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Movie Scenes that shocked you


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I remeber the first time I saw "Brave Heart"...there is a scene in the 2nd or 3rd fight where you see that a man that fights on William Wallace's side brakes a food of an enemy..THAT second or less scene REALLY kind of schoked me :stunned:

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One of the most shocking scenes to me was in the movie "El laberinto del fauno", when Ofelia entered the room & the monster woke up. The scene was shocking because the monster was the weirdest monsters I've ever seen in my life.....check this out, his eyes were....ON HIS PALMS & HE WAS JUST SKIN :confused: !!!!

But it's a FANTASTIC movie.....if u didn't see it, u gotta check it out ;) !!

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The first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. (My favorite movie, but I still cringe sometimes during the D-Day scene)


As mentioned, the scene in the Pianist with the boy...also when they throw the guy in the wheelchair out the window.

Anything in Schindler's List...


AND the ending of Atonement...WTF. Seriously? That was almost TOO big of a shock.

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AND the ending of Atonement...WTF. Seriously? That was almost TOO big of a shock.


:rolleyes:OH I KNOW!!!! I was soooo looking forward to this movie...and them BAM!!!...the writers hit you with the worst ending of all freakin time!!!! :stunned: :)

If you think that is bad.... don't EVER watch 'Gone with the Wind'...


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I Have watched Gone With the Wind! :smug: But yeaaah that was baaaaad.

Oh and I have also read Atonement by (the wonderful indeed) Ian McEwan. Read it a couple of months ago and it was beautiful.




My Girl and Bridge to Terabithia were also shocking because of the kid's deaths. I was sooo not expecting them! :cry:

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My Girl and Bridge to Terabithia were also shocking because of the kid's deaths. I was sooo not expecting them! :cry:


lol didn't read the book then? I did years ago (one of my secret all time favs) so I didn't choose to watch the movie until last week. The movie had the worst commercial anvertising campaign, made it look like a piece of crap CGI movie, I was angry until I found out that the movie wasn't a pitiful injustice to the book, just the commercials. It was kind of a good thing actually, that people didn't exactly know what they were getting into, more impact that way.

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lol didn't read the book then? I did years ago (one of my secret all time favs) so I didn't choose to watch the movie until last week. The movie had the worst commercial anvertising campaign, made it look like a piece of crap CGI movie, I was angry until I found out that the movie wasn't a pitiful injustice to the book, just the commercials. It was kind of a good thing actually, that people didn't exactly know what they were getting into, more impact that way.


I don't think there was a dry eye in the theater. PARENTS were crying.

You are right though, the commercials made it look like some kind of Narnia movie or something, whereas in the movie those things aren't real...they are in the kid's imagination.

I read the book in second grade, but only to the middle, so I really had no idea....

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How about Audition? YOWSAH...very strange, indeed and definitely shocking.


I'll agree with The Others - was a good twist and rather shocking.


Someone mentioned Trainspotting - yeah...the baby scene still haunts me. After becoming a mother, I can't watch that crap anymore, even if it's just a movie. Sickening...


A Tale of Two Sisters - definitely had me guessing!


The Sixth Sense - before everyone knew about the twist, it definitely got me! The suspense in that movie is so well done. I love M. Night!


Pan's Labyrinth, as mentioned above - WOW. Not what I expected at all. There were so many shocking scenes. But I still loved it. Guillermo del Toro is amazing. The Devil's Backbone is also wonderful and quite spooky. The Orphanage (though not directed by del Toro) was really good, though heart-wrenching...had a decent shock there!


I'm sure there are some I'm leaving out at the moment...

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hmm...don't want to give anything away...here's a very vague summary from imbd, which doesn't really tell you much hehe:


A lonely Japanese widower whose son is planning to move out of the house soon expresses his sadness to a friend and fellow film producer, who becomes inspired to hold an audition for a non-existent film so that the widower can select a new potential bride from the resulting audition pool. The widower ultimately becomes enamored with and fascinated by one particular young woman...but first impressions can often be horribly wrong....

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hmm...don't want to give anything away...here's a very vague summary from imbd, which doesn't really tell you much hehe:


A lonely Japanese widower whose son is planning to move out of the house soon expresses his sadness to a friend and fellow film producer, who becomes inspired to hold an audition for a non-existent film so that the widower can select a new potential bride from the resulting audition pool. The widower ultimately becomes enamored with and fascinated by one particular young woman...but first impressions can often be horribly wrong....


I just googled it and read what happeneds in the movie and...its HORRIBLE...how could watch that????:stunned:

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ugh, yeah, but not as bad as some, thankfully. Just some tree limbs down and loss of power for 6.5 hrs...most of my friends/family still don't have power back!! I go back to work tomorrow though...BOO! oh well...glad it wasn't worse. we took the boards off of the windows today. probably should've left them up...you never know!

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The first 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan. (My favorite movie, but I still cringe sometimes during the D-Day scene)


As mentioned, the scene in the Pianist with the boy...also when they throw the guy in the wheelchair out the window.

Anything in Schindler's List...


AND the ending of Atonement...WTF. Seriously? That was almost TOO big of a shock.


Yeah, Saving Private Ryan is up there as one of my favourites, I know what you mean by the D-Day scene.

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