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Movie Scenes that shocked you


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The 'magic trick' scene in The Dark Knight


And I remember watching Trainspotting a few years ago (must have been 10 at the time) and getting to the part when they show the dead baby, that picture just stuck in my head as one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Trainspotting itself is an incredibly disturbing movie, one needs a strong gut to endure it.

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The 'magic trick' scene in The Dark Knight


And I remember watching Trainspotting a few years ago (must have been 10 at the time) and getting to the part when they show the dead baby, that picture just stuck in my head as one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Trainspotting itself is an incredibly disturbing movie, one needs a strong gut to endure it.


Like all Danny Boyle films

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There is this scene in The Pianist where a kid tries to get back into the Warsaw Ghetto because he had gone to the other side to get food.He tries to crawl under in a hole in the wall.The main character tries to help him but the kid gets caught on the other side by the SS and they break both his legs while he is trying to get on the other side and the kid dies. It's awful.You see the pain and fear in the kid's eyes and the main character's eyes.It's such a sad and awful scene

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There is this scene in The Pianist where a kid tries to get back into the Warsaw Ghetto because he had gone to the other side to get food.He tries to crawl under in a hole in the wall.The main character tries to help him but the kid gets caught on the other side by the SS and they break both his legs while he is trying to get on the other side and the kid dies. It's awful.You see the pain and fear in the kid's eyes and the main character's eyes.It's such a sad and awful scene


I forgot about that one. What an amazing movie. That scene was like a train wreck for me in that despite its being deeply upsetting and awful, I was too riveted to look away.

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I forgot about that one. What an amazing movie. That scene was like a train wreck for me in that despite its being deeply upsetting and awful, I was too riveted to look away.


Yeah it's an amazing movie.It's just horrible to think that things like that happened (and still happen though in a different context)

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^that was a scene that is hard to forget...



For me Id say during Dark Knight (big shocker there:dozey:) when the Joker has Batman pinned down and (SPOILER ALERT, SPOILER ALERT!!!) expects the two ships to blow each other up, he slicks his fingers just as he thinks it's gonna happen. The whole movie was so unpredictable you were really expecting it to happen but it just stays silent and neither ship explodes the other.


People who have seen Dark Knight know what Im talking about.



I agree! I also thought it was shocking when the prisoner took the remote...and threw it out the window! :o I did not expect that.

And when Batman went after Harvey Dent and not Rachel? Wooow.


For me the most shocking/fucked up scene ever is the ending of The Mist. Oh God. :sick: The man kills his son, his potential girlfriend, and two elderly people to put them out of their misery, runs outside so he can get eaten by the creatures in the mist, and the mist clears up and the army drives by with a truckload of refugees. :dozey:


The ending of 'The Others'


In the remake of 'The Omen' the dad is having a nightmare and you see this satanic look preist looking straight into the camera grinning while dropping a bloody newborn in a grave. :sick:



*EDIT* I found the ending to The Mist! Don't watch or read my post if you plan on seeing it. :P It's pretty good. Traumatic, maybe.


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The ending of 'The Others'


Oh yeah that's pretty scary...or disturbing.Me and my friend watched one night and finished the movie around 2 am so it was really dark and silent in the house. We had to watch at 5 friends episodes in order to get over the ending.It was creepy.

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There is this scene in The Pianist where a kid tries to get back into the Warsaw Ghetto because he had gone to the other side to get food.He tries to crawl under in a hole in the wall.The main character tries to help him but the kid gets caught on the other side by the SS and they break both his legs while he is trying to get on the other side and the kid dies. It's awful.You see the pain and fear in the kid's eyes and the main character's eyes.It's such a sad and awful scene


One of my favorite movies... Adrien Brody <3

Will have to pop this in the DVD player soon, haven't seen it in a while.

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Requiem for a Dream when that woman is getting shock therapy. And also when you see Jared Leto's character and his messed up arm. Just horrible. I have only seen that film once, and I'm really not sure if I can sit through it again!


And what a haunting soundtrack!

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