard a Cash version. I would like me to get out of my doubt if you are so kind.



The Oracle replies:


Spidey is making this song very popular with question askers...

It was written BY Coldplay FOR Johnny Cash to sing.

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July 12, 2012 - submitted by Hope, United Kingdom


Q. Hello Oracle!


I was wondering - at the Etihad concert, I was up and waiting ready at roughly 8am and I met a man who I shan't expose, but he had with him the old Chris Martin puppet and he asked to take picture with both the puppets and the fans who were there in the morning. He said he was going to send them into Coldplay.com for a blog of some kind. I just wondered - has/will anything happen with these pictures? And are the puppets likely to make a return any time soon - if only in the way that the person they belong to continues to send in pictures? It'd be great to have them back! Or substitutes, even!


Thank you!

Hope, UK



The Oracle replies:


Ha! You just did expose him! There's only one Chris Martin puppet and only one owner. He's lovely.

I think I have seen the photo actually but no, they're not being published - not via Coldplay.com anyway. The puppets have retired so it's best we leave them to enjoy their time off...

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July 12, 2012 - submitted by Nicolas, Indonesia


Q. Hi Oracle, I just want to ask can Chris do parkour because he said that he loves parkour.



The Oracle replies:


As you've probably noticed, Chris jumps, runs and throws himself around physically during live shows, but it's not parkour. I am sure if he wanted to he could as he's agile, flexible and fit enough but he doesn't do it.

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July 11, 2012 - submitted by Tony, United States of America


Q. Dear all-knowing Oracle,


About a year ago, I stumbled upon a Coldplay song named Harmless and to be quite honest, it has to be the best song I've ever heard. Sadly, the track ends abruptly and doesn't seem to have a real ending. My question is, was this track ever released on an actual album or single? And if it was, is there anyway I could get a hold of the entire track (ending included)? This has bothered me for quite some time and I figured, who better to ask than the Oracle. Thanks in advance. :D



The Oracle replies:


Harmelss was written during the A Rush Of Blood To The Head sessions back at the end of 2001.

It didn't make it on to the album and wasn't selected for a b-side or anything either so the only version that remains is the demo that Chris recorded.

Let's just say that it was leaked on the Internet which is why there is only the one abrupt ending recording. You won't find it anywhere else.


but there is a full leaked version... it's on youtube and everything...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bm8CwQrEcI8]Coldplay - Harmless ( Full Version ) - YouTube[/ame]


unless that person is considering this one the one with the "abrupt ending"??? :P

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July 13, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 19th July.


My dad was in a really bad car accident and injured his brain, he was in a coma for a month and slowly came out. Now doing just amazing but I can't help to notice he's not really acting like himself.

My dad is my best friend in the whole world, he's been with me through everything: my mom leaving me to go do drugs, (they weren't together, I was a mistake, stay away from gin kids) our house catching on fire, both my step mom and him didn't have a job, me going to some shelter for a month then to live with my cousins who were mean to me then moving up to the mountains about two months after the wreck on April 19th. I'm only 12. He's been there even when I drive him up the wall with Coldplay, he's still been there.

I feel extremely weird telling some strangers about my life but I was just hoping you could give me some advice on what to do.

Please answer me back it would mean a bunch!


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

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July 13, 2012 - submitted by Carol, Argentina




I am struggling with my daily life. I find it hard to attend to all of my duties in an organized way. This makes me feel distressed since I want to succeed in life and reach my goals. I started the year thinking that I would get over my difficulties but I am still carrying their burden. So please I need your help. Thing is I'm trying to do a myriad of things at the same time and it is definitely not working. I have an English tutor, a French tutor, I am starting to learn Arabic on my own with videos I find on the internet, plus I have a part time job which occupies 25 hours of my week. I know that as I write it everything sounds wonderful, but when it comes to sitting down and studying I cannot concentrate and end up wasting my time on Facebook for example. Then the tutor day comes, and I've done nothing. I have deadlines & examinations. I cannot waste my time, honestly. Languages take up a lot of time. And I want this year to be worth it. Another detail is that I sleep almost 11 hours a day, I can't wake up early and I go to bed late. Any tips for organizing myself and enjoy life? I love what I study, so that's not something to discuss.

