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school schedule


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Okay.. so there may be a thread like this all ready.. but i was too lazy to look it up.



Anyways peeps of coldplaying, if you're still attending school, post your schedule for all of us to see.


Mine is...


Monday- No classes, but I work!

Tuesday- Intermediate algebra(hate math), swk and human behavior and gerontology: women and aging

wednesday- swk general practice..530pm to 820pm.. baaah plus working 9-4

thursday- same as tuesday minus the gerontology class

friday- no classes... again! but I work



So only 12 credits, but I plan on working alot too:)


Oh and if in college whats your major?


Mine is Social work with a minor in gerontology

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I'm going to be a senior in high school. I have all 7 classes everyday but in different orders. :thinking: We have A, B, and C days.




You can imagine how confused I was when I was a freshman. :confused:


A: AP Statistics

B: AP English Literature

C: French IV

D: Lunch/AP Government

E: Study Hall :D :D :D

F: Art II

G: Journalism II

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Here is mine :)

Monday: History of Africa, Nazi Germany

Tuesday: History and Sociology of Genocide

Wednesday: History of Africa, Visual Media

Thursday: Age of Dictators 1930-45, International Law, Criminal Justice and Human Rights.

Friday: no classes


I'm in Genocide and Human Rights Studies in case you wonder about the grim subjects

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I'm going to be a senior in high school. I have all 7 classes everyday but in different orders. :thinking: We have A, B, and C days.




You can imagine how confused I was when I was a freshman. :confused:


A: AP Statistics

B: AP English Literature

C: French IV

D: Lunch/AP Government

E: Study Hall :D :D :D

F: Art II

G: Journalism II


:stunned: Holy Shit.. how the hellll did you memorize that!


Here is mine :)

Monday: History of Africa, Nazi Germany

Tuesday: History and Sociology of Genocide

Wednesday: History of Africa, Visual Media

Thursday: Age of Dictators 1930-45, International Law, Criminal Justice and Human Rights.

Friday: no classes


I'm in Genocide and Human Rights Studies in case you wonder about the grim subjects


Interesting! Your thursday looks busy! But then friday off :) Guessin your in Uni from the courses?



I dont get my sched till first day of class :(

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Monday: Citizenship education(=Economics), Biology (biotechnology), Social Psychology

Tuesday: Psychology (Social psychology) , Health Education, Swedish, Finnish

Wednesday: Economics, Biology, Swedish, Health Education

Thursday: same as tuesday

Friday: Finnish, Economics, Biotechnology



So i basically have 6 courses, weho. Oh, and i'm gonna take my "matriculation exams" (or a-levels or whatever) in Biology and Health Education (+swedish, finnish, english & maths)

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I'm a teacher, so my subjects don't vary but the groups I teach do. As of September 1st my timetable will be:


Monday: Year 9, Y7, Free period, Y 9, Y 7

Tuesday: Free, Y 9, Y 11, Y 7, Y 8

Wednesday: Free, Y 9, Y 8, Y 8, Y 9

Thursday: Double Year 11, Y 7, Free, Free (gonna love Thursdays!)

Friday: Free, Y 7, Y 8, Y 7, Y 9 (finishing the week with my favourite group :smug:)

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:stunned: Holy Shit.. how the hellll did you memorize that!


I dont get my sched till first day of class :(



It took a good week to understand the day changes. :P

I hate when they give you your schedule the first day. :confused: Then you're stuck wandering around all day. They mailed me mine the first week of August.

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Well I have four classes a day....1.5 hours long each...but it's block scheduling. I don't have my exact schedule yet, but here are the classes I'm taking:


~AP Language and Composition (English)

~AP European History

~Calculus 1

~Honors Chemistry

~Honors Spanish 4


~Drawing and Painting 2

~Film into Fiction

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MONDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to american studies (1:30-2:45)

[i've already taken a class in american studies, but this is required if american studies is my major]

TUESDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to film studies (1:30-2:45)

WEDNESDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), creative writing: fiction (1:30-4:15)

THURSDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to american studies (1:30-2:45)

FRIDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to film studies (1:30-2:45)


i wish i didn't have to get up so early every day :dead:

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I go to Art's School (Institut Saint Luc, Tournai Belgium) ! In Design and Illustration !


I do not still know my schedules but I know that I am going to study the anthropology, the art history, the techniques of video and of photography and naturally I am going to spend most of my time in studio graphics to realize my projects !

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I'm going to be a senior in high school. I have all 7 classes everyday but in different orders. :thinking: We have A, B, and C days.




You can imagine how confused I was when I was a freshman. :confused:


A: AP Statistics

B: AP English Literature

C: French IV

D: Lunch/AP Government

E: Study Hall :D :D :D

F: Art II

G: Journalism II


mine is similar to that but a 4 day schedule. Oh and it's the first year they're doing the schedules this way. We're the Guinea Pig year and they're testing out a new system on us.

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MONDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to american studies (1:30-2:45)

[i've already taken a class in american studies, but this is required if american studies is my major]

TUESDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to film studies (1:30-2:45)

WEDNESDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), creative writing: fiction (1:30-4:15)

THURSDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to american studies (1:30-2:45)

FRIDAY: arabic (8:30-9:20), intro to film studies (1:30-2:45)


i wish i didn't have to get up so early every day :dead:


a lot of arabic :P





mine is something like


Monday and Wednesday:


  • Chilean political development (8:30-9:50)
  • population's sociology (something like that) (10:00-11:20)
  • intro to international relationships (11.30-12:50)

tuesday and Thursday:


  • Systematic sociology (10:00-11:20)(I don't really know how to translate subjects :P)
  • Math (15:00 - 16:20)

and some random lessons at friday (not every friday)

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same schedule 5 days

1. ap statistics

2. ap us history

3. gym

4. honors math analysis

5. lunch!!!

6. Honors physics

7. Honors spanish

8. Honors english



:stunned: someone's a genius....


I only get mine the first day of school. :(

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Ugh Justin have fun taking APUSH...I HATED THAT CLASS. :dead: Workload is sooooo much.


don't all you guys that have the same schedule every day get bored? i'd hate to have math first every day...i liked that we changed it up a bit in my school.


I've had math first period two years in a row...and sucked ass. >____< No one talks because it's math and it bores the hell out of me. I end up talking to friends the whole class because it's god awfully boring.

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awww, i liked APUSH. it was kind of hard, but i had my favorite teacher for it (my school was so small that teachers teach multiple subjects, so i'd had him three times previously). he could be a total ass, and he made it hard sometimes, but it was really fun for me.


Yeah, that was the only thing I liked about the class: my teacher and (most) of the kids there (Remember that sexist douche bag I always complained about? :lol: ). My teacher was the coolest and he had a sense of humor. We could joke to him about anything and he was just fun. It's just the material was boring to me and I just didn't like it. And even though I liked my teacher, he gave us so much outlining it was nuts. He made up for it for being amazing. He's a legend at my school because of us haha.

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