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i have facebook just to freak out my real life friends with my coldplay quotes and my cp friends ( who are my real friends tooo ) get it. but no one reaaly cares what i am doing or thinking i post like once a day for maybe a total of 2 min online. it is nice to meet up with old friends but what if someone wants to be your friend and you dont want to? and do you have to respond right away to someone that posts on your page? its a lot of work

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i don't really get twitter either. kara's right, it's just facebook statuses to me. and while i don't mind facebook statuses on facebook, i don't really need them to be sent to my phone or whatver, thanks. my friend, who's a hardcore journalism student, thinks that twitter is the way of the future for breaking news, and apparently lots of people think that. i don't really get it, but apparently twitter has been around for a while and twitter was the first place that had news on the big tsunami in 2004? so i've heard, anyway.


though i think i'll keep any eye on the coldplay one just for a bit. i'm not hopeful, but if it's the guys themselves actually updating it with random stuff, i'd be more interested than if it's just "NEW SINGLE OUT ON FEBRUARY 2" or whatever.

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