Thank you so much.



The Oracle replies:


Carol, don't worry. Goal setting is one thing but sticking to it is quite another.

You're in a cycle that may be hard to break but until you do, you will be stuck in it.

The way forward is for you to break old habits and practise new ones.

You can't get up early because you go to bed late so you need to get into a new routine of going to bed earlier. Your body will soon get used to it.

As you work so hard, add in timed breaks to your schedule. This time should be where you allow distractions such as facebook etc but do set alarms to stick to the time limits if you struggle.

All of your issues arise from not disciplining yourself on time restraints. If you work better with a timetable, set one and reward yourself when completed.

Once it becomes habit, it will be easier.

The only thing I can't work out is the studying of Arabic. It sounds like that's something you've decided to do in your spare time away from your studies. Maybe it's an idea to put that on the back burner until you have your routine mapped out and more time to spend on it.

It could be possible you're taking too much so have a look if there's anything that can wait. There's no rush to do everything at once. Prioritize your work, studies, chores and social life to make it flow better.

Writing down lists of things to do in the order they need doing and having that somewhere you can see it may help you. It sounds like a visual aid of timetable / list / calendar with deadlines will help you so give that a go.

The more you do this the easier your life will be to manage.

Good luck. It's going to be hard but this works.

Over to you.


I'm a little young to be responding as I'm only 15, but high school is just as crazy. I've got tennis lessons, homework, volunteering, job hunting.. It can get complicated. I suggest finding a calendar/daybook that YOU personalize. It seems like if you make something genuinely yours (like covering it in Coldplay lyrics) you're more apt to want to look at it and carry it around. By planning out your schedule and having it be tangible, you won't forget it.

Hope things sort out,

Maddie, NC.


I have studied different languages before and loved it. Don't give it up if you like it. However, you mentioned you are learning Arabic on your own (which is really cool!) but maybe you should hold off on the Arabic until you have learned more French and English. It's easier learning languages when your brain isn't processing several new ones at the same time. This would make it easier to focus on French and English and give you more time for other duties. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on Arabic! Push it aside for 2 weeks and see if your time seems more manageable. Having basic knowledge of the language will make it much more easier if you ever decide to get a tutor for Arabic.

I admire you for you desire to learn other languages. It's not easy! Gavin.


Carol, it's sounds like you need a break. It's wonderful that you are learning three languages at once, and have a job, but maybe it's too much at once. It's hard learning just one language at a time, let alone two or three. You need a little break, and this is why you're spending time on Facebook. There seems like there's just too much going on at once and you're doing each thing only half-way. Take time to pick say, one language to learn and focus on that and become fluent before learning another. This is the best thing you can do for yourself, academically and mentally. Good luck, Phoebe.


It is very normal to be unorganized. It seems so much easier to sleep and play and leave our things about and have absolutely no responsibilities. But let me tell you, it is not a good habit to get into. My parents are divorced and I live with my mum. I visit my Dad twice and a week and spend one weekend with him and one weekend with my Mum. This means that I've got to carry books for the next day with me if I'm staying over at my Dad's, or kit or homework and it is EXHAUSTING! My bags are ALWAYS heavy. So due to my circumstances, I have to be organized. And so do you. Becoming organized won't happen over night, but with time and effort it will occur. Start by getting yourself one of those organizer diaries, you know, the ones with 2012 written on the front. If you write down the things that you have to do or remember or study then at least they're there and you know to look back at them. Try to stay focused too. If these language studies are important to you, then you need to keep reminding yourself of that and giving yourself a kick up the backside. If it's important, you'll try your complete and utter best.

Thanks for reading, Maia x


I feel the same way, Carol. It's so hard to do the right thing. I go to bed late then I can't wake up early and sometimes I lose my schedules. Even when I need to do something I love, I just go there and waste my time with something I shouldn't. When these answers come out they will help me too. I know how hard it is and even my friends and family sometimes make some jokes about it and I feel more down. I want you to know that you are not the only one who pass through this. I need some help with procrastination too. Danielle, Brazil.


My husband tells me "don't try to eat the elephant with one bite, take one bite at a time". I became one of those people who would not say "no". Learning this was awkward at first, but in the end it gave me freedom from the burden of not being able to fulfill many commitments. It sounds as if you are overwhelming yourself with so many activities. List your priorities. Make attainable goals. Set yourself limits. Live, love, and be happy! Keep listening to Coldplay! Katarina.


It's great that you love what you do, and you seem like a bright student. You seem to have a lot on your plate, and it seems as though you need to sit down and set your priorities straight. You are learning multiple languages at a time, which is very difficult and takes a good amount of time to study and master. Try getting a single tutor for both English and French. Assign a language to each night of the week and focus on that language.

When it comes to your academic studies, set aside a set time for each task you must complete per night, and don't procrastinate. In between each task, take five minutes to get a glass of water or stand up and stretch. Prioritize each of the assignments by due dates and amount of work needed to be done. Sleeping is important, and the recommended dose is about 8-10 hours per night. Use that extra hour for some exercise or something that you enjoy doing; do something that doesn't involve sitting down!

Slow down, take it one step at a time, and it sounds like you have a very bright future ahead:) Good luck. Lauren.


I think it's great that you've set so many goals for yourself. However, in order to achieve them and keep your life together at the same time, you're going to need a lot of discipline. I understand that it's easy to be distracted by friends and the internet. If you're serious about reaching these goals, though, you're going to have to put them before all of that. I think it mostly comes down to organizing yourself so that you wont feel as overwhelmed. If you are organized, and still feel too much pressure, give yourself a break. You can always handle one at a time( still very impressive). As for sleeping, I'd suggest going to bed earlier so you can also wake up earlier. If you have trouble going to sleep at an earlier time, try to cut back on sugar and caffeine. I have trouble sleeping too, and I've found that helps a bit. Good luck. Love, Darem.


You said you didn't want to cut back on studies, but it seems your well-being and happiness is suffering because of it. If you don't consider dropping a language, you might end up going mad! In order to keep from feeling overwhelmed, don't think too far ahead about work and examinations. Live in the present and finish what needs to be completed at the moment. This will keep you turning up with small successes rather than one big failure. Getting organized will do you wonders! Take a day off and buy a daily planner and plan out EVERYTHING for the next few weeks. Schedule your tutoring, work, bedtime, and something fun for yourself. The hardest part about this is actually sticking to it, but if you are truly determined, you will find that it is much easier to get through the day and do everything you want to. Best of luck! Blake.


I had the same type of problem, going through the school year. I was getting up at five to get to school, get home and work until the late afternoon. Then I had to finish all the homework, not to mention house hold chores and such. Not a fun time. But, the point is to set a time in your head. think, if I do 15 minutes of work, I'll reward myself with 15 minutes of facebook, or a power-nap, maybe even a snack.

Make it feel like in your head that you cannot have the reward until you have finished a bit of work. Start small, with small amounts of work, and nice rewards.

Eventually, make it more realistic, and even out your schedule. It will be hard, but we all have our own types of loads to carry. "Gravity" pushes on everyone" just make sure you don't think of doing all your work at once, or you'll never get it done.

Think of one subject, one book, one page at a time, and eventually, I promise you, you'll surprise yourself of how much you can accomplish. Good luck with your work, and don't forget to focus!

Your friend, J.


Thanks to all those who replied. Remember, Team Oracle is open to anyone so if you fancy joining in, click to read this week's question, and send us your answer.

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July 13, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom[/color][/b]



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 19th July.


My dad was in a really bad car accident and injured his brain, he was in a coma for a month and slowly came out. Now doing just amazing but I can't help to notice he's not really acting like himself.

My dad is my best friend in the whole world, he's been with me through everything: my mom leaving me to go do drugs, (they weren't together, I was a mistake, stay away from gin kids) our house catching on fire, both my step mom and him didn't have a job, me going to some shelter for a month then to live with my cousins who were mean to me then moving up to the mountains about two months after the wreck on April 19th. I'm only 12. He's been there even when I drive him up the wall with Coldplay, he's still been there.

I feel extremely weird telling some strangers about my life but I was just hoping you could give me some advice on what to do.

Please answer me back it would mean a bunch!


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]

oh wow :stunned:
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July 13, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom[/color][/b]



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 19th July.


My dad was in a really bad car accident and injured his brain, he was in a coma for a month and slowly came out. Now doing just amazing but I can't help to notice he's not really acting like himself.

My dad is my best friend in the whole world, he's been with me through everything: my mom leaving me to go do drugs, (they weren't together, I was a mistake, stay away from gin kids) our house catching on fire, both my step mom and him didn't have a job, me going to some shelter for a month then to live with my cousins who were mean to me then moving up to the mountains about two months after the wreck on April 19th. I'm only 12. He's been there even when I drive him up the wall with Coldplay, he's still been there.

I feel extremely weird telling some strangers about my life but I was just hoping you could give me some advice on what to do.

Please answer me back it would mean a bunch!


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]


Oh wow. I wish I could help this person.

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July 13, 2012 - submitted by The Oracle, United Kingdom[/color][/b]



When I answer questions of a personal nature, Coldplay.com readers often get in touch with their own thoughts. So, we now have a weekly feature, Team Oracle, whereby each Friday (with the question asker's permission) we open up a question to all of you to answer too. Then, the following Friday, I'll post a selection of the best answers, alongside my own reply.

ANYONE can join in so, if you'd like to, please email your response to the following question, in no more than 250 words, to [email protected] before midnight Thursday 19th July.


My dad was in a really bad car accident and injured his brain, he was in a coma for a month and slowly came out. Now doing just amazing but I can't help to notice he's not really acting like himself.

My dad is my best friend in the whole world, he's been with me through everything: my mom leaving me to go do drugs, (they weren't together, I was a mistake, stay away from gin kids) our house catching on fire, both my step mom and him didn't have a job, me going to some shelter for a month then to live with my cousins who were mean to me then moving up to the mountains about two months after the wreck on April 19th. I'm only 12. He's been there even when I drive him up the wall with Coldplay, he's still been there.

I feel extremely weird telling some strangers about my life but I was just hoping you could give me some advice on what to do.

Please answer me back it would mean a bunch!


Look forward to seeing your replies.

The Oracle



The Oracle replies:


Please email your replies to [email protected]


Now that''s one who has problems. :thinking:

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July 16, 2012 - submitted by Kimberly, United States of America


Q. Oh my french toast sticks, I have been trying to figure this one out for a while, but I am stumped. Can you tell me where this is from?

Here's to hoping you can shed some light! Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


That looped clip is taken from a Make Poverty History campaign video.

MPH made short films with celebrities snapping their fingers every three seconds to represent when a child unnecessarily died from poverty.

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July 16, 2012 - submitted by Kenzo, Mexico


Q. Coldplay please I have really nice pictures of you guys in the toyota center in Houston I would love if you can see them please with all my heart



The Oracle replies:


The best option for your photos to be seen is to upload them to the Live Transmissions section of the website.

If your pics are on tumblr, you never know, they may end up on ours.

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July 16, 2012 - submitted by Mansi, United States of America


Q. Do Chris/Coldplay call their studio The Bakery because of Chris' love for Sherlock Holmes? Also I went the the 2nd Houston show and am seriously still speechless. That was truly the greatest night of my LIFE. I've loved Coldplay since I was 10 and 9 years later have not stopped. I hope you can relay this message to Coldplay and tell them how much they truly mean to me. Their music has helped me in my good times and bad and I will never be able to repay them for their musical genius. I myself am a musician and til this day have never been able to write a decent song and continue being in awe of their intellect. Please tell them thank you for what they do and that they are truly inspirational, spectacular and the GREATEST musicians of my time.



The Oracle replies:


Do you mean because of Baker Street? The street is named after the builder who laid the street out (William Baker). The bakery used to be an actual bakery so that's how it got its name.

Jonny is a huge fan of Sherlock Holmes too by the way.

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July 17, 2012 - submitted by Els, Belgium


Q. Hi


Will Coldplay perform this year 2012 in Belgium for the current tour?



The Oracle replies:


The Netherlands is your nearest - check the live section on this site for all current dates.

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July 17, 2012 - submitted by Laura, United Kingdom


Q. My boyfriend wants to get a Coldplay tattoo. He's a major fan. What lyrics would you suggest?



The Oracle replies:


I wouldn't! A tattoo is so personal I think it should mean something to him so to that end, I think he should give a great deal of thought as to what he wants permanently inked on his skin.

If he doesn't know what to choose, I reckon he should wait until he does.

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July 17, 2012 - submitted by Arturo, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle, I need your help. On twitter I saw that Coldplay have been nominated for an award. I clicked on the link, tried to sign up, but it didn't work. I had my sister try and do it too, but it did the same to her. When it asks you to sign up, it doesn't ask you to make a password, and the password for your email doesn't work either so I don't know what password to use! I couldn't log in and vote.

Please help.



The Oracle replies:


You don't choose a password; it chooses one for you initially.

When you sign-up, an email will be sent to the email address you registered with. This will include your log in details and password.

That's what you use to vote.

Looks like you can use your facebook details to vote too.

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July 12, 2012 - submitted by Hope, United Kingdom[/color][/b]


Q. Hello Oracle!


I was wondering - at the Etihad concert, I was up and waiting ready at roughly 8am and I met a man who I shan't expose, but he had with him the old Chris Martin puppet and he asked to take picture with both the puppets and the fans who were there in the morning. He said he was going to send them into Coldplay.com for a blog of some kind. I just wondered - has/will anything happen with these pictures? And are the puppets likely to make a return any time soon - if only in the way that the person they belong to continues to send in pictures? It'd be great to have them back! Or substitutes, even!


Thank you!

Hope, UK



The Oracle replies:


Ha! You just did expose him! There's only one Chris Martin puppet and only one owner. He's lovely.

I think I have seen the photo actually but no, they're not being published - not via Coldplay.com anyway. The puppets have retired so it's best we leave them to enjoy their time off...


I was there as well, he was very nice and let us hold chris's puppet to take pictures with it !! I have been looking for the blog everywhere since but sadly I couldnt find it !!

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July 18, 2012 - submitted by Linah, Netherlands


Q. Where's Mylo Xyloto recorded? The Bakery or the Beehive? They are both not used anymore, aren't they?



The Oracle replies:


It was recorded at both the Bakery and the Beehive and actually, they are both still used.

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July 18, 2012 - submitted by Yasmin, United Kingdom


Q. Is there anyway I can buy one of the puppets from the Viva la Vida tour?



The Oracle replies:


The puppets that were used in the Life in Technicolor ii video were the only ones made; we didn't make replicas.

They were sold earlier this year for charity so I'm afraid you can't buy them or any in their likeness.

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July 18, 2012 - submitted by Coldplay Fan, United States of America


Q. Dear Oracle,

I've been hearing a lot about this Coldplay film and want some clarification as to what exactly it is. Someone told me it was like Live 2003 (only Live 2012), but I've also heard that it refers to the Mylo Xyloto animated film. Could you please tell me exactly what this is and also when we can expect it to be released? Thanks!



The Oracle replies:


Well, I can see why there has been some confusion but they are separate things.

The Coldplay film that we announced via twitter is a live concert of the MX tour. We have not given any further details out so I'd keep an eye out for any future announcements from Anchorman on that.

The Mylo Xyloto animated film was ditched quite some time ago and well before the album surfaced. There is now a comic in its place.

More details of that can be found here.

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July 19, 2012 - submitted by David, United States of America


Q. Hi Oracle,


My first Coldplay song was, Paradise and it hooked me to Coldplay for life. It also hooked me to Mylo Xyloto. I'm loving the whole album. Not just the main tracks, I mean all the tracks, even UFO is a very meaningful song. The whole album works like magic. Since that i'm backtracking all the Coldplay albums and I love what im hearing.


I was little disappointed it wasn't selected as a nominee for Grammys. Why is that? Do you think it'll be the album of the year for next Grammys? Paradise should have won a Grammy, it is that good. Will it be eligible for next year too?





The Oracle replies:


Mylo Xyloto was released on 24th October 2011 and the eligibility period for the 2012 Grammy Awards was October 1st 2010 to September 30th 2011.

That means the album and singles will be eligible for the Grammys 2013 but who knows what will be nominated and subsequently win?

